4,102 SpartanAirplanes Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.3 years ago

    Congrats on the most upvotes plane ever

  • WORKING BB-8 Droid Starwars 7.7 years ago

    This is the droid we've been looking for.

  • Tupolev Tu-16 'Badger' V2 7.0 years ago

    @doge @getorge Thank you!

  • IAT VT-2000PX4 7.7 years ago

    This is amazing. I had so much fun flying it around. It's better than the quadcopter provided with the new update.

  • ATM-09-RSC Scopedog Red Shoulder Custom Ver1.0 7.7 years ago

    This build alone is better than Titanfall

  • Langley Aerodrome 9.6 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld I reccomend you check this out. You build stuff like this so please give me your opinion

  • Nieuport n.28 6.5 years ago

    The bullet casings are really cool!

  • Dune Cruiser 6.7 years ago

    This is so much fun to drive around. I found it can drive on the seabed between the islands near the water hanger on the volcano island.

  • Gotha Go-244 6.9 years ago

    Wonderful plane!

  • Phantom LMP1 (ASF Performance) 7.0 years ago

    Nice work!

  • XP-808 Arrow 7.0 years ago

    Amazing plane! Lots of fun to fly.

  • Tupolev Tu-16 'Badger' V2 7.0 years ago

    @Vayloz Thank you!

  • Tupolev Tu-16 'Badger' 7.0 years ago

    Thank you! I'm working on a version 2 right now that has a more realistic cockpit and a moveable tail turret. It should be out eventually. @Logan001

  • R22 (Floats) 7.1 years ago

    Nice work; I love the helicopter! It was plenty of fun to fly around the USS Tiny and "The Bowl.' I also thought the details in the cockpit were cool.

  • Junkers Ju-87 Stuka 7.3 years ago

    I love the plane. It's well detailed and fun to fly. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

  • Millenium Falcon 7.4 years ago

    @LightMindedJedi Thanks!

  • Thanks for 10k! 7.5 years ago

    Nice job!

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Teaser Trailer 7.5 years ago

    Will the physics in SR2 be as complex as they are in SR1?

  • Pelicopter 2.0 7.5 years ago

    I just thought it was a cool concept that could be made into some interesting projects. One crazy idea would be to add a runway to the top. If you built the runway as simply as possible, mobile users could download it, making it a popular build. @Vanistheman

  • Pelicopter 2.0 7.5 years ago

    Are there going to be future editions of this?

  • Martin B-10 Remake 7.6 years ago

    Great bomber! One of the best I've flown in SP.

  • F-35B Lightning II (STOVL) 7.6 years ago

    Wonderful plane!

  • On This Day, Two Years Ago... 7.6 years ago

    Good for you! Is there somewhere I can find the date I created my account?

  • Regional Airliner 7.6 years ago

    @Devilsfish Thank you!

  • Simple Pixel CH-47 7.6 years ago

    Nice helicopter! It's one of my favorites.

  • NASA Small Pressurized Rover with Habitat 7.6 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic Thank you!

  • This build could make or break the SP community 7.6 years ago

    We should make it a meme. Wouldn't it be great if SP had its own meme?

  • Aero Effect is now available 7.6 years ago

    Thanks for letting me know. Still, nice job!@ForeverPie

  • Aero Effect is now available 7.6 years ago

    I'm stuck on getting a full score on 5-10. Do you have any advice? @ForeverPie


    When is the due date, and what are the prizes for winning?

  • Dawn of aviation Challenge- Bleriot Xi 7.6 years ago

    So far, I've upvoted all but one of your planes, because one of them was a successor of someone else's creation and you wouldn't get the full amount of points. Because you won first place, you should recieve 15 upvotes, and I've only given you 12. I figured, I can either wait until you come out with more planes and upvote them, or I can spotlight a plane of your choosing (I have 11 followers). I'm also up to any suggestions you have.

  • Kc-135 7.6 years ago

    Nice job!

  • Daimler Benz Project "C" WunderWaffe Series Final 7.6 years ago

    This could be made into a really cool strato-launcher.

  • Glacier 7.6 years ago

    @helilover03 Thanks!

  • Regional Airliner 7.7 years ago

    @BrianAircraftsNew @Feanor thanks!

  • Regional Airliner 7.7 years ago

    Also, thanks for the spotlight! @saturn28

  • Regional Airliner 7.7 years ago

    I look forward too it. This was a pretty fun challenge.@saturn28

  • Regional Airliner 7.7 years ago

    @helilover03 thanks!

  • Dawn of Aviation Challenge (CLOSED) 7.7 years ago

    Sounds great @SmileMore13

  • Dawn of Aviation Challenge (CLOSED) 7.7 years ago

    Glad you had fun. Just letting you know, I hope to do another challenge later on, possibly on futuristic airliner concepts. I'm a little busy right now, so I don't have much time for SP, but I can let you know when I start the next challenge if you'd like. @SmileMore13

  • Dawn of Aviation Challenge (CLOSED) 7.7 years ago

    @Fishbowl1121 @Thefrenchdude22 @SmileMore13 @Gemista @GermanAircrafts @TeamGameCraft @Solstice @Destroyer5713 @asteriodbook345 @CrazyCodeC @TheXDimension32

    Finally, the results for the Dawn of Aviation Challenge are in! I was pleased to see all the effort people put into the challenge, and how well the creations turned out.

    1st place: TeamGameCraft
    2nd place: Fishbowl1121 (1st and 2nd nearly tied)
    3rd place: Destroyer5713

    Honorable Mentions: Thefrenchdude22, CrazyCodeC, TheXDimension32

    Congratulations to all of the winners! You will get the number of upvotes assigned to your place as soon as I can get them to you. Thank you for participating!

  • Dawn of Aviation Challenge (CLOSED) 7.7 years ago

    I'm a little busy this evening, so I don't think they'll be up tonight. However, I've graded 8 of the 10 planes that were submitted (two planes were disqualified). Most likely I'll finish the grading tomorrow, and post the results around noon (EST).@Fishbowl1121

  • Dawn of Aviation Challenge (CLOSED) 7.7 years ago

    To add to the excitement, I might start rating the planes so the results can be in shortly after the challenge ends. Good luck. @Fishbowl1121

  • Glacier 7.7 years ago

    @Gemista Thanks!

  • Tupolev Tu-16 'Badger' 7.7 years ago

    @alexchub1 Thanks for all the upvotes!

  • I-11A Interceptor 7.7 years ago

    This flies better than any plane I've ever designed, and it isn't even symmetric.

  • Current and Future Projects 7.7 years ago

    That seems to be your specialty. I think I'd be fun, so I'll let you know when I have a chance. I'd like to finish the projects I'm working on right now before I move on to new ones. @Gemista

  • Why we need 1.8 to be as big as 1.2 7.7 years ago

    I like the stuff you mentioned, especially the mountain base. I always enjoy landing helicopters and VTOLs there.
    Some features I'd recommend:
    1: Cloud decks at different altitudes that planes could fly above or below
    2: Custom cockpits (making a B-29 cockpit on mobile is pretty tricky)

  • Dawn of Aviation Challenge (CLOSED) 7.7 years ago

    You can find the plane info on mobile, right? @SmileMore13