You're attitude towards them being facts is you're opinion don't state them as facts, It's just friendly constructive criticism
I'd rather not explain everything it would take to long
The old colonel @BirdOfSteel
As a moderator you're a peace maker that means you should be unbiased @FazingBlaze
TOC Has been known to harass him so I wouldn't be surprised @DisferGoatz
Mods don't remove this post because of the comments but remove the comments themselves please
That's not what I saw from some of your comments anyway that's just what I think is going on@BaconEggs
About 3 Master users quit aswell
I think
It's just my opinion I know @Brields95
@BroPlanes You deleted you're comment why?
No I'm just expressing my opinion he should be more professional @BroPlanes
So he's the best to ask
He is the head developer @ChasingHorizon
It's very opinionated however people that have been reporting coopers work should be temp banned and the people that mindlessly upvote him should also be punished more mildly though
Bacon didn't you create a petition against him?
And a few more people deleted there accounts or abandoned them
Not much the normal banter
You're a mod you shouldn't be posting your opinion on this
What's even sadder is people are to scared to publically show they're opinion over the Internet @BaconAircrafts
He deleted his account
I think you should stay things are tough now but it should blow over soon enough
This will just cause more drama it's already been said many times
It's really not the sheer amount of vets that have quit is astounding @General360
And if they aren't fixed I'm going to completely quit soon tbh
I agree with most of these, the community won't die but it does have problems
Partly actually the the lack of motivation is because there's nothing left to achieve for platinum users and such
I agree but if the users won't change we change the site it's a improvement @General360
It won't magically fix itself and it will get worse @GINGER01
I'm not suggesting points to be taken away either simply a new system to stop the existing problems @KingDeadshot
People are reporting them as copy's so the auto mod takes them down
It can easily be abused and causes jealousy that why I suggested something new that's why I think it would be good for a new system @KingDeadshot
I'm not suggesting scrapping the point system but rather the invites and exchange it for something else @GINGER01
I disagree although I can see your point of view about a download system I think followers would be better @General360
Thats a good idea aswell @WhiteWing
I understand we would still have comments though which I value much more @DisferGoatz
Sorry for the wall of text lol
These new guys don't seem to understand
This isn't breaking any rules you can't have the mods do what ever you would like @BaconEggs
And the bias involved it's unfair @BaconEggs
I completely agree
Why did you delete your account? @zed
Aren't you a noob?
No comment
Very funny
Because it hasn't been added yet that's your answer
No idea son
Not really most of the users I've known weren't from the U.S @BaconEggs
Americans are simply to patriotic that's all
You're attitude towards them being facts is you're opinion don't state them as facts, It's just friendly constructive criticism
I'd rather not explain everything it would take to long
The old colonel @BirdOfSteel
As a moderator you're a peace maker that means you should be unbiased @FazingBlaze
TOC Has been known to harass him so I wouldn't be surprised @DisferGoatz
Mods don't remove this post because of the comments but remove the comments themselves please
That's not what I saw from some of your comments anyway that's just what I think is going on@BaconEggs
About 3 Master users quit aswell
I think
It's just my opinion I know @Brields95
@BroPlanes You deleted you're comment why?
No I'm just expressing my opinion he should be more professional @BroPlanes
So he's the best to ask
He is the head developer @ChasingHorizon
It's very opinionated however people that have been reporting coopers work should be temp banned and the people that mindlessly upvote him should also be punished more mildly though
Bacon didn't you create a petition against him?
And a few more people deleted there accounts or abandoned them
Not much the normal banter
You're a mod you shouldn't be posting your opinion on this
What's even sadder is people are to scared to publically show they're opinion over the Internet @BaconAircrafts
He deleted his account
I think you should stay things are tough now but it should blow over soon enough
This will just cause more drama it's already been said many times
It's really not the sheer amount of vets that have quit is astounding @General360
And if they aren't fixed I'm going to completely quit soon tbh
I agree with most of these, the community won't die but it does have problems
Partly actually the the lack of motivation is because there's nothing left to achieve for platinum users and such
I agree but if the users won't change we change the site it's a improvement @General360
It won't magically fix itself and it will get worse @GINGER01
I'm not suggesting points to be taken away either simply a new system to stop the existing problems @KingDeadshot
People are reporting them as copy's so the auto mod takes them down
It can easily be abused and causes jealousy that why I suggested something new that's why I think it would be good for a new system @KingDeadshot
I'm not suggesting scrapping the point system but rather the invites and exchange it for something else @GINGER01
I disagree although I can see your point of view about a download system I think followers would be better @General360
Thats a good idea aswell @WhiteWing
I understand we would still have comments though which I value much more @DisferGoatz
Sorry for the wall of text lol
These new guys don't seem to understand
This isn't breaking any rules you can't have the mods do what ever you would like @BaconEggs
And the bias involved it's unfair @BaconEggs
I completely agree
Why did you delete your account? @zed
Aren't you a noob?
No comment
Very funny
Because it hasn't been added yet that's your answer
No idea son
Not really most of the users I've known weren't from the U.S @BaconEggs
Americans are simply to patriotic that's all