19.3k SkipperBing Comments

  • The Little Prince 11 months ago

    kicks down the door
    “Want to say that to my face?!”

  • 1969 Dodge Charger 8.9 years ago

    @SigmaTwelve I've only ever used mobile. Without the ability to use XML edits, I've had to learn to make the design fit the limits of the game. Normally they turn out pretty bad lol.

  • Rutan Voyager 10.2 years ago

    Aside from the slight nose drop, it is a very nicely build recreation of a milestone aircraft. Rutan planes are a fun challenge to recreate in Simple Planes, though I've only posted the Boomerang so far. Well done.

  • The Little Prince 7.0 years ago

    @Hayhayjam664 I’ve got a rebuild of an old craft I am nearly done with, and another new project on the sidelines.

  • The Little Prince 7.0 years ago

    @SangerAircraft perks of being an old fogey returning after a hiatus? And thanks!

  • Eagle 5 - Spaceballs 8.0 years ago

    Literally watched this gem last night. Well done!

  • Peel P50 8.1 years ago

    Nice to see another good build of this car on here. Was starting to think I was the only one who would.

  • 1971 Plymouth Hemi 'Cuda 8.2 years ago

    @Joshisepic already made one.


  • Speed Racer Mach 6 8.3 years ago

    @Carlos08122000 how is this click bait?

  • Jeep Wrangler YJ "Bing's Jeep" 8.6 years ago

    @Smasher as long as you credit me for the parts you use, feel free!

  • Jeep Wrangler YJ "Bing's Jeep" 8.6 years ago

    @Smasher you can always take the bodywork off of this one.

  • Four-wheeler Chassis 8.6 years ago

    @Smasher this was made before the wheel and suspension update, so it isn't great anymore. There are plenty of newer suspension builds out there.

  • Arsenal-Delanne 10-C2 8.6 years ago

    @AdamA I hadn't tried this guy out since posting it. I'm going to have to revamp with the newer parts. Hopefully it stays just as stable.

  • The motorbike in TRON 8.6 years ago

    @Smokehouse03 most mobile users have a hard time using pitch for throttle control because both drive and steering are then handled by the same thumb. Many of us prefer to control the speed with the throttle input instead. It's easy enough to make the input changes yourself and save it to your device.

  • New Website Features 8.7 years ago

    @joeysellers will there be any way to sort or separate the notifications page to not lose comment notifications in the sea of spotlights? I, for one, follow a lot of sometimes-plane-posters who are active in the community and my page is full of nothing but spotlights without a way to look at the notifications that are now pushed off of the page. I'm sure I can't be the only one in this situation.

  • 1929 Essex Super Six 8.7 years ago

    This is awesome! Nice work.

  • Trucker chevelle 8.7 years ago

    Yes the bodywork is from my Chevelle. Please credit me in your descriptions.

  • Stargate - Tau'ri - X-301 Interceptor 8.7 years ago

    @Seeras the never ending problem. Well I'm looking forward to your next one. +1 Follower

  • Stargate - Tau'ri - X-301 Interceptor 8.7 years ago

    Awesome work! Any plans for other Stargate builds?

  • Meaning/Reasoning of your Username 8.7 years ago

    @Peridot I'm rather fond of his renditions of Mele Kalikimaka and White Christmas.

  • Muscle Car 8.7 years ago

    I'd recommend stiffening the rear suspension for any driving on pavement, but otherwise, nice work!

  • Meaning/Reasoning of your Username 8.7 years ago

    It's my username for most everything. I used to work at Disneyland at the Jungle Cruise (a boat ride where us "Skippers" would tell bad jokes while giving tours of the jungle) and I sound quite like Bing Crosby over the PA system, so the nickname was born.

  • Speed Racer Mach 6 8.7 years ago

    It's on my to-do list. @MorningTea

  • Mod Request, quick and easy. 8.7 years ago

    Damn, well thanks for informing me. @HPGBPlanes

  • MOD REQUESTS 8.7 years ago

    Here's a quick one.

  • I NEED CAR IDEAS??? 8.7 years ago

    The beastly half track from Rescuers Down Under.

  • Robotic Hand (Proof of Concept) 8.8 years ago

    @WNP78 and to think, this was one of the more complex builds at the time...

  • 1981 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Turbo 8.8 years ago

    A bit beyond my abilities to do it justice, sorry. @DatsunEngineeringCompany

  • 1981 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Turbo 8.8 years ago

    @Flyingtacos I know. By the time I had realized it, I had done most of the work already. So there are minor discrepancies with the symmetry.

  • Help 8.8 years ago

    Here is one that someone already posted. Even gives you size options.

  • 1981 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Turbo 8.8 years ago

    You'll have to ask someone who has better skill and XML editing abilities for that. @humangrenade

  • 1981 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Turbo 8.8 years ago

    It's only a couple pieces difference between the '81 firebird and the '77 (which was used in the show) Mostly just the grill details. @humangrenade @Liquidfox

  • 1981 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Turbo 8.8 years ago

    It took lots of fanangling to get it where it is now. @Liquidfox

  • Peel P-50 8.8 years ago

    @Supermini555 Makes me laugh every time.


    Something to keep in mind when using the shocks, is that they do no flex at all. Meaning that the object on either end cannot move in any way other than flat towards the other. Placing a hinge or rotator on either end of the shock will allow for much more movement. Look at the different suspensions on a few of my cars to see what I mean.

  • jeep yj two door 8.8 years ago

    This is actually a YJ. The TJ was the next generation. But looking good nonetheless.

  • 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A 8.8 years ago

    @Ilovesthecheeses2 I've seen a couple lately, but I couldn't say who made them.

  • 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A 8.8 years ago

    @Liquidfox Nope. I'm still plugging away over here.

  • 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A 8.8 years ago

    @Chevygmoney true, though the body shapes between the two are remarkably similar. So it seemed fitting.

  • Hot Wheels "Roll Cage" 8.8 years ago

    @Michaelsalinas02 I just happened to be working on it when I saw your post. I've got another one in the works already.

  • Hot Wheels "Roll Cage" 8.8 years ago

    Coincidentally, I've spent ~5 hours today making one. I'll link it here when I post it.

  • Car Base 8.8 years ago

    As stated in the site rules, please refrain from naming your build for YouTube. Instead use the Tags, as that is what they are intended for.

    Also, please don't claim this as your own build, since it is just a stripped down version of my Chevelle.

  • 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 8.8 years ago

    @ptFrosty Check out MotorKade's Cobra here. Way better than I could have done.

  • 427 Cobra Custom By MKI 8.8 years ago


  • 1971 Plymouth Hemi 'Cuda 8.8 years ago

    @TheBroadside please keep the fanboy shaming to a minimum.

  • 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 8.8 years ago

    @RyneKuczy sorry, a bit too curved for my abilities on mobile.

  • 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 8.8 years ago

    @O5c444r I got them from here.

  • Mach 6 8.8 years ago

    Please give me credit for the original build and don't bypass the successor system.

  • Dodge Charger Wasteland 8.8 years ago
