How does this only have four upvotes? This is the ultimate weapon! Goes Mach 2, slows down in a second, and then blow up the destroyer fleet on a passing fancy. This is amazing!
This is exactly the plane I’ve been looking for. I love the Boeing 737-200 more than any other airliner. I’m glad to see it in a beautiful VR iteration that does it justice!
Say goodbye to your computer speed, chucklenuts!
+5It took four months? It would have taken me a lifetime to build.
+4Oh my sweet Jesus…..
+2How does this only have four upvotes? This is the ultimate weapon! Goes Mach 2, slows down in a second, and then blow up the destroyer fleet on a passing fancy. This is amazing!
+2Your plane amassed more upvotes and downloads in a day than my best plane did in a month, just to show how truly crappy my designs are.
+2I love murdering people to make something that sits on my wall worth more.
+1Honestly, there are so many mice with machine guns it should become it’s own genre.
+1@Rjenteissussy I’ve been playing terraria for quite some time and can destroy basically any boss, but I don’t have the damn meowmear. >:(
+1Hey @Tingly06822 may I please use your Miata for a build of mine? Just asking sorry for any trouble.
+1I can already see my phone’s newspaper obituary. “Died as it lived. Hot and slow.” Small article, but sums it up well.
+1True peak engineering comes from intense boredom in the classroom.
+1Nah, I see this, goodbye.
+1This is a masterpiece. One of this quality on the site is rare.
+1My scheme is working then.@Mousewithamachinegun122
+1@TTL Truly.
+1This is underrated.
+1Hey, I’ve noticed it hovers on the ground, and I would like to know how to make it touch the ground, and where to find the part that causes this.
+1This is amazing! Landings are great, overall very fun!
+1@Panzerwaifu69 They look still look great, best I’ve seen!
+1I love how you did the proton torpedoes, they’re amazing!
+1This is perfect in every way.
+1I blew up multiple times on landing, but other wise, it was hours of fun blowing up rebel scum.
+1@PlaneFlightX No, thank you for providing the community with excellent crafts.
+1I just want to say, your creations should be more popular, you build incredible stuff.
+1@Pleco123 Totally.
This is concerning
This is good son, real good, maybe even the best.
(Ear rape warning) ⚠️
@Somedumbguy my secrets have been revealed….
@ComradeSandman oh no……
No, I dip them in mayonnaise.
How much will it be?
Okay then….
@Solent19 shit.
Interesting idea, good job.
Hey, could I use this for a build?
Shut up and take my download.
Best tank on the site. Truly a masterpiece.
Ah yes, the legendary flying pancake….
@Mahoots What? Why?
Not to be a prick, but the b-17 didn’t have an retractable ball turret. Best b-17 on the site though.
Great plane, but the refueling probe cover falls off.
This is exactly the plane I’ve been looking for. I love the Boeing 737-200 more than any other airliner. I’m glad to see it in a beautiful VR iteration that does it justice!