Some facts you might want to know : Beijing (Peking) was named as Beiping between 1928 and Sep 1949 (irl).
Logic: in Chinese Beijing (北京) means Capital city (京) in the North(北) litterally.
Beiping (北平) means the Northern land would be Peace/Safety(平).
History: The name Beiping came out in The Warring states Period of East Zhou Dynasty (East Zhou: 770 BC - 256 BC) as the state of Yan naming one of their land 右北平郡 (Upper Beiping Province). in West Jin Dynasty (265 - 317 AD) the land renamed into 北平郡 (Beiping Province). At 1421 Ming Dynasty's Chengzu Emperror changed capital from Namking to Beiping and renaming the city into Beijing. After 1911 Revolution and fall of Qing Dynasty the newly ROC Government set their capital city to Namking (Again) so the city of Beijing was natrually, changed back to Beiping.
So you might want to change Beijing in your timeline into Beiping.
anyways, T!
天堂 is a word already in chinese, here's some baidu:
在中国文化和民间信仰中,指人死灵魂升天以后居住的地方;在有严格教义体系的道教中,则指人得道成神成仙以后生活的世界。在天启宗教等宗教中指:信奉神的人,好人或正直者死后,其灵魂就要进入到神所居住的空间(天堂),与神在一起,永生不灭,享受着幸福美好的生活。恶人死后,就要受到神的审判,被打入到地狱中受苦受罪。 In Chinese culture and folk beliefs, it refers to the place where a dead soul lives after ascending to heaven; in Taoism, which has a strict doctrinal system, it refers to the world in which people live after they become gods and immortals. In religions such as the Apocalypse religion, it means that after the death of a person who believes in God, a good person or a righteous person, his soul will enter the space where God lives (heaven), stay with God, live forever, and enjoy a happy and beautiful life. After the wicked die, they will be judged by God and be thrown into hell to suffer and sin.
If you made a new word by concluding some characters together remember to search for it lol it might contains other meaning already.
@Jelybaca 上天堂 often refereed to go to death in chinese.
Similar referings to go to death like 见马克思/列宁/毛主席 etc (these famous human being who already passed away) also does exists.
If you want to discribe vast sky just use 蓝天/天空 is ok.
or 天际.
天堂 heaven is rather rarely used in chinese since it somehow has the meanings on the opposite (especially aviation).
Suggest remove the third image because it might stir up debate since in chinese it might be understood as flying to death.
I guess your original english text was "Let us fly toward the heaven"?
@MintLynx Have you thought of my country's first domestic SSN?
Nah, it will generate hundreds of millions of lags as the overall pixel count skyrocketing.
+1ooooo nice!!!!
@MyReaktorIsLeak Try avoid using word "Jap" since it is offensive. Alright!
+3Have you tried Chi-Ha Kai yet :P
Tag only 3 people once or they are not going to work
+1Some facts you might want to know : Beijing (Peking) was named as Beiping between 1928 and Sep 1949 (irl).
Logic: in Chinese Beijing (北京) means Capital city (京) in the North(北) litterally.
Beiping (北平) means the Northern land would be Peace/Safety(平).
History: The name Beiping came out in The Warring states Period of East Zhou Dynasty (East Zhou: 770 BC - 256 BC) as the state of Yan naming one of their land 右北平郡 (Upper Beiping Province). in West Jin Dynasty (265 - 317 AD) the land renamed into 北平郡 (Beiping Province). At 1421 Ming Dynasty's Chengzu Emperror changed capital from Namking to Beiping and renaming the city into Beijing. After 1911 Revolution and fall of Qing Dynasty the newly ROC Government set their capital city to Namking (Again) so the city of Beijing was natrually, changed back to Beiping.
So you might want to change Beijing in your timeline into Beiping.
anyways, T!
gl in academy
+2Yes and No.
I hate of using any variant of mosquito in warthunder but nice build!
Reminds me of this and ill try to build something similar to it.. Maybe yeah
+1T :p
+1Have you tried Computer™?
even more better than mine
have you thought of building a J-10 or JF-17?
@ALRX No it's not my friend xP
+1Congrats on Platium
不要强行翻译 强5就老老实实用Q5 strong5是个什么玩意
@MintLynx Check dis xP
wow this is ultranice
oh god wtf
For what pinged me?
@GalacticaAsia Do you mind if I use the cockpit section of your craft in some of my projects with credits to you of course?
+2@Annedzsrue @Tang0five
Yes It is reversed on stbd side
@BaconEggs you too ;)
add a reverse gear if can please
better than mine
天堂 is a word already in chinese, here's some baidu:
In Chinese culture and folk beliefs, it refers to the place where a dead soul lives after ascending to heaven; in Taoism, which has a strict doctrinal system, it refers to the world in which people live after they become gods and immortals. In religions such as the Apocalypse religion, it means that after the death of a person who believes in God, a good person or a righteous person, his soul will enter the space where God lives (heaven), stay with God, live forever, and enjoy a happy and beautiful life. After the wicked die, they will be judged by God and be thrown into hell to suffer and sin.
If you made a new word by concluding some characters together remember to search for it lol it might contains other meaning already.
@Jelybaca 上天堂 often refereed to go to death in chinese.
Similar referings to go to death like 见马克思/列宁/毛主席 etc (these famous human being who already passed away) also does exists.
If you want to discribe vast sky just use 蓝天/天空 is ok.
or 天际.
Anyways nice plane you've made ;)
+1天堂 heaven is rather rarely used in chinese since it somehow has the meanings on the opposite (especially aviation).
Suggest remove the third image because it might stir up debate since in chinese it might be understood as flying to death.
I guess your original english text was "Let us fly toward the heaven"?
T :P
Since you are building some attackers...
May I put a request?
@X99STRIKER I translated the song lyrics already in the desc. There's no need for another machine translated one.
now build this in Minecraft
man i hate this in war thunder
+1Tags (Teaser):
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