@edensk Thanx! My bad, not assigning AG6 to the left pylon. The exhaust though... I noticed it behaves a bit strange. Sometimes it looks quite normal, and sometimes it seems very narrow. Dunno why... height & width are the same scale. Any ideas what the problem could be?
@MrACEpilot Why not Iraqi..? It could have been almost anything else -it's hard to find a country that didn't have 21's at some point. But why would I want to blast some poor Polish or Czech pilot's Mig in a dogfight..? :D :D
@EngineerOtaku bah... I gave up on "camouflage schemes" long ago. It's one of SP's limitations; any attempt to camouflage patterns invariably f*s up the build. Whatever you do, it's always going to look bad and give the plane that "lego-quality" feel. No blotches, stripes, spots etc for me -at least until SP's developers discover textures. Good idea about the different models though -I may do some tweaking when I get the time...
@DaDerpachu123 you already have some pretty decent Mig's, it seems -don't think you need too many tips. Mine has more small details, but mich higher part count... that's always a trade-off.
@AircraftoftheRedStar One Yak-15 was claimed to be shot down by a Douglas F3D-2 in Korea. The F3's pilot could have been mistaken of course... but the Yak-15 looks quite recognizable. It would, of course, have been in North Korean colors then... so the paintjob is off.
@Brields95 nope, definitely the XP-72. The 69 looks quite a bit different, and (would have) had a Wright Tornado engine. The 69 was cancelled even before the 72...
@asteroidbook345 that's what they got for trying to squeeze a 28-cyl 4-row radial engine into a single-seater ;) ugly to look at, but it would have been a blast... only marginally slower than the Me-262 but with a much better rate of climb. With four 37mm cannons, something you definitely want to get away from -but can't.
@JediWolf yeah, I know -but that would be cheating terribly, wouldn't it? The real H22/V1 combo was dangerous on takeoff, so... besides, the CoL offset might be more of a problem than the mass. And anyway, once you get the hang of it, takeoff is not an issue -it's just not very elegant...
@Diloph Thanks, but that would be too much praise. Probably some guy at Bell Telephone Labs cooked it up. The solution is as straightforward as it is ugly. Sorry I couldn't slip this one into your challenge, BTW... I had no idea how to shave off 350 parts.
@VVMC well... they're not exactly my favorite planes. So that would have to be a big "maybe" -whenever I'm out of inspiration. Thanks for the suggestion though.
@Alta2809 Hardly worth a "tutorial" -it would be a very short one indeed. It's a simple XML-mod (best use Overload); just re-scale & re-color the exhaust of VTOL nozzles to suit your particular need. You can scour them off my build. It's not a perfect solution, since the smoke doesn't disperse like, well, smoke... but probably the closest you can get without using actual mods. I'm still waiting for SP to add exhaust smoke (and contrails, gun smoke, glass for cockpits, textures etc etc etc...)
@Mustang51 Thanks, glad you like it. I'm not a huge fan of this build myself -I reckon I would need at least double the part count to get the canopy and fuselage just right, but as this is a "quickie" and intended to be (somewhat) mobile-friendly, I'm extremely happy with your judgement :)
@WolfSpark Thanks! Some models actually had the DL 131 electrically powered turret, also found on other German bombers. Makes a bit more sense than the earlier design, where the gunner had to choose between only firing to the aft or being exposed to the elements.
@Mustang51 already posted the N-Atlantic (anti-shipping) and Eastern Front (stolen from "Il-2 Battle of Stalingrad", I admit) versions... the only one still pending is the V2/long-range bomber "Zwilling". After that, I;ll stop bombing you guys with Heinkel 111's, I promise ;)
I slapped a few of these on the "bis" version of my Mirage III, if u don't mind. Thanks!!!
@WarHawk95 Cool!
+1@edensk Thanx! My bad, not assigning AG6 to the left pylon. The exhaust though... I noticed it behaves a bit strange. Sometimes it looks quite normal, and sometimes it seems very narrow. Dunno why... height & width are the same scale. Any ideas what the problem could be?
+1@MrACEpilot Why not Iraqi..? It could have been almost anything else -it's hard to find a country that didn't have 21's at some point. But why would I want to blast some poor Polish or Czech pilot's Mig in a dogfight..? :D :D
@EngineerOtaku bah... I gave up on "camouflage schemes" long ago. It's one of SP's limitations; any attempt to camouflage patterns invariably f*s up the build. Whatever you do, it's always going to look bad and give the plane that "lego-quality" feel. No blotches, stripes, spots etc for me -at least until SP's developers discover textures. Good idea about the different models though -I may do some tweaking when I get the time...
+2@DaDerpachu123 you already have some pretty decent Mig's, it seems -don't think you need too many tips. Mine has more small details, but mich higher part count... that's always a trade-off.
@2084608295 meaning..???
