@L0Lz snowolf.co makes plane cars submarine's heils and we make them and sell them ship them and also I might make a account on simple planes only members of snowwolf.co can join
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 i already found thr parts i just need to see if they fit if thry dont thrn you continue making thr parts ok sorry if i misspelled a lot
@Gluck but the link how do i add link
Can Android use thid too
@PapaKernels honestly i dont care about you
Me too
@117 no i dont
@L0Lz oh and also ships
@L0Lz snowolf.co makes plane cars submarine's heils and we make them and sell them ship them and also I might make a account on simple planes only members of snowwolf.co can join
@Archanis I cant get a job I have a pc but it doesn't work
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf ok
@Shnippy your welcome
@Shnippy thx
@PointlessWhyshouldi wats a url
@Shnippy you followed me ima get u to platinum
+1@Freerider2142 not u
@YoDudeChase WOAH
@jamesPLANESii waoh
@Freerider2142 he said You can also do projectiles, fireworks instead of nuclear weapons.
@Werd02 start at bandit final approach get a fast plane and go forwards for a minute about a minute but warning there is a base that shoots at you
Me WHERES THE IMPOSTER my crewmates idk me ded me ITS SOUTHENGINE
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 thye dont fit
+1@PlanePlaneThe66373637 i already found thr parts i just need to see if they fit if thry dont thrn you continue making thr parts ok sorry if i misspelled a lot
@EternalDarkness @rexrexThezion told me to shut my mouth pls delete his comment cuz in rules it says no being rude
@EternalDarkness how do i make photos in my bio or forums
@WarshipDude well its true anyone who says someone sucks at something they suck
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf too small
@Colonel1J2R3Wolf I'll try to use em
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 ello is it done
@Blue0Bull idk how to move it to a forum
@Liensis I do like it but Plz no swearing
@WNP78 wait can you make it an in game feature your a Dev Devs can add stuff into the game can u try to add underwater in the game
@KnightOfRen people who can move pics to a forum are magic people
@KnightOfRen I cant move it to a forum and plus I used stuff from an app for this
@KnightOfRen plus idk how to move it to a forum
@KnightOfRen only the items
@KnightOfRen ???
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 you know what I'll just make the car fly
@SuperRoto but im driving not flying
@SuperRoto ok
@Locurapuntocom???? How u think its funny
@PapaKernels i hate them
@Locurapuntocom xd
I can't blame u for a weird body but I also can
@SuperRoto wait I made it a HE- guess the numbers
Did all of us accomplish the mission on the 3rd try I did
@WarshipDude u suck then for saying somebody sucks at something sucker
@WarshipDude no I need invincible Cuz I use fast planes and slow motion dumb dumb