26.9k Sunnyskies Comments

  • Lockheed C-5 Galaxy 6.2 years ago

    @Gameboy21 Yeah, it's like a C-5A, but with CF6s instead of TF39s.

  • Lockheed C-5 Galaxy 6.4 years ago

    @thesimpleone Feel free.
    I don't mind people using my parts.
    Take anything you like.

  • C5 Galaxy 6.4 years ago

    Check out the wheels on my C-5 if you want some inspiration on how to get them to work.

  • ERJ-145 United Express (Full Interior) 6.4 years ago

    I got a job with the regional airline that flies these exact jets.
    I help fix them while they are grounded overnight for heavy maintenance.

  • Comprehensive Game Map 6.4 years ago

    Feel free.
    Here are the original screenshots if you want them without the marks.

  • Comprehensive Game Map 6.5 years ago

    @AchuTMM Nah. I don't really play anymore. I just pop in every once in a while because the site sends notifications to my email.
    Just fly north past the tall rocks. You'll see them. A diagonal formation of two destroyers, and one small carrier.

  • Comprehensive Game Map 6.5 years ago

    @AchuTMM WWII destroyer is North of point 4 on the map of Krakabloa. I made these before that update.

    @ChallengerHellcat The Dragon, I believe is unlocked by flying close to the largest pyramid on Maywar.

  • Cartographer 6.6 years ago

    @ColonelStriker A lot of my other original planes have obvious real-world inspiration as well. Mostly, I like to build replicas without calling them replicas. Slap them together from memory, and give them a unique twist. That's generally my building style.

  • Cartographer 6.6 years ago

    @ColonelStriker Yes, of course. I even mentioned the inspiration in the description.

  • Skyfisher 6.6 years ago

    @N124Hawk Thanks! I wish I could have made it more stable though. It doesn't like aggressive turning.

  • ADFX-01 MORGAN 6.6 years ago

    Looks good!

  • Comprehensive Game Map 6.7 years ago

    @Jacobdaniel I posted a link to an archive containing the original unaltered screenshots.
    Just scroll down, and find it in the comments. Then you can fix them yourself.

  • QC-12.2 PSR-200 6.7 years ago

    Remember kids!
    sharp angles = stress concentration points.

  • P-38 Lightning 6.7 years ago

    @Beastbob Actually, it's just Lockheed. The merger with Martin Marietta occurred in 1995.

  • P-38 Lightning 6.7 years ago

    Northrop Grumman?
    Where did you acquire your research?

  • F-42 Draken 6.7 years ago

    Boring is good! There is elegance in simplicity.

  • Simple Lightning (mobile-friendly) 6.7 years ago

    @though I have a good eye for shapes.

  • simple push prop 6.7 years ago

    Reminds me a lot of a Fokker F.25 Promotor.

  • Turbo-fan 6.7 years ago

    @vonhubert Yup, the centrifugal force is weird in this game. I designed a plane with a rotator propeller once. Had to account for the expansion when designing the landing gear. What's even weirder is the expansion is smaller at slower simulation speeds for some reason.

  • Turbo-fan 6.7 years ago

    @REW Working model, or static? I'd be very impressed by a working model. Especially considering the shafts for the different spools are nested inside each-other in most conventional turbofans. I know a great deal about turbine engines being a powerplant mechanic. I just love seeing models. I really like your fan.

  • Turbo-fan 6.7 years ago

    @Tessemi LOL

  • Turbo-fan 6.7 years ago

    Actually, this is only a fan.
    It ain't a turbofan until it's hooked up to its turbine.

  • ADF-01 FALKEN OSEA mk15 6.8 years ago

    That's a really nice Falken.
    You should build a Morgan. That one is my favorite.

  • Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B 6.0 6.8 years ago

    @RamboJutter They were indeed a technologically-sound plane with few problems (aside from the ever-present metal fatigue issue that crashed several planes), great plane all-around, don't get me wrong. But they were short-lived, under-produced, and overshadowed by replacements too quickly to remain relevant. They were very under-utilized, and are remembered more as museum pieces than weapons of war. A victim of obscurity, sadly.

  • Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B 6.0 6.8 years ago

    Nice. Never liked the BlackBucc much, but this a very nice build regardless.
    Well done.

  • Lockheed P-38L Lightning "Sky Lightning" 3.0 IMPROVED 6.8 years ago

    @NicePlanes By the way, the 6 circles are the filler caps for the wing tanks, not rivets.

  • Lockheed P-38L Lightning "Sky Lightning" 3.0 IMPROVED 6.8 years ago

    @NicePlanes Interesting. I balanced the fuel based on the location and capacity of the actual fuel tanks, but I will definitely try that out. Thanks.

