Hey Hypno. Its been a long time. Miss you friend. We started at about the same time all those years ago. You were the first big creator to praise my builds and inspire me to keep going. Although i havent posted much, i have improved offline alot, and soon will be posting some of my best creations. Hope youre okay out there.
@jamesPLANESii yep. I have a fighter ill be posting thats based on the I-16, same size, weight, speed; but the I-16 only needed 51Lb for 330 mile range, the one i have has 230Lbs of fuel. Nuts
Its kinda ridiculous that in a week 1 billion dollars was donated to a building that is worth 55 billion. That much money would clean up a big chunck of that trash island in the Pacific but i guess a old building thats already going to be rebuilt is more important than sea life.
@BaconEggs The dogfight mode is the best part in my opinion, it lets you test out what kind of damage your craft can deal/take. It just needs a lot of tweaking.
@DragonAerotech yo its been so long! Ive kinda jumped ship over to Flyout a long time ago, SP wasnt enough when it came to aircraft engineering and Flyout is just a whole new league of its own.
Modders, doing the devs jobs without the pay
+20Pulls out a lighter
+12Ohh. Great. Great. Um, whens the next simpleplanes update?
+9If youre speaking to god you should see a phycward.
+6I hear the spirits of 1930s tank designers moaning in excitement.
+4Hey Hypno. Its been a long time. Miss you friend. We started at about the same time all those years ago. You were the first big creator to praise my builds and inspire me to keep going. Although i havent posted much, i have improved offline alot, and soon will be posting some of my best creations. Hope youre okay out there.
+4I love it, like if the Wright Brothers were brought into the modern day and asked to build a plane with modern materials
+4What worries me most is that 6 people downloaded this.....god is dead and we killed them....
+4@ReischetzFokke This is completely legal.
+4Reporting this as false advertisement, doesnt come with a to-scale DeathStar ll
+3Is there a way to switch to the cannon in Air-to-Air mode?
+3Although it seems pretty unstable with flaps all the way down, flipping iver most times. And the rudders go opposite directions
+3I had to watch this twice to understand what the hell was going on
+3Very nice, need to flatten your roundels out though
+3Damn you beat my flying boat out of the park
+3The image of thomas falling out of the sky with the main theme blasting terrifies me..
+3This is racist as f-ck...
+3So this is a Laputa airship? Since Goliath was a destroyer, would this be a cruiser? or maybe a battleship?
+2Would be neat if it wasnt so easy to kill the ships, some seem fragile.
+2this mod is fantastic. Some of the ships tend to bug out and go way faster than they should though.
+2AKA any expert aircraft in a flying anime.
+2@jamesPLANESii yep. I have a fighter ill be posting thats based on the I-16, same size, weight, speed; but the I-16 only needed 51Lb for 330 mile range, the one i have has 230Lbs of fuel. Nuts
+2The furries come flying in two by two
Its kinda ridiculous that in a week 1 billion dollars was donated to a building that is worth 55 billion. That much money would clean up a big chunck of that trash island in the Pacific but i guess a old building thats already going to be rebuilt is more important than sea life.
+2@Maximum777 its a mirror universe
+2@AndrewGarrison I feel like I need to tag you to get some attention to this. Its been going on for YEARS
+2AI planes are still doing random Lööps
+2SP2 conformed
+2Holy crap this thing is twice as big as my gigantic seaplane XvX i guess you broke the record, congrats.
+2@BaconEggs The dogfight mode is the best part in my opinion, it lets you test out what kind of damage your craft can deal/take. It just needs a lot of tweaking.
+2They need to make some improvements, but apparrently the devs are giving up on this game
+2I chuckle every time she goes "Yeah there were some wars since then, no biggy" Talking about the late 1930s 1940s, while in Italy. Yeah no biggy...
+1@DragonAerotech yo its been so long! Ive kinda jumped ship over to Flyout a long time ago, SP wasnt enough when it came to aircraft engineering and Flyout is just a whole new league of its own.
+1@FlyingThings Yeah cruiser for sure. Awesome work <3
+1The Sting Bean
+1??? Its just a F-100, wheres the catfish?
+1What a awesome creation! I hope to see this in the skies one day.
+1Pretty cool first plane. Try to use less blocks and work on fuselage shaping and inlate shaping.
+1@11qazxc Theres no such thing as originality
+1Hey, would you be interested in helping me with a project?
+1How do you chat in the mod?
+1@SemedianIndustries Im a seaplane enthusiast and this is waayyyy better than my big seaplane. I might have to go back and make a new plane.
+1Beautiful seaplane
+1A flying piece of art
+1@calebcxh33 What about fictional aircraft?
+1@DragonAerotech heres the map (link at the bottom)