7,740 Tarquez Comments

  • Saxum class heavy freighter 5.5 years ago

    Awesome, bro!

  • SimplePlanes Island Map (redo...a bit more artsy) 4.2 years ago

    @Yeetmenflyer , you stuck to 246 degrees? It’s there

  • Starship, The Miranda class. 5.0 years ago

    Nice Trek Universe design! I am a huge trek fan as well. I posted the old Enterprise bridge here a few days ago, you should check it out.

  • PinkPanther F1 5.0 years ago

    Nice build and color combination

  • FN Peryton 5.4 years ago

    Nice design. What I find funny is that its predecessor is the stock Jundroo Mustang, of all things! This looks as much like a mustang as a Lamborghini does to a Ford Pinto.

  • SimplePlanes Island Map (redo...a bit more artsy) 5.4 years ago

    @CruzerBlade,my theory is that the island was made centuries ago by uncreative aliens, who are now long gone. And the left the missile battery working on automatic (infinite munitions, obviously). Just a hunch.

  • 2001 Space Odyssey (redesigned) 5.5 years ago

    Thanks @Aarons123 & @SodiumChloride! Much appreciated!

  • Moayi 5.5 years ago

    I may have nightmares tonight!

  • STQ-24T 5.5 years ago

    Very nice build. About the yaw, since there is no Yaw control surface, you may want to have both of those wings turn in the same direction-I just tried inverting one of the hinges and it works better...try it out.

  • SimplePlanes Released In 1982 5.5 years ago


  • Galaxy class. 5.5 years ago

    @TheEpicMOONHAWK, like I said, your detail is excellent for the smaller build. It's not easy to get the curves and details working with smaller blocks, and even some other attempts at both Galaxy and constitution class ships have missed some crucial details. As a life long trek fan, I have wanted to attempt it myself, but decided against it after seeing so many excellent versions.

  • U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge (Star Trek TOS) 5.0 years ago

    Thanks, man... yeah, it took about a long week. Can’t wait to see your new ship, buddy. Still working on the revised and finished version of the bridge @TheEpicMOONHAWK

  • U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge (Star Trek TOS) 5.0 years ago

    Thanks a lot, buddy! Peace and long life! @Baconboi

  • Star Wars Republic Frigate 5.0 years ago

    Very cool, buddy! Nice build.

  • AXIS Flight System 5.0 years ago

    You made a great design and build, using rudimentary parts in a creative way. Nice job buddy!

  • CSM-45. 5.0 years ago

    Freaking awesome detail, buddy! I love details...my last post is the bridge of the old star ship enterprise, and I c got carried away with details.

  • Cubic Zirconia 06 5.0 years ago

    Killer design work, buddy! Rey nice build.

  • U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge (Star Trek TOS) 5.0 years ago

    Thought you fellow Trek builders would appreciate this build… @Notaleopard, @TheEpicMOONHAWK, @Baconboi, @Subnerdica

  • Nuffield AT-2 5.0 years ago

    Beautiful work, buddy!

  • Sora Kendo - Mark ll 5.1 years ago

    Yeah, been busy as get exhaust (couldn’t help it!) And I will be busy again starting tomorrow. Thanks for the spotlight! I see you soared to 9k, man...Congrats, and kudos, buddy. You deserve it! @Tums

  • SimplePlanes Island Map (redo...a bit more artsy) 5.4 years ago

    A detailed map of the world, in case you're interested...
    @Tums, @rkarns, @SwordMan260, @SVRondo, @UltimatePlayer123, @Zanedavid, @JelloAircraftCorporation, @Braynie0904, @Lightsaber70, @baumuro, @IGNikolaev

  • Simple Fictional Fighter Jet 5.4 years ago

    Use post image.com to upload, then copy the markup images and paste in description. If you go to one of my aircraft and select n image in the description, it will bring you to the website.

  • Royal Air Command Fighter Jet 5.4 years ago

    Nice look, man!

  • 11 sd3 Cinder 5.4 years ago

    Found the trusters! I think you should place them back and higher up somewhere.

