Think about the jets' exhaust. It's not a good idea to have it blowing over the fuselage, or the elevators. You probably want to mount the engines either mid-wing (Me-262 style) or at the rear of the aircraft, like modern jet fighters. Or you could have a nose intake and tail exhaust like the F-86.
The engines should be encased in a nacelle. Use fuselage blocks with zero drag and mass to make the nacelle so it doesn't affect performance.
Instead of using multiple engines, use XML to increase the power (the powerMultiplier property).
@Erebos Yes, but if you want people to actually notice your post, you should post the aircraft as public, then link to the engine. A single yellow engine pointing down doesn't exactly catch the eye.
@Rymanx03 Remove dead weight, use massScale - they both achieve the same thing. And that alone isn't enough for stable flight, it needs a bigger vertical stabilizer as well.
on every white block that makes up the fuselage, set massScale to zero.
double (at least) the size of the vertical stabilizer, then scale it down so it's the same apparent size.
Optionally, make the wings bigger to get the wing loading down to between 25-75 lb per square foot. You can scale them down later if you don't want to change the appearance of the aircraft.
@Treadmill103 By the way, I wanted to thank you for recommending HH. I've been reading the Bill series and it's some of the funniest stuff I've read in years.
@Treadmill103 This series of builds is quite hard to crash unrecoverably. As you noticed, it will pop out of the water, or if it ends up floating on the surface, you can get it out simply by throttling up. It can withstand any collision at any speed except if you manage to hit the fuselage blocks making up the exhaust.
@Romanchik The "airframe" is made entirely out of airbrakes, with their positions and inputs configured to create the shape I want when they're extended. Also, I do the positioning etc. using code, for it would be mind-numbingly tedious in the designer.
Most of those things can be done by airplanes and helicopters; the ones that can't are either because birds are the only things small and light enough to do them, or because we have no need to do it. Why is it a bad thing to need jet engines or propellers? Bone and muscle can't generate the kind of power a jet or prop engine does. An airplane can hover in place in a stream of air as well.
Birds have been continuously refined through evolution over millions of years; humans made their first heavier-than-air flight 117 years ago. Considering that I think we're doing pretty well.
@Panzer828 Best flying things? As far as I know, no bird has broken the sound barrier, or carried hundreds of passengers across the Pacific, or flown at 90,000 feet... from where I stand, we humans are beating the pants off birds.
@Zanedavid Well, I'm going to make at least a few more artillery pieces. The problem with tanks is the absence of a tank tracks part. I hate the dirty hacks people have to use to simulate tracks.
@RoguePotato Well, here are a few things:
@Mustang51 It actually slows down when you extend the airbrakes and speeds up when you retract them, so...
@Diloph Hmm, well, yeah, I guess. Thanks.
Thanks, @Tums
+1Thanks, @ChisP
@ChisP No, not really. Airbrakes alone won't give you a speed range of 450 - 2500 mph :)
@ChisP Well yeah, it would have to use some fairly futuristic tech to do what it does...
Are you using stacked wings on purpose? Because if not, you can achieve the same result by using one large wing, then scaling it down.
If you don't want to use VTOL engines, I think the only option is to use rotators with propellers made out of wings.
The trim isn't nearly enough to keep this flying level...
+1@Erebos Yes, but if you want people to actually notice your post, you should post the aircraft as public, then link to the engine. A single yellow engine pointing down doesn't exactly catch the eye.
@Erebos Nice work, but just a suggestion, it would be much better if you actually built an aircraft demonstrating it.
@Rymanx03 Remove dead weight, use massScale - they both achieve the same thing. And that alone isn't enough for stable flight, it needs a bigger vertical stabilizer as well.
@ChisP When tagging, you need to use the exact username, here you added a space so I wouldn't get a notification.
Not a fan of the bare engines or the color, but it flies quite well.
To fix:
Optionally, make the wings bigger to get the wing loading down to between 25-75 lb per square foot. You can scale them down later if you don't want to change the appearance of the aircraft.
Thanks, @Diloph. Well, you build quite fast too...
Thanks, @MrPorg137
@Treadmill103 I'm currently on "The Final Incoherent Adventure," it's pretty bowbing funny.
Thank you, @Romanchik
@Armyguy1534 More or less.
+1Looks good, flies reasonably well. Nicely done.
@Treadmill103 By the way, I wanted to thank you for recommending HH. I've been reading the Bill series and it's some of the funniest stuff I've read in years.
@Treadmill103 This series of builds is quite hard to crash unrecoverably. As you noticed, it will pop out of the water, or if it ends up floating on the surface, you can get it out simply by throttling up. It can withstand any collision at any speed except if you manage to hit the fuselage blocks making up the exhaust.
Oh, and have you tried the gun yet? :)
@Romanchik The "airframe" is made entirely out of airbrakes, with their positions and inputs configured to create the shape I want when they're extended. Also, I do the positioning etc. using code, for it would be mind-numbingly tedious in the designer.
@CDRxavier I'm not sure I understand everything you're saying, but I'm glad you liked it. I just enjoy making outlandishly overpowered weapons.
+1@yeahboi These? Nah, these are fairly basic. I wanted to keep the part count to a minimum on this one. Wait till you see what's next.
@Texasfam04 Thanks, Tex. Every time I think this game has nothing more to discover, I find something... :)
Thanks, @ThisIsMyCreativeUsername @Subnerdica
@NightmareCorporation That's an odd notion. Do you also believe that exercise causes muscle loss? Or that productive work causes poverty?
Most of those things can be done by airplanes and helicopters; the ones that can't are either because birds are the only things small and light enough to do them, or because we have no need to do it. Why is it a bad thing to need jet engines or propellers? Bone and muscle can't generate the kind of power a jet or prop engine does. An airplane can hover in place in a stream of air as well.
Birds have been continuously refined through evolution over millions of years; humans made their first heavier-than-air flight 117 years ago. Considering that I think we're doing pretty well.
+1@Panzer828 Best flying things? As far as I know, no bird has broken the sound barrier, or carried hundreds of passengers across the Pacific, or flown at 90,000 feet... from where I stand, we humans are beating the pants off birds.
Thanks, @ChisP
Thanks, @Subnerdica
+1Why, thank you, @AWESOMENESS360
@Panzer828 It does look like a bird, now that you mention it...
@Zanedavid Well, I'm going to make at least a few more artillery pieces. The problem with tanks is the absence of a tank tracks part. I hate the dirty hacks people have to use to simulate tracks.
@Mercyaircraftcorporation Yeah, well, the UI could be better.
@GeneralPatrick2 Here you go. Let me know when you've downloaded it so I can delete it. And remember to upvote this build.
+1@GeneralPatrick2 I got this down to 612 parts by removing the details, is that good enough?
+1@GeneralPatrick2 Sure, how many parts would that be? Everyone's definition of "mobile-friendly" depends on their mobile...
+1@GeneralPatrick2 If you love something, show it...
+1@Mercyaircraftcorporation You can "add to favorites," you know...
@Treadmill103 I've never had this much fun just flying around :)
Thanks, @grizzlitn
+1@redbear89 Yeah, pretty much.
+1Thanks, @ThisIsMyCreativeUsername
@Treadmill103 Thanks. It's doable -- you can hit the inside of the far lip of the volcano... but only just :)
Thanks, @Mustang51
@ChisP Well, I write some code for this stuff very frequently, at least a couple of days a week. So it's hard to say how long any one thing took.