1,270 TaylorWatson12 Comments

  • Multiple planes at once 9.4 years ago

    It would be great if possible: so once having a plane up in the air you should be able to put it in an automatic flight plan. Then you could open another plane in sandbox and fly that one up. Like you could in Simple Rockets! Then you could practise shooting things down. Would require some serious time in scripting though!

  • Black Angel VTOL 9.4 years ago

    @ahappyape Yeahhh, it really annoys me that most people's yaws cause the plane to roll!

  • Thankyou for Silver! 9.4 years ago

    @JovianPat @AeroEngineering Thanks both of you!

  • Integrated XML Modding 9.4 years ago

    @JovianPat I think it's something the Devs should definitely look at!

  • Online!!!! 9.4 years ago

    This is already discussed, check the 'Highest Rated' under 'All Time'. Please take your ideas there and delete this one:) it helps to keep organised! And, is more likely to get passed into the game if we unite our efforts!

  • Integrated XML Modding 9.4 years ago

    @Skua Well if done with a UI, you can set the limits of a value. If anything that will limit the ability to produce overpowered items!

  • Integrated XML Modding 9.4 years ago

    @TheLatentImage Perhaps a setting to toggle between the two? Just to help people with no idea in the world of modding?

  • F-18 Hornet double 9.4 years ago

    @BritishNarwhal Is that possible?! Surely they're always moving with eachother!

  • Golden Glider sunlight ( golden glider challenge ) 9.4 years ago

    Just signing off for today! Unless someone else can do it, I'll tell you tomorrow!

  • Golden Glider the nugget 9.4 years ago

    Try making the wings bigger and reducing the weight, that should help! (Wheels weigh a ton and you don't need to land!)

  • Golden Glider the nugget 9.4 years ago

    Nice one! I'll check it out when I get to my iPad!

  • KHH Glider [Golden Glider challenge] 9.4 years ago

    @KHH No problem! If we all upvote eachother then everyone does well from entry!

  • Ku.7 Aurum Glider 9.4 years ago

    @Skua No problem! If everyone upvotes eachother then the challenge is good for everyone!

  • Crowdsourcing a plane 9.4 years ago

    Sounds like a great idea! Maybe a higher limit though to get it moving quickly? And something to preven two people editing a plane and creating two different successors!

  • Challenges 9.4 years ago

    Trying to give an upvote to everyone that enters (Something I believe in) is getting hard because of the cool down! People complain about getting recognised and if we could upvote challenge entries quicker it would convince people to stay and not get stroppy with the community!@XVIindustries @AeroEngineering

  • Golden Glider (now with flex!) 9.4 years ago

    No problem! @WWIIPlaneBuilder I figured if we all Upvote each other then this will hopefully become a missive trend!

  • Eagle Glider Golden Aves 9.4 years ago

    She's awesome! Looks like an insect!

  • Move the undo button to another corner of the screen 9.4 years ago

    @Delphinus it is very helpful! Could be avoided all together though:) Even if the buttons there 'pushed' to the right a bit when the menu comes out:)

  • great glider 9.4 years ago

    Use this with my cockpit if you want to submit this to my Golden Glider challenge!

  • Move the undo button to another corner of the screen 9.4 years ago

    It would still be simpler elsewhere though, don't you think?:) @Delphinus

  • Golden Glider challenge entry 9.4 years ago

    Good work:)

  • Slow golden glider 9.4 years ago

    Looks promising! I used my gliders for the short landings too!

  • Golden Glider 9.4 years ago

    Good luck! You've got a lot of drag points, have a go at reducing them!:)

  • Gliders! 9.4 years ago

    @Skua Yeah! Ive had loads of entries and we're dominating the hottest!

  • A.12 Dead Storm 9.4 years ago

    @fleia262 Yeah sure, will do after work!

  • Dolphin Black Widow VTOL 9.4 years ago

    @AceMcCloud Thanks! Trying to airdrop a boat can be pretty challenging and explosive if not done right! She was just a combination of my two favourite creations!

  • Golden Glider Challenge! 9.4 years ago

    @XVIindustries No idea about real life to be honest! I've always had better luck with low wing loading in this game! Thanks! It seems like this one is kicking off well!

  • A.12 Dead Storm 9.4 years ago

    @DeezDucks Its all cool, we're a friendly community right?:)

  • A.12 Dead Storm 9.4 years ago

    Ages at the start: my first upload was 4 days ago I think? And that was only so a friend could download my design @DeezDucks

  • A.12 Dead Storm 9.4 years ago

    About 8 hours ago I had 0 points @DeezDucks

  • A.12 Dead Storm 9.4 years ago

    She's great to fly! I replaced the Jets with VTOL engines and added nozzles, she's faster more stable and aven better to fly!

  • Golden Hawk 9.4 years ago

    This Glider is beautiful!

  • Golden Glider Challenge! 9.4 years ago

    If you can Upvote others who do this challenge it would be great! We can perhaps get a glider trend going!

  • Golden Glider Entry 9.4 years ago

    @Me600 Again, keep working! You have like a week!

  • Sh-012 Golden Glider Challenge 9.4 years ago

    @Me600 Then keep trying! I don't mind if you create several!

  • Golden Glider entry 9.4 years ago

    @Me600 Thanks! The more people take part, the more upvotes people get, the more we can enjoy our Golden Gliders!

  • Golden Glider Entry 9.4 years ago

    I'll see how she flies! Like the colour scheme:)

    If you can Upvote others who do this challenge it would be great! We can perhaps get a glider trend going!


    Take this to the Forums :)

  • Golden Glider entry 9.4 years ago

    Looks good! If you can Upvote others who do this challenge it would be great! We can perhaps get a glider trend going!

  • BAE + Glider v1.0 9.4 years ago

    The Golden Glider Challenge is up and Go! Think you can build as good as this one? Give it a go!

  • Gliders! 9.4 years ago

    It's Up!! @Skua

  • Any build ideas? 9.4 years ago

    It's Up! GO GO GO! @Me600

  • Any build ideas? 9.4 years ago

    Glider! I'm about to open up a glider challenge!

  • Mod compilation and other useful items 9.4 years ago

    3000mph is wrong... I got 4,500 mph! Congrats!

  • Tupolev Tu-134 9.4 years ago

    I like it! I tried to make one but it wasn't worth the upload!

  • New parts ideas 9.4 years ago

    Have you uploaded the plane?? I'll take a look to see if we can't fix this! @Brields95

  • glider ,seaplane 9.4 years ago

    I like the design of this! I'm struggling to keep it out of a stall/fall once it starts climbing:) I'm putting up a glider challenge tomorrow, keep an eye out!

  • Skis for planes and snowy mountains 9.4 years ago

    Yess! Snow landings would get interesting!

  • Gliders! 9.4 years ago

    Well I've got college work today and actual work tomorrow so neith do I really! @Skua

  • Gliders! 9.4 years ago

    Final approach! I'll make it clear when it goes up, thanks! @Skua