198k SledDriver Comments

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    Thanks, @ChickenMcNuggets007

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    Thanks, @Texasfam04. I wish there were ways to build more exhaust effects. As for the shape of the aircraft itself, I'm right there with you, there's something special about this one, even though it's not very practical.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Mumpsy :)

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @mrfeistyboo This might help.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Spectre2520 You just use a fuselage block small enough to be nearly invisible, and place it along the centerline of the aircraft, near the nose, at the correct height to keep it level.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    - Lurker IV
    - Talon
    - Rapier
    - Rapier II

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray You mean you do have pilots by your desk, clamoring for a better crosshair on my builds?

    I did start posting builds with a larger and more elaborate crosshair a while ago, but no one commented on it, so I thought no one wanted it. I'll think about having two camera views, one with my minimal crosshair which I prefer, and one with a more high-visibility one.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray Re: crosshairs, what do you mean by "it doesn't pop up"? Do you mean it's not visible because of the tiny screen size, or that it doesn't render at all?

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray Don't worry, I'm absolutely the last man in the world you have to remind to not try to please everyone. I aim to do the right thing; I'm only interested in those who can see that and appreciate it. Those who can't, I couldn't care less about.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray I have to say, I like the placement of the cockpit in your modified version. Exactly where I would've put it myself.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray There are reasons I hide the primary cockpit deep inside the body of my builds, and to the rear: one, to obstruct the view, so people are forced to use the custom cockpit; and two, to keep enough distance between the primary cockpit and my gun camera "cockpit". Why? Because the default cockpit has a very annoying wind noise. Perhaps you don't notice it on mobile, but I play using (very good) headphones and I find the noise unbearable. The closer the default cockpit is to the gun camera, the noisier it is in the gun camera view. That's why I move the default cockpit to the rear.

    As to why I don't want people using the default cockpit at all, I dislike the crosshair it comes with and want people to use my custom crosshair. (Yes, I'm that finicky about my work.)

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat When I don't add a cockpit, the reasons could include one or more of the following:

    • the build looks too alien;
    • it's a drone;
    • it's piloted, but the pilot sits deep inside, with a virtual reality helmet;
    • a cockpit wouldn't look right on that build.

    This build is meant to be a large air/space plane. Without a cockpit there would be no indication of scale, and it might look like a missile or something.

    Ultimately, the simple answer to why I did something a certain way on a build is "because I felt like it."

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat That's an odd question.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Possibly. It's a spaceplane, so probably wouldn't have the fuel needed for interplanetary travel. But with future technology, who knows...

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray Er... you have to select custom camera 1 for the gun camera view.

  • Killer Stealth (VTOL) 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray I meant as a weapon that could be mounted on a gunship.

  • Killer Stealth (VTOL) 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray I think a BombCannon would be more accurate. Rockets would do the job as well, but would need multiple hits.

  • Athena 6.2 years ago

    @BaconRoll Is that a reference to that awful Gucci Gang video?

  • Killer Stealth (VTOL) 6.2 years ago

    @Stingray Hmm, I don't understand why anyone would do that, but to each his own. I noticed that after releasing the bombs, the plane pitches up and goes into an uncontrollable vertical spin around its nose.

  • TBCT fighter 6.2 years ago

    @Spectre2520 Yeah

  • Vector II 6.2 years ago

    Thanks, @Strikefighter04

  • TBCT fighter 6.2 years ago

    Not bad, but the wings are much too thick, especially for a realistic-looking airplane.

  • RRRx 3.0 Golden Hornet 6.3 years ago


    /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/unity.Jundroo.SimplePlanes/AircraftDesigns/

    More info here.

  • RRRx 3.0 Golden Hornet 6.3 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat Then you can do it yourself. Go to your AircraftDesigns folder, open the file you want to change, and scroll to the very bottom. You'll see a list of Materials with values like this:

    Material color="A09080" r="0.15" m="1" s="0.8"

    color is the color in hexadecimal RGB. r doesn't matter. m is the metallicness, and s is the shininess. Setting s to 0.45-0.55 will give you a matte finish with a slight sheen; higher values than that will give you more and more polished finishes.

