@Graingy Of course you do.
@Boeing727200F I only just got out of a forest so I have been rather sour... okay, fine, I've been for a while, but that aside.
An April 2018 GAO report said the total cost of the three Zumwalt destroyers, including research and development, was $24.5 billion—an average of about $8 billion per ship.
You got that hilariously off.
That being said, I can see why it was cancelled. $8 billion per ship? Yikes.
@FlyOnTheWall In all my years of play nothing has lead me to believe that. Water isn't solid, no matter how hard you hit it. It's more a form of extreme drag.
On that note, I'm not sure if water can do damage to flexible parts.
How long have you played for?
@ComradeSandman Good point...
@Graingy ?
20 upvotes. Nice.
@Graingy Of course you do.
@Boeing727200F I only just got out of a forest so I have been rather sour... okay, fine, I've been for a while, but that aside.
@SimpleStudent Nice rabbit
@ComradeSandman Twice in a row? Maybe hell has frozen over...
@TheMouse It's got to be pretty bad for me and Grain to agree on something.
+1And no, we're not friends.
@Graingy Indeed.
Good advice.
@Graingy oooh look I joined your little parade.
I'm going with the first for the time being.
+1@Graingy Can't, in the woods.
@Rob119 I am very tired and not sure what I'm looking at.
+1@Graingy No, you really didn't.
@TheMouse Could you not have at least considered amputation?
@FlyOnTheWall I see. Good luck in your endeavours.
I was also away for a long while. At least I'm better than when I left.
Ah good, my Gravatar updated.
You got that hilariously off.
That being said, I can see why it was cancelled. $8 billion per ship? Yikes.
The barbarians are at the gates and we have a trebuchet
Though ComradeSandman is right. That is obscenely expensive. How big is it?
Leaded gasoline in any of these?
+1What is the first one?
@IFVuser No, looking at this thing might just kill me.
+2Evidently not
@FlyOnTheWall I see. How many years?
+1I have no idea how dev console works, so you’re on your own.
@Graingy Wow, thanks.
@Graingy I think I’m rescinding my offer to purchase. For the time being.
@Graingy I see your point.
@Graingy Amen.
@Graingy I knew it.
@Graingy Old enough to have been employed in marketing at Graingy seven years ago.
@Graingy You’re right, but you didn’t have to put it like that.
It all makes sense now.
@KPLBall I was terrible at it.
@Graingy Amazing how little people understand the things they do regularly.
That looks very unhealthy.
Very smooth.
I have a prediction.
Hey, @Graingy. Do you want to eat this aircraft?
There is no way this would load.
+1In hindsight, I see why I lost my position.
@FlyOnTheWall In all my years of play nothing has lead me to believe that. Water isn't solid, no matter how hard you hit it. It's more a form of extreme drag.
On that note, I'm not sure if water can do damage to flexible parts.
How long have you played for?
@TheMouse As a side note, I suddenly realized that the tail on your profile picture/logo parody ever so slightly overlaps the ring. I hate it.
+1If looks could kill...
+3I don't follow. What are you testing?
@FlyOnTheWall To do what?
+1Do it again.
@TheMouse Text to speech?
@ComradeSandman Well shucks.
Have any more of these?