83.2k SimplyPlain Comments

  • Junkers Ju-52 "Tante Ju" 3.1 years ago

    @BlueStar90 This version, yes -check my posts for the newer version without mods.

  • Messerschmitt Me-264 "Amerika Bomber" 5.2 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick true... yet a B29 would carry 32 such bombs on shorter runs, and even a good old B17 could have up to 16. These bombers were certainly not sent in as "lone cowboys"; hundreds of planes were often involved in a single bombing raid. As for the "need", well...

  • Textured Fuselage Block 3.9 years ago

    Great mod! This is what we needed; the possibility to use textures rather than having to add 1000 parts just for silly details. It won't really do much good, though... SP seems to be most popular with potato-phone users; with every build, everyone's always crying "please no mods". So unless this gets integrated into SP itself... ah, well.

  • Saab JAS 35 Draken 5.2 years ago

    Gotta love Swedish planes. Wouldn't buy one, though -it would probably come with a cheap Allen key and a crappy assembly manual :D

  • T-21K (Happy Cirno Day!) 3.5 years ago

    Quick question: not being Asian, I always fail to see the connection between cartoon schoolgirls and tanks/planes/battleships. Come to think of it, I fail to see the point of cartoon schoolgirls -period. Can anyone offer some insights..?
    Other than that: cool build!

  • A6M2 Zeke (Akagi Air Corps) 5.2 years ago

    Tora, Tora! And did I mention Tora..?

  • Junkers Ju-87 Stuka/Kanonenvogel 3.3 years ago

    @EchoVehicle it's simple really... you load the plane, you get an error message about the mod. Hit the undo arrow, then the redo arrow, and it will load but without the mod. You'll see that the cockpit has no gauges then, but there are black placeholders... in the new SP version, you can easily put in some gauges yourself.

  • Freemason simple planes(s13p) 3.5 years ago

    s13p! s13p! Please make me a member -I'm in dire need of some free masons. You have no idea of the rates these guys usually charge just for small repairs on a bathroom wall; free masons would certainly help a lot :p

  • Standardpanzer E-75 Ausfuhrung (M) : I'm back! 3.5 years ago


  • Teutonic Trainer Toy 3.5 years ago

    @Grob0s0VBRa Yep. Consequence of the rather strange "physics" of the game; a 5000 HP prop engine has zero torque, but a small rotator produces enough to throw a 5-ton plane around like it was nothing. Easily solved by just adding a rotator with an identical part connected to it, rotating in the opposite direction. Makes no sense either since the connected parts have zero mass, but OK... just one of SP's weirdo quirks I guess.

  • "Hello World"???? 3.7 years ago

    Low hat to you -this is extremely well made. Still, it's like taking a beauty queen to a bodybuilding contest; no matter how good she looks, she's simply in the wrong place. I'm sure there are lots of sites for anime fan-art and such; this however isn't one of them.

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G-2 4.0 years ago

    Definitely one of the better 109's on Simpleplanes. Great job!!

  • Heinkel He.180B-0: Luftwaffe 1939 || Happy 2021 to everyone! 4.2 years ago

    It's a real pity I can upvote this only once. This plane is one of the few I actually save to HDD and keep around. 51 upvotes is not what I expected... a few more certainly would do no harm.

  • Toyota Supra P-Type (MA67) 4.5 years ago

    Ah yes, in those days it was actually a Toyota. They have given up now, and seem to be happy to put some badly designed bodywork on a BMW chassis.

  • Focke-Wulf "Super Lorin"-ish interceptor 4.9 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks! If they had built it, it probably wouldn't have flown at all. First hurdle would be to find a pilot crazy enough to try...

  • Modern Russian soldier (Reload model) 2.2 years ago

    @teddyone02 an AK-12..? Last I heard these guys were being sent into battle with broomsticks and pitchforks... :/

  • Messerschmitt Bf-109 G6 "Gustav" 2.9 years ago

    Love it!