  • RRRx 3.0 Golden Hornet 6.3 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat Are you on the Steam version of the game?

  • RRRx 3.0 Golden Hornet 6.3 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat Definitely getting better. But if you really want to get good, you'll have to start working your way up to the 200-300 part range. Take every piece of this vehicle, and make it out of a bunch of smaller parts. This will let you create more complex shapes like curves.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    @Dimonchick That's the first time someone's thanked me for a build, I appreciate it.

  • The Avalon space shuttle 6.3 years ago

    @Nzlcafa The rotation would be because you have rotating parts along the longitudinal axis (conservation of angular momentum); to cancel it out you have to add another hidden rotator turning in the opposite direction, attached to a block with the same amount of mass as the sum of the other rotating masses. You can scale the block down so it's hidden inside the build.

  • The Avalon space shuttle 6.3 years ago

    @Nzlcafa No, but I have a good understanding of physics, and several PhDs in common sense.

  • Mirage 2000 6.3 years ago


    I just thought it would be cool for you to try something more relatable to most other people on this platform.

    I'm just not interested in that. Progress is made by a very few people on the cutting edge; it makes no sense to ask those people to do something "relatable" to the masses trailing behind. If someone can do something others cannot, they should be encouraged to try harder, to get further ahead, to fly higher, not admonished to come down.

  • Mirage 2000 6.3 years ago


    When you think about it, building all your projects on Windows has some sort of repetition to it.

    That's a bit like saying "you spend your whole life breathing air, wouldn't you like to try something different?" I use the best tools I can get, which for me is a powerful PC with top-notch hardware. If tomorrow a new OS were to come along with all the good parts from Windows, MacOS and Linux, and fewer of the bad parts, I'd switch to it in an instant and never look back. Forget about me trying the game on mobile: not only do I not play SP on mobiles, I don't play any games (or watch videos, or use apps) on mobiles -- never have, never will. After the experience on a 43-inch 4K screen and high-end CPU/GPU, doing anything on a mobile phone would be like switching to a rickety biplane after having flown an F-22. I find mobile phones so uninviting that even when I'm away from my computer (on long flights, for instance), I don't fall back to them.

    Yes, the game is limited on mobile, but so is everything else. True, the developers haven't implemented some very simple and in-demand things like XML editing on mobile (I cannot imagine why), but if you find playing on mobile frustrating, here's an idea: get a computer. These days you can get a powerful PC very cheaply. Considering mobile phones these days can cost upwards of $1000, I find it inexcusable that people prefer to buy mobiles over actual computers, then complain about an inferior experience on mobile. It's like going on the highway on a unicycle, then complaining that everyone's passing you.

    Getting a computer is one of the best things you can do as a kid, it'll not just enable you to enjoy games better, but give you the power to change and create them, and open up many well-paid career paths. Phones and tablets will make you dumber, guaranteed; computers at least have a chance at making you smart. Choose wisely.

  • Mirage 2000 6.3 years ago


    Anyway, back to your suggestion. I don't have to build anything new to demonstrate that it's possible to build cool things on mobile -- just look at the first few pages of my portfolio. Every build before 'Metabomber' was built by hand. So anyone who thinks it's not possible to build cool stuff on mobile is giving up too easily, or looking for an excuse.

  • Mirage 2000 6.3 years ago

    @CoaxiumSmuggler You missed my point. I'm not saying your praise has less value because you're a mobile user or relatively new; I'm saying that if you've been around for five months, it seems strange that you've never upvoted or commented on my builds, if you like them so much.

    With that out of the way, now you make more sense:

    I think it would be nice for others to see that even if they play on mobile, they can still make really cool planes like you do.

    That's a reasonable idea, and much less adversarial than going "I have a challenge for you...." Also, try to realise that I've been under constant attack from the anti-intellectual pretty much since I first joined this website, so I've got a bit of a siege mentality whenever someone challenges me, especially to build something manually.

    it takes vastly more skill and patience to produce a plane that looks great and flies wonderfully on mobile than it does on Windows or Mac.

