@AndrewGarrison @HellFireKoder also why make the text to where you have to manually conform it to the fuselage, not where it automatically conforms to the shape?
Edit: I understand its easier for customization (kinda) that way, but you could make it so that you can switch between manually conforming and auto conforming
@ForwardUntoDawn they were caught up in a messy situation they created in the first place by trying to just force it upon the Na'Vi. If they had stuck to their "guns" with just trying to stay peaceful then it might've worked and even when it didn't it went south because of humanity's greed- first and foremost. In the end, yes you may be a part of humanity and so am I but we have no right to displace native populations just because we as the human race need to survive. We should have thought of that before destroying Earth and trying to conquer a new world.
@ForwardUntoDawn and esp when it comes down to matters of politics and military versus peace. If both sides had come to terms on sharing the land peacefully then that's good but like I said brute force is no way to go. That's what basically happened when the colonists started moving Native Americans to reserves so that more US citizens had access to their lands. Its just something that has happened multiple times throughout time.
@ForwardUntoDawn yes but just bc we're human doesn't give us the right to take over some other person's world in order to save our own skin. Especially if in the end we were the ones who destroyed what we had left on Earth. That's like taking over Mexico so that more people can survive in the US. There's no justitification in that. If they had comes to terms peacefully without trying to take over militarily then sure but taking over by brute force is no way to go.
Its been a while since anyone has mentioned him, but he truly was a one-of-a-kind builder for doing what he was doing. I remember hearing something from somewhere that he had moved on and was busy but don't remember where and from who- this was a while back.
@FloridianTrainMan done all of those
Sauber Merc with Jaguar paint... not historically accurate but its your car
reminds me of the Guinevere
@bjac0 my entire district's network blocked any interaction with the website, to the point I couldn't even upload without a VPN
@Mage2IsTriggered the lowest part count GP car I have is 400 parts so :(
@F1849 like an ATM camera or a normal CCTV bank camera
@AndrewGarrison @HellFireKoder also why make the text to where you have to manually conform it to the fuselage, not where it automatically conforms to the shape?
Edit: I understand its easier for customization (kinda) that way, but you could make it so that you can switch between manually conforming and auto conforming
+2@AndrewGarrison what are the steps to becoming a beta tester for Steam? I've only tested on mobile before
@TriStar that's how my school district found out about SP and put it in the list of websites we're not allowed to visit
you made art? I think?
@Quec what would be the true size-up scale for this
@BlackThuNDR precisely
+1somehow my laptop can handle this... Razer ftw!
@BlackThuNDR Sukhoi Su-34
+1@BlackThuNDR well I asked for the F117 already, but if I'm allowed to ask for another one?
@BlackThuNDR need more requests? you look like you got your hands full lol
@RamboJutter you makin scrappy then? lol
...oh lord this thing from MP
@EnzoDiazUnofficial well no need to go and get copyrighted, so yes lol
@WholeLottaBread the nose and the top mounted intake reminds me of the F-107
Super Sabre proto and A-4 mix, nice
@THEFRENCHE you can use it just give credit when you finish it :/
breh at least give credit if you're gonna steal my craft
@MoldyBread I woulda said WholeLottaDough
I've been spending a lot of my time playing AC and CP2077... maybe try something like that for a bit? It kinda helps me
there's multiple, you can pick and choose. I'm in (I think) 3 or 4 different ones
@ForwardUntoDawn they were caught up in a messy situation they created in the first place by trying to just force it upon the Na'Vi. If they had stuck to their "guns" with just trying to stay peaceful then it might've worked and even when it didn't it went south because of humanity's greed- first and foremost. In the end, yes you may be a part of humanity and so am I but we have no right to displace native populations just because we as the human race need to survive. We should have thought of that before destroying Earth and trying to conquer a new world.
+2@ForwardUntoDawn and esp when it comes down to matters of politics and military versus peace. If both sides had come to terms on sharing the land peacefully then that's good but like I said brute force is no way to go. That's what basically happened when the colonists started moving Native Americans to reserves so that more US citizens had access to their lands. Its just something that has happened multiple times throughout time.
+3@ForwardUntoDawn yes but just bc we're human doesn't give us the right to take over some other person's world in order to save our own skin. Especially if in the end we were the ones who destroyed what we had left on Earth. That's like taking over Mexico so that more people can survive in the US. There's no justitification in that. If they had comes to terms peacefully without trying to take over militarily then sure but taking over by brute force is no way to go.
+3@ForwardUntoDawn @AtlasMilitaryIndustries then who was .-.
Its been a while since anyone has mentioned him, but he truly was a one-of-a-kind builder for doing what he was doing. I remember hearing something from somewhere that he had moved on and was busy but don't remember where and from who- this was a while back.
+1tbh this version is perfectly fine
@LoafOfBread no wingtip missile
@realSavageMan I'm about to get the newer Ducati, it seems like with the transmission it has a little bit more function
@realSavageMan thx for making my favorite lego set XD
Ironman Stewart? is that you?
@BlackThuNDR @Tsuchiisan EEL? F-117?
+1looks familiar... again... XD nice hatch
+1I have the same lego set, nice
@BlackThuNDR F-117 egg?
+1@ValentinGarciaMarquez yep, but its a different lego model
@Nerfaddict well more posts then soon