  • Heinkel He177 "Greif" 3.1 years ago

    @Alisuchanka yeah... sorry 'bout that. My test is usually that if it runs smoothly on my iPad, it's still OK :D :D

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.3 years ago

    @Krikkit42 I tested it in a few dogfights, and it seems you're right. No idea why that is, though; there doesn't seem to be a variable that makes "selective" damage even possible (i.e. to shred ships/ground targets but pass clean through airplanes). I hope the devs can enlighten us...?

  • Junkers Ju-87 Stuka/Kanonenvogel 3.3 years ago

    @EchoVehicle sure -get it from https://i.postimg.cc/wT9Dr2Mv/stuka-instr-panel.png
    It doesn't have too many clocks anyway, since the mod contains only basic stuff. I'm sure you can build a much nicer instrument panel using the latest SP version, by filling in the blanks with custom gauges.

  • Ju-52 --UPDATE-- 3.4 years ago

    @AlexsandrSenaviev you're probably just not hitting anything, then :p the MG's are actually scaled-down cannon with explosive slugs, and "aircraft collisions" aren't switched off -you should be able to shoot enemies (or your own plane) down just fine...

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    I'm getting a lot of random crashes in the sandbox -and by "a lot", I mean the game crashes literally every few minutes or so. This used to happen with the previous SP version as well, but it was workable -say once every 30-45 minutes. The new version though is impossible. No idea what causes it; all I get is the message you can find in the screenshot at the below link...


  • Junkers Ju-52 "Tante Ju" 3.6 years ago

    @HelloHelloTheUnt sure I'll use SP's standard gauges once they're available -until then, I'll have to make do with the mod. BTW; I never use a mod that's absolutely required to make the build work... the cockpit instruments are mostly cosmetic; you're welcome to DL the plane without using the mod, which makes the cockpit view a bit less realistic but doesn't really change the way the plane looks, feels or flies.

  • B-49 STRATOHAWK - SAC CHALLENGE 3.6 years ago

    Great build, this. Guess I will learn to stop worrying and love the bomb...

  • Ar196B Single-float 3.7 years ago

    @realluochen9999 Standard: download, undo, redo -presto, plane without mods.

  • Dassault Retolshiya E-5 3.8 years ago

    Nice- but I doubt Dassault would ever call one of its planes "Retolshiya". Nondescript as it may be, it sounds slightly Russian -never gonna happen :D :D

  • Vogt & Tank Vt-156 "Lammergeier" 3.9 years ago



  • AVIC JF-17 Block52 3.9 years ago

    Love the concept! A bit blocky in some places though -and this is constructive criticism, don't get me wrong. You can build anything in SP with prolific use of paneling, but you gotta make all the connections manually and maximize the effect of the "smoothing" function. With some more (quite tedious) work, this can be a phenomenal build instead of a great one...

  • Tupolev Tu-22KD 3.9 years ago

    My Blinder gets a mobile-friendly brother at last... cool!

  • Tupolev Tu-106 3.9 years ago

    Thanks all! This "quickie" doesn't deserve all the attention and upvotes, but still -it's appreciated...

  • Martin Baker MB-5(BOSCOMBE DOWN SPECIAL) 4.1 years ago

    nice pic of Eddy Wally... LOL, I thought the guy was always just bragging when he claimed to be big in Japan

  • sukhoi Su-7BM Fitter-A 4.4 years ago

    Looks cool... but what's with the neg weight?

  • B47 Stratojet with JATO rockets 4.6 years ago

    @Yalikejazz79 @arduino there's no need for a "no mod version". The mod, in this case, is cosmetic only -you don't actually need it to use the plane, it's just some pretty clocks on the dash. Download the plane, click "OK" when SP complains about the mod, click "undo" and then "redo"... the plane will load without the mod.

  • Cloudburst R Mk I 4.6 years ago

    Vintage steampunk. Nice build!

  • VEF I-16 4.8 years ago

    Who knew the Latvians invented dieselpunk? Cool build!