  • Lockheed P-38L Lightning "Sky Lightning" 3.0 IMPROVED 6.8 years ago

    @NicePlanes Thanks! If you find any small fixes that improve handling further, please feel free to let me know.

  • Cruise Creeper 6.8 years ago

    @Boiiiiiii It ain't the best-looking, but it flies nice. Propellers are too easy to strike on landing though.

  • Cruise Creeper 6.8 years ago

    @Boiiiiiii This is pretty far from my best work, but thanks!

  • Thanks for Gold!(Golden F-14) 6.8 years ago

    Make an F-15 next.

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    @CenturiVonKikie Nah. I'm just entering for style. I don't feel like fine-tuning a hyper-efficient monstrosity this time around.

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    @Chancey21 My plane is in the 40 second range as well. Gonna be a good tournament I think. I predict lots of close finishes.

  • F-9 Viper 6.8 years ago

    Bruh, this looks just like an F-22.

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    This is a really tough one.
    You're basically forced to use VTOL engines for instant thrust, and unless you turn on a dime at the top of the zoom climb, the plane will weave in and out on the dive, missing every ring due to the AI's desire to aim directly at the next ring instead of anticipating its overall trajectory.
    Finding the balance between pure speed and turning radius is very important here.
    If you don't miss any rings, your plane is already worthy of competing in Lunar Arc.

  • You know you are a pro when... 6.8 years ago

    I've done these before.
    With VTOL planes though.

  • Lockheed P-38L Lightning "Sky Lightning" 3.0 IMPROVED 6.8 years ago

    @NicePlanes Ah yes. The wings were never mirrored. I placed all the parts on those by hand, using nothing more than the nudge keys for fine translation. It's understandable there is a slight variation. That few millimeters is actually pretty close to a realistic tolerance. I mostly eyeballed this build, believe it or not. I don't care much for mathematical perfection. It's more-or-less a waste of time and energy. If it flies good, and looks good, it's good. Additionally, weight and drag are distributed unevenly due to a number of smaller details, so perfectly balancing everything is next to impossible anyway. I trimmed out most of the wing heaviness by unbalancing the total lift generated by each wing, similarly to how such things are fixed in real life. I flight-tested it extensively. It flies very well on my PC. It doesn't need to be symmetrical at all.

  • Cruise Creeper 6.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 The extra wheels are just to stabilize it on the ground and keep the props from striking. I was pretty lazy for a lot of this build. The whole plane was slapped together in probably about 10 minutes.

  • fastest propeller plane 6.9 years ago

    My dart racer went faster using only a single engine.
    Eliminating drag, and optimizing the horsepower/weight ratio is very important for prop planes.

  • Lockheed P-38J-5-LO Lightning 6.9 years ago

    @BaconRoll LOL probably doesn't help I gave up on trying to catalog them all!
    There's just too many!

  • Lockheed P-38J-5-LO Lightning 6.9 years ago

    Had a good chance to really give it a good look and test flight.
    My favorite part of it is the articulation on the fowler flaps. It's a feature I always wanted to add to mine, but never got around to designing.
    If I ever make a 4.0 version of mine, it will probably be the central new feature.
    I also like how you modeled the elevator's unique shape that keeps it out of the swing of the rudders. The intakes also get an A+ from me. Fun real-life fact about those: The center division is the intercooler intake, and the two outside divisions are for the oil coolers.
    Additional intake facts: The pods under the wings are the turbo-supercharger ram intakes, and the ones on the tail booms are the coolant radiators.

  • Lockheed P-38J-5-LO Lightning 6.9 years ago

    @Mostly Thanks. But I gotta give it to you, man. This is some serious effort right here. It looks amazing! I've never been one to do historic paintjobs, or modeled interiors. This P-38 is something special!

  • Lockheed P-38J-5-LO Lightning 6.9 years ago

    Y'all already know I'd show up.

  • CESSNA SKYMASTER O-2 plus 6.9 years ago

    Oh yes! I love the skymaster.

  • Dusty Crophopper 6.9 years ago

    Wait, wrong movie.

  • 1/1 Traffic Cone 6.9 years ago


  • Cutie Plane 6.9 years ago

    @FastDan Thanks.
    @MI And thank you for the nightmares to come.

  • Cutie Plane 6.9 years ago

    Lmao, thanks @Kerbango

  • Cutie Plane 6.9 years ago

    @MacintoshEngineering It was more unsettling then.

  • Cutie Plane 6.9 years ago

    @MacintoshEngineering You should have seen it before I gave it an eyelid and pupils.