    Patience, yes, but I think you're confusing skill with doing things the hard way.

  • Mirage 2000 6.3 years ago

    @CoaxiumSmuggler Thanks, but you've been a member for five months and I don't recall ever seeing an upvote or a nice comment from you, so your praise rings a little hollow.

    As for your challenge, I don't care for it. As I've said previously, it's like someone challenging an architect who builds skyscrapers to build a mud hut. Yes, the architect could actually do a better job with his understanding of engineering and design; but why would he want to? Life is short, and speaking strictly for myself, I like to spend it doing things I enjoy and making the best possible use of my time.

    If you think that there's some kind of skill involved in painstakingly adding blocks one by one and tweaking each one by hand, I can only say that I have no respect and no time for that line of thinking. That's not skill, it's quite the opposite: unthinking, brute-force manual labour. One man designs a skyscraper using CAD and builds it using skilled workers and advanced technology in just a few months; another builds a giant ziggurat with an army of labourers carving and putting stones together one by one, over dozens of years. There's a reason no one does it the second way any more.

  • The Avalon space shuttle 6.3 years ago

    Now this is the kind of build that I like to see. I'd suggest that instead of using different materials to simulate texture on the curved sections, you decrement the frontScales and rearScales by a small amount every n iterations to give it an actual physical texture. Also, if you make it smaller, it'd be accessible to more users, and the flight module could use some tweaking. But a brilliant build nonetheless.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    @Z3RO Thanks. Yeah, the game could be so much better, but the pace of development is almost nonexistent. Meanwhile other games are coming along and executing at a whole other level.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    @Spectre2520 As @Stingray explains, you can't have mods on iOS because of Apple's security policy. As for the rotations, the UI has a lot of deficiencies. For instance:

    • no keyboard shortcut for the part transform tool, and two clicks to open it instead of a single click.
    • a lack of keyboard shortcuts for commonly-used commands in general.
    • no way to select a group of parts.
    • no way to create a brush with selected properties (for instance, materials, cornerTypes, massScale) and apply those properties to a bunch of parts with the brush.
    • no built-in X-ray mode, and no way to see wing types, orientation (i.e. whether a wing is inverted or not), massScales, fuelPercentages, or parts that aren't connected to anything.
    • every time you alt-tab from the game to Windows or back, there is a delay while the game recalculates something, even though the build hasn't changed.
    • if you connect one block to another, then move the connected block someplace else, the connection point is still "occupied" and you can't connect another block at the same place.

    And the list goes on...

  • Aircraft Description 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @GarageEngineer

  • Aircraft Description 6.3 years ago

    @GarageEngineer No problem. One more thing, if you use imgur, you'll need to replace the https: with http: for the images to load.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    @Spectre2520 My suggestions are radical and extensive and would take some effort to explain, and I'd only want to do that if I had some assurance they'd have some effect. In general, they center around massively improving the building experience with more powerful building tools, completely overhauling the behaviour of mechanical parts, improving performance, and adding more things to do in the sandbox.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    @Stingray Of course.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    @Stingray I'm not a wishful thinker in any circumstances... wistful thinker, perhaps. But the least one can do is plant seeds of ideas here and there, with any luck a few of them will take root. This game could be huge if the developers took it in the right direction.

  • Aircraft Description 6.3 years ago

    Not sure what you mean by the action groups being in a certain style, but to add images to the description, use this syntax:


  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @Stingray. Yeah, the weapons are pretty much standard at this point. I hope the developers create more possibilities with the next update.

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @Spectre2520

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @Treadmill103

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @Zippy6

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @BaconRoll

  • Vector II 6.3 years ago

    Thanks, @AWESOMENESS360. Glad you like it.

  • Cuneus II 6.3 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat I do have an airplane that launches a flyable missile, though I've never posted it. The trouble with spaceship-type builds is that the center of mass needs to be exact. Any airplane carried would have to have its center of mass exactly in line as well. It might be possible, I'll look into it.