Great build! Don't think Mad Max would want to be caught dead in a Mitsubishi though ;)
@Trijets Might be an idea for a future build...
+1@VVMC Sorry, not my cup of tea. There's quite a few of those on SP already though -just pick one!
Great build! Isn't she a bit slow for a Gripen, though..?
@AircraftoftheRedStar One Yak-15 was claimed to be shot down by a Douglas F3D-2 in Korea. The F3's pilot could have been mistaken of course... but the Yak-15 looks quite recognizable. It would, of course, have been in North Korean colors then... so the paintjob is off.
+1@FatEgg already did
@Brields95 nope, definitely the XP-72. The 69 looks quite a bit different, and (would have) had a Wright Tornado engine. The 69 was cancelled even before the 72...
@asteroidbook345 correction: ultrajug.
@asteroidbook345 that's what they got for trying to squeeze a 28-cyl 4-row radial engine into a single-seater ;) ugly to look at, but it would have been a blast... only marginally slower than the Me-262 but with a much better rate of climb. With four 37mm cannons, something you definitely want to get away from -but can't.
+1@Subnerdica first thing that pops up if u google "zerstörergeschwader" :D
@Subnerdica the idea for what..? :s
@JediWolf yeah, I know -but that would be cheating terribly, wouldn't it? The real H22/V1 combo was dangerous on takeoff, so... besides, the CoL offset might be more of a problem than the mass. And anyway, once you get the hang of it, takeoff is not an issue -it's just not very elegant...
@Shippy456 well, in this particular case, I keep re-using the same plane LOL... I only had to make the V1, and that's fairly simple.
@sheepsblood does that already include the 236 Pedro's..? ;)
@Shippy456 of course not, go right ahead
Niiice! You should do the description in Romansh, German, French and Italian though... ;) as a matter of neutrality...
@Subnerdica they're the little thingies sticking out of the canopy :D :D
Nice one! Love the bail-out option ;)
@Fartspoppop sorry 'bout that. Works smoothly on my not-so-new iPhone 6, anyway.
@Fartspoppop how so, "many"..?
@Fartspoppop Be my guest. Suggest u leave the wings and engines, though ;)
@Mustang51 haha... I think it's quite ugly. I had heard of a "radome" before, but this must be like... a radildo?
@Diloph Thanks, but that would be too much praise. Probably some guy at Bell Telephone Labs cooked it up. The solution is as straightforward as it is ugly. Sorry I couldn't slip this one into your challenge, BTW... I had no idea how to shave off 350 parts.
@Diloph LOL not a tank... it's a radar pod. Looks silly, I know -blame the guy who actually designed it :D
+1ehmm... what's the penalty for being over 600 parts?
@ND40X I have no idea. SP sometimes does that with wheels; suspension is "disabled", yet all of a sudden the wheels turn all bouncy.
@ND40X well... suspension on those wheels is off...
@Diloph yep
@VVMC well... they're not exactly my favorite planes. So that would have to be a big "maybe" -whenever I'm out of inspiration. Thanks for the suggestion though.
@Diloph I hope my entries for your Korea challenge will look every bit as nice ;)
@Alta2809 Hardly worth a "tutorial" -it would be a very short one indeed. It's a simple XML-mod (best use Overload); just re-scale & re-color the exhaust of VTOL nozzles to suit your particular need. You can scour them off my build. It's not a perfect solution, since the smoke doesn't disperse like, well, smoke... but probably the closest you can get without using actual mods. I'm still waiting for SP to add exhaust smoke (and contrails, gun smoke, glass for cockpits, textures etc etc etc...)
+1@Mustang51 Thanks, glad you like it. I'm not a huge fan of this build myself -I reckon I would need at least double the part count to get the canopy and fuselage just right, but as this is a "quickie" and intended to be (somewhat) mobile-friendly, I'm extremely happy with your judgement :)
Tora, Tora! And did I mention Tora..?
+4There's always room for more Jugs! Nice one...
@VVMC minus the elaborate nose art of course ;)
@WolfSpark Thanks! Some models actually had the DL 131 electrically powered turret, also found on other German bombers. Makes a bit more sense than the earlier design, where the gunner had to choose between only firing to the aft or being exposed to the elements.
@asteroidbook345 working on it ;)
@ND40X well... just google "sc1000 hermann"...
@ChiChiWerx yep... but you have to activate AG4 for that. The trim slider is also used for turret control, so...
@Mustang51 already posted the N-Atlantic (anti-shipping) and Eastern Front (stolen from "Il-2 Battle of Stalingrad", I admit) versions... the only one still pending is the V2/long-range bomber "Zwilling". After that, I;ll stop bombing you guys with Heinkel 111's, I promise ;)
@BusterShortWolf The German government in those days was pretty thick-headed... small wonder they favored thick-winged planes ;)
+1@Dragons103 Well... why not? I'll put it on the list, in any case. Still looking for a way to simulate random engine fires, though... ;)