  • Saab J29 Tunnan 4.8 years ago

    Fabulous looking Tunnan! Don't worry about the missing airbrakes -braking is for pussies anyway :P

  • Mirage IIIc alternative version 5.1 years ago

    @WarHawk95 You're absolutely right -still, I wanted to give it a bit more air-to-air & less air-to-surface in this case. Guess it was a choice made by the air force in those days, there doesn't seem to be a real technical objection wrt size or weight. So yes, you could swap & put two Martels underwing and a single centerline-mount R530.

  • Mig-21 "Fishbed" 5.1 years ago

    @EngineerOtaku bah... I gave up on "camouflage schemes" long ago. It's one of SP's limitations; any attempt to camouflage patterns invariably f*s up the build. Whatever you do, it's always going to look bad and give the plane that "lego-quality" feel. No blotches, stripes, spots etc for me -at least until SP's developers discover textures. Good idea about the different models though -I may do some tweaking when I get the time...

  • Smirnov SM-4 2.3 years ago

    Looks like a copy of the Eristov WDK-11, aka the "Grey Goose". Smirnov builds absolut-ly great planes, though...

  • Heinkel He177 "Greif" 3.1 years ago

    @Hawker180hurricane yup... hence, "flaming coffin". It leaked oil like crazy, and the center exhaust always overheated which often caused the plane to catch fire.

  • Flettner Fl.301V-13 (Bremsen) : Happy upcoming 2022, everyone! 3.2 years ago

    Kind of dieselpunk, perfectly executed. Beauty!!

  • MiG E-7 PD (STOL) 3.3 years ago

    @peijiaao The link to the mod is right above... under "required mods".

  • Budget-Me-262 3.3 years ago

    @Krikkit42 I didn't work any magic... @Ian_Yashima found out what the problem was; some glitch related to, well, unrelated (VR) parts and rotators. Nothing that had anything to do with cannons really :D just read the update on the full-detail build; I re-uploaded the XML of that one by the way, so it now works fine as well.

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.3 years ago

    @FairFireFlight Thanks for the tips! To be honest, I have partly given up on trying to get "real" performance all the way, because of the somewhat weird physics. If you tweak one thing, another usually suffers -e.g. the bleeding of speed in turns, or the climb rate, speed in a dive or whatever. Getting them all right takes more playing around and testing than I'm willing to spend time on. BTW, I don't think the 262 was notoriously slow in its acceleration; the problem was that the pilots had to throttle up slowly to prevent the Jumo's from flaming out or catching fire. So to mimic that, you just have to throttle up slowly as well. Perhaps I should rather add some FT code that causes the engines to quit or blow up if you're not careful ;p

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.3 years ago

    @ta152h1 and I think you're overdoing it with the suggestions. I'm not a build-on-demand operation; I build what I feel like building, and because I think it would be fun. So please -no more.

  • Messerschmitt Me-264 "Amerika Bomber" 3.3 years ago

    Grosse Boember, immer sehr gut! :p

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.3 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima Great! But without the rotators to hold things down, the VR joints were extremely wobbly -which is why I added the free-spinning rotators in the first place. Guess I'll have to find another way to shore things up, then. Unless the devs decide, at some point, to introduce parts that don't behave like they're tied together with rubber bands, paperclips or sticks of gum.

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.3 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima Thanks for the tip -already tried that, makes no difference though. The problem isn't limited to the cannon either; the rockets also pass right through AI-planes, but work fine against ground targets and ships. Very weird.

  • Arado Ar-234 "Blitz" 3.3 years ago

    @Frost101 Thanks for the info! I can't test the VR controls myself, I'm sorry to say. I suppose this would be a question for the devs or the "curators"; the yoke is constructed using a pair of "cylinder grips", which you're supposed to be able to grab in VR to move the yoke. No idea why this wouldn't work, or why it would work for some movements but not for others. I suppose you could remedy the problem by slapping on a standard yoke, but that has a huge pin sticking out at the back... not a very useful part in this case. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't look like the Arado's actual yoke.

  • FW-190 A-8 R8 3.4 years ago

    @sam1333 sure you do! It's a very nice Fw-190 -and at only 1/5th of the parts I used on mine :p
