@ColonelRelford Alternatively, you could have joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, waited for the collapse, and then stole everything.
Seemed like it worked for the oligarchs.
Looks good.
A few nitpicks, however:
-Paint goof: Shiny tires.
-Wish there was a way to turn off gyros.
-Curious where the HUD came from.
-You forgot to invert the flaps after mirroring. All they do is roll in one direction. Remember, fully-body mirroring is your enemy. It WILL mess things up.
-Some stability issues, but in complete honesty I have zero clue what you could do about that.
-Concerned by the small size of the engine intakes. Possibly flame-out risk?
-Air brake looks awkward not being flush with the body.
-Leg room is taken up by wheels, very uncomfortable.
-Need telepathy to retract landing gear, open canopy.
-Balance is rather heavily impacted by firing missiles. Perhaps consider flaps set to trim to counteract this? Never seen it done myself, so it'd be a new system as far as I've seen.
Other than that, shows promise. First Silver craft, no?
I'm wondering what the unit cost is. Some poking around with component prices leads me to suspect something in the ballpark of $7 million CAD per unit.
Going off some math I conveniently found, I reckon this thing would cost about $20k CAD per day. A fuel load will probably run us something under a grand.
That gun. Minigun? 7.62? How many rounds?
I've seen varying prices on those cheap Interceptor missiles, but a general trends seems to be about $300k a unit. Issue is, I hear the Eel Protectorate's getting a special deal from Graingy for about half that, so we'd best be stingy with the rockets.
Reminds me, what currency are we using?
Regardless of all that, I think this has a lot of promise still. Could definitely help us keep the skies clear while more numerous and cheaper aircraft can do their work. One benefit is the single crew member, which is only one salary as opposed to the dozens that a squadron of cheap fighters would need.
I am, however, concerned greatly by the potential to provoke a greater response from a certain Soian-owned enterprise. A few only will probably go ignored, though.
@AndrewHK62 Thank you.
This craft, and the other Starfighters, are entirely XML mod-free, as well as making no use of part adjustment. Very old school construction.
@YarisSedan Mostly just my hatred of Grain. You could improve in a few ways, such as punctuation. I... cannot see any periods throughout the bulk of that.
@Boeing727200F A very specific kind of Liminal Loss (information - matter, energy, etc. [describable things], disappearing between universes). Not all forms are collected in the gutter, only a certain kind that tends to clog up pathways the Soians have preference for. It's for their own convenience entirely. Actually sending lost information back to where it came from is an incredible kindness, seeing as the alternatives include just destroying it outright. That would take them a lot less resources.
You can find artifacts and entities there. There are squares kilometers of camps full of wayward souls.
Well, you aren't wrong.
+2I break the Platinum chain.
+2@Yish42 Yeah I'm with Grain on this one.
+2That explains so much.
Sir this is a SimplePlanes
+2@Majakalona I don't get it.
+2@Majakalona If it's taken from Grain Guy's 60kg pile of uranium 235 then I'm happy.
+2@ColonelRelford Alternatively, you could have joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, waited for the collapse, and then stole everything.
+2Seemed like it worked for the oligarchs.
Why is it glowing?
+2@Majakalona Bombs away.
+2Wasn’t this thing stolen?
+2I’m not entirely clear on what exactly that person stole and what they modified.
Looks good.
A few nitpicks, however:
-Paint goof: Shiny tires.
-Wish there was a way to turn off gyros.
-Curious where the HUD came from.
-You forgot to invert the flaps after mirroring. All they do is roll in one direction. Remember, fully-body mirroring is your enemy. It WILL mess things up.
-Some stability issues, but in complete honesty I have zero clue what you could do about that.
-Concerned by the small size of the engine intakes. Possibly flame-out risk?
-Air brake looks awkward not being flush with the body.
-Leg room is taken up by wheels, very uncomfortable.
-Need telepathy to retract landing gear, open canopy.
-Balance is rather heavily impacted by firing missiles. Perhaps consider flaps set to trim to counteract this? Never seen it done myself, so it'd be a new system as far as I've seen.