  • 11 sd3 Cinder 5.4 years ago

    @Tums, I tried dissecting your ship to see why your CoT is so low but couldn't find your engines...lol, you hid them well!. Where ever they are, I guess you can try bringing the forward engines back so that your CoT is at least directing under your CoM—lift off shouldn't tilt back as much. Though once you go forward, not sure if it will remain horizontal. As you know by now, the trial and error in this game could drive one crazy! Any help I can offer, I always will when asked. Good luck, man!

  • Thanks for gold!!! 5.4 years ago

    @Flash0of0green, thanks, man. And never Nazi's...As a force to be reckoned wth, all the gold in the universe wouldn't bring back that stain on humanity (I hope).

  • SimplePlanes Island Map (redo...a bit more artsy) 5.4 years ago

    More islands would be awesome! You think that’s in the works? @randomusername, @Baby

  • Vtol Atlas 5.5 years ago

    Well deserved ! @TUNDERTEAM

  • Night Streak 5.5 years ago

    Would love to give it a try, though at the moment, I am busy with work. When things get slower this weekend, I would enjoy helping where I can. And thanks for the compliment.@Minnererg

  • FA 26 5.5 years ago

    Nice build...handles smoothly. Great job!

  • Sora Kendo 5.5 years ago

    Thanks... a little more to go. I wanted to make a special build to thank everyone, but I might be too busy with work now @Tums

  • JLX-Sportprop BiPlane (Rev. 1) 5.5 years ago

    Nice! I love the double propellers!

  • Sora Kendo 5.5 years ago

    Keep at it, bro. We all know it will rock when your done! I started working on a big production about D- day, of all things. So looks like I’ll be slow on simple planes for a bit @Tums

  • Sora Kendo 5.5 years ago

    Thanks Buddy! Got cool designs in the works? @Tums

  • F-92 Lynx 5.5 years ago

    Truly awesome!

  • Manta 5.5 years ago

    Killer design!

  • Blaque Star - Area 51 Challenge 5.5 years ago

    @Tums, it’s ok... the most pleasure I get is in the act of creating-whether it’s artwork, or media manipulation and compositing, I get my rocks off on doing the stuff. Though, it is a bit annoying when I’m sure it’s a decent build. Like the Vertical Rover, for instance. It is a lot of fun to go up an 80 degree wall and come down the other side and I was sure people would love it, but I only got a few upvotes...🤔. I’m learning that if the controls aren’t super easy, most players will just give up and move on. So it goes, it’s just a game. Now, if we made money of this stuff, I would REALLY be upset! 🤣

  • Blaque Star - Area 51 Challenge 5.5 years ago

    Thanks @Tums!

  • Space Elevator 5.5 years ago

    @Kerbango, yeah, I did get one for a year old build the other day, from a new follower... it's a nice feeling.

  • Space Elevator 5.5 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote, @Kerbango. I thought this elevator had left the games atmosphere by now.

  • Santa's New Robotic Sleigh (1000 point special) 5.5 years ago

    Hey, since when does Santa carry bombs? 😂 Nice build, man!

  • transformer prototype 5.5 years ago

    Look at you two talented youngsters making design plans...high school and college huh? Now I really feel old! Great job, @gavin1234

  • The Envoy 5.5 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes, @Tums & @speedy100002!

  • Boeing 747 (with X-25 test) 5.5 years ago

    Hey buddy, really nice idea, and not many modifications needed to make fly. You have to hug the yaw to left while going down runway, then balance roll on take off, but here is an unlisted version. I know you didn’t ask for help, but I think that’s what we do for each other when we can: http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/3ZTKQW/Boeing-747-with-X-25-test

  • {First build} Thunder mk1 5.5 years ago

    Damn, brother...this a really nice piece of work!!!

  • Foam Glider - Wind Seeker 5.5 years ago

    I used to love these when I was a kid… Damn, where is that rubber band? 😛

  • spocks red matter ship improved 5.5 years ago

    I started working on one as well, but gave up because I’m too much of a perfectionist. Nice improvements!

  • M93 Grad-P (Light portable 122mm Rocket) 5.5 years ago

    Too cool, man!

  • Formula One Chassis (F1 2019) 5.5 years ago

    Handles nicely!

  • Pegasus shuttle 5.5 years ago

    @XxMegamonsterxX - Ah yes, the illusive element of time... I hear ya, bro! Thanks for the up vote!
