Re: There is one built by another player
Do you mean Mahadi's request?
He's surely talking about the Optimus in the first CGI movie. Not the OG one.
To add to this, can I request the revived Optimus in Revenge Of The Fallen? :)
@Spacepickle3214 It's not hit or miss.
Android doesn't support mods that use a script to run.
Nonscripted mods, like some plugins/GIS maps and such can run on Android.
@Zaineman I'd say Reworkable was probably shadowbanned.
My theory would be that he got most of his points with ghost upvotes.
Some of his posts' upvote counts don't match how many people actually upvoted.
@WinsWings It's a trademark. It isn't going too far, because they have the legal rights to crack down on anyone infringing their trademarks. That includes suing anyone who infringes their trademark, and potentially siphoning their money (in some cases).
Re: The only thing you're not allowed to do is use the name Honda on your title or description, so long as you don't mention the brand name on the post it won't cause any problems.
I don't get why this is even a thing though to be honest, how can user creations provide any legal ground whatsoever for suing a company? And why isn't this mentioned in the rules?
It's completely okay to use the trademark's name. The trademark's logo is not okay, however .
You see, the Honda logo is a trademark. It works differently from a copyright, and so do fair use laws.
Basic fair use laws for trademarks would be using said trademarks with modifications enough to not be recognizable as the original trademark.
While copyright's basic fair use laws would just be criticizing/transformative of the copyright. Also applies to trademarks in certain scenarios.
See: Fair Use of Trademarks (Intended for a Non-Legal Audience) Trademark Use
If you wanna use the Honda trademark without extensively modifying it, you have to:
-pay Honda to use it legally
-just don't infringe their trademark
@HalfBoiledDetective Jolly Rogers wasn't adapted by VFA-103 until VF-84 disbanded. The first usage of Jolly Rogers after VF-84's disbanding was on the Hornet (I don't know which variant).
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Nah bro. Toyota and other brands have the legal rights to threaten to sue anyone who doesn't use their trademark with prior permission.
When I mean legal rights, I mean that it's completely okay.
It's the trademark owners' fault if they don't notice anyone infringing their trademark rights.
@PlaneFlightX damn
+1how many parts already? :p
+1Will you do a more advanced tutorial for things like walking on uneven surfaces?
There is one built by another player
Do you mean Mahadi's request?
He's surely talking about the Optimus in the first CGI movie. Not the OG one.
To add to this, can I request the revived Optimus in Revenge Of The Fallen? :)
+1the current manipulator arms look so goofy lol but i can't wait for the full Dendrobium
+1Dang, 3k performance cost. Love this.
+1@MrSilverWolf damn it i hate sp auto-connect
+1sheesh the cockpit tho
+1hmmm f16 usaf camo
+1Tried this and missed a couple rings. Then I set the speed to slow mode, and my eyes were opened.
+1This could be a good concept for a car that can do wheelies, I might play around with this
+1Having more points than SpicyNinja should be an achievement.
+1I swear I thought the canopy's perspective made it look like you took it above the plane
+1Amazing. I hope you don't mind if I take screenshots with it
+1Amazing. Smooth for a stealth fuselage, the usual in this site is faceted.
+1@Spacepickle3214 It's not hit or miss.
+1Android doesn't support mods that use a script to run.
Nonscripted mods, like some plugins/GIS maps and such can run on Android.
@IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII So the images aren't really saved in the plane's XML file? Noted.
+1It's not a self-block. I literally blocked myself and I can still comment on my own posts.
+1@Zaineman I'd say Reworkable was probably shadowbanned.
+1My theory would be that he got most of his points with ghost upvotes.
Some of his posts' upvote counts don't match how many people actually upvoted.
@xNotDumb It's a general term. It doesn't have to look like the Felon's digi camo.
+1@WinsWings It's a trademark. It isn't going too far, because they have the legal rights to crack down on anyone infringing their trademarks. That includes suing anyone who infringes their trademark, and potentially siphoning their money (in some cases).
Re: The only thing you're not allowed to do is use the name Honda on your title or description, so long as you don't mention the brand name on the post it won't cause any problems.
I don't get why this is even a thing though to be honest, how can user creations provide any legal ground whatsoever for suing a company? And why isn't this mentioned in the rules?
It's completely okay to use the trademark's name. The trademark's logo is not okay, however .
You see, the Honda logo is a trademark. It works differently from a copyright, and so do fair use laws.
Basic fair use laws for trademarks would be using said trademarks with modifications enough to not be recognizable as the original trademark.
While copyright's basic fair use laws would just be criticizing/transformative of the copyright.
Also applies to trademarks in certain scenarios.
See: Fair Use of Trademarks (Intended for a Non-Legal Audience)
Trademark Use
If you wanna use the Honda trademark without extensively modifying it, you have to:
-pay Honda to use it legally
-just don't infringe their trademark
+1Collision detection when?
+1This was very fun to fly around with, wondering if you'll do a new cockpit?
+1@HalfBoiledDetective Jolly Rogers wasn't adapted by VFA-103 until VF-84 disbanded. The first usage of Jolly Rogers after VF-84's disbanding was on the Hornet (I don't know which variant).
+1I want that VF-84 version lmao
+1Surprisingly normal
+1982 parts and 10k performance cost how
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE It's not gonna happen if you:
+1Pay the trademark owners
Don't illegally use their trademarks
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Nah bro. Toyota and other brands have the legal rights to threaten to sue anyone who doesn't use their trademark with prior permission.
When I mean legal rights, I mean that it's completely okay.
It's the trademark owners' fault if they don't notice anyone infringing their trademark rights.
I was kinda stoked until I saw you said 2500 parts on the big thing
+1(I don't know much about Gundam so pardon me if I called it wrong lol)
+1@MrCOPTY Yes, but SpicyNinja was the catalyst to all of it. So the title goes to him.
+1Ren is shadowbanned. You can see his comments, but if you click on his name it takes you nowhere.
+1And he also uhhh... made this. But you probably already saw it.
+1Maybe you're a bit late, SadBoye12 was actually active a while ago on a different account.
+1It was AvalonIndustries. Upvoted some of my stuff.
@Chickendude Nah bro. Literally no one made a decent NA yet, but there's a ND on the site.