Other than that, shows promise. First Silver craft, no?
I'm wondering what the unit cost is. Some poking around with component prices leads me to suspect something in the ballpark of $7 million CAD per unit.
Going off some math I conveniently found, I reckon this thing would cost about $20k CAD per day. A fuel load will probably run us something under a grand.
That gun. Minigun? 7.62? How many rounds?
I've seen varying prices on those cheap Interceptor missiles, but a general trends seems to be about $300k a unit. Issue is, I hear the Eel Protectorate's getting a special deal from Graingy for about half that, so we'd best be stingy with the rockets.
Reminds me, what currency are we using?
Regardless of all that, I think this has a lot of promise still. Could definitely help us keep the skies clear while more numerous and cheaper aircraft can do their work. One benefit is the single crew member, which is only one salary as opposed to the dozens that a squadron of cheap fighters would need.
I am, however, concerned greatly by the potential to provoke a greater response from a certain Soian-owned enterprise. A few only will probably go ignored, though.
I'll be in contact.
+2The M2 medium called, it wants its machine guns back.
+2More like going off to war and finding out you've been cheated on.
+2A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
+2You see this sticker with the word “Gold” written on it?
+2That means the chunk of copper I slapped it on is real pure gold!
GOOD LORD that thing is long
+2The landing gear puts a Tu-95 to shame
Bloody Barbie doll, that thing is.
The inside of that jet better be E for Everyone, or I swear to all-!
+2@TheMouse It's got to be pretty bad for me and Grain to agree on something.
+1I'm going with the first for the time being.
+1@Rob119 I am very tired and not sure what I'm looking at.
+1Leaded gasoline in any of these?
+1@FlyOnTheWall I see. How many years?
+1I have no idea how dev console works, so you’re on your own.
There is no way this would load.
+1@TheMouse As a side note, I suddenly realized that the tail on your profile picture/logo parody ever so slightly overlaps the ring. I hate it.
+1I don't follow. What are you testing?
+1@FlyOnTheWall To do what?
+1@GuyWhoBuildStuff This won’t interfere with the MWBS, will it?
+1@FlyOnTheWall hm, interesting. So it doesn’t mirror missiles that closely.
+1@TheMouse Suddenly I want to do it a lot less.
+1@FlyOnTheWall Did you check a resource? Many value types don’t show unless they’ve been entered manually. Hidden by default.
+1There is literally a guide. Have you ever checked the “useful links” pinned forum post? It should explain everything.
+1Hyperlinks are Text.
I’d be surprised if there isn’t an XML property for torpedo fuel time.
+1@Boeing727200F I see…
+1Honestly I might join, at least once I get out of these blasted woods.
Heard Grain lost its laptop. This true?
What in the name of all that is mighty
+1@AndrewHK62 Thank you.
+1This craft, and the other Starfighters, are entirely XML mod-free, as well as making no use of part adjustment. Very old school construction.
@Graingy Come together with me for a moment to complete this for me, would you?
+1What the h
+1This is funny
+1@YarisSedan Mostly just my hatred of Grain. You could improve in a few ways, such as punctuation. I... cannot see any periods throughout the bulk of that.
+1@Boeing727200F A very specific kind of Liminal Loss (information - matter, energy, etc. [describable things], disappearing between universes). Not all forms are collected in the gutter, only a certain kind that tends to clog up pathways the Soians have preference for. It's for their own convenience entirely. Actually sending lost information back to where it came from is an incredible kindness, seeing as the alternatives include just destroying it outright. That would take them a lot less resources.
+1You can find artifacts and entities there. There are squares kilometers of camps full of wayward souls.
Good for you.
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 It is a gutter in the sense that it catches certain kinds of interuniversal strays.
+1@YarisSedan Better than Grain, you are the new face of writing on this website.
+1You have my full support.
+1Using a screenshot of this forum post as an example of a forum post would be extremely funny.
+1I see…
+1@Mosquitowithagun misogyny is the hatred of women iirc
+1This is a bad thing?
+1@Graingy Dude I JUST logged in.