@DragonAerotech I just use the VTOL and trim sliders for roll and pitch and yaw, and it look putting a bar that would come down right when you land to stop you from falling off the back. Thats on the newest multiplayer version.
@BusterShortWolf It is, arcade mode feels like a high stakes WOT...with planes. And realistic is the sweet spot for alot of players. You can see enemy names depending on distance and crew training. Aircraft have "realistic"(To russian standards) flight models. Everything feels good. When you are in a tiger, you feel like you are driving one (Add a realistic soundmod-do iiitt-) till you are bombed, or penned in the front by a cromwell. Or rocketed by a P-47. Or rocketed by a 350mm Rocket from a Bt-5. Great fun. The game has flaws, but hopefully after boats come out they will hammer everything out.
Which one?
+1Its good, but j dont think the hual should be invincable
+1@JohnnyBoythePilot oops, no i meant the elevator
+1@randomusername thank you, i do not understand why it wasnt working
+1What is this, A ARMY FOR ANTS??
+1@MOPCKOEDNISHE oh man, when i get a PC this is ganna be the star of the show, great job
+1This is absolutely amazing, the devs need to add this in game! Can you use it as a turret on a plane?
+1You could make the parts non-collidable with the overload mod
+1@tylerdeveneuxmusic thank yous
+1@Cardboard maybe less flaps,you dont need that all the way out to the ailerons
+1You should put a longer description; armaments, speed, takeoff/landing speed etc
+1Well done, a landmark for the game, for sure.
+1I want to start making ships of this size but my phone cant handle it. Sucks.
+1@ChiyomiAnzai let me make the lore and world map first, im waiting to get a new PC
+1Hell, that would be a difficult landing for any heli pilot
+1So can we shoot eachother now?
+1@CharlieLi I figured, shes a big old ship, but was wondering if youd like some planes on her
+1Very nice! ill be following you for sure!
+1Had flashback to "Taxi Driver"
+1When youre in the dogfight gamemode the enemy plane still yaws wildly side to side when on your tail.
+1@Sgtk no problem, awesome job, wish i could fly it.
+1throws all yhe upvotes at you
+1@HellFireKoder I cant select multiple parts at all.
+1@AtomicCashew It plays pretty well. Congrats on the record, was sure I was ganna hold it longer but two years is pretty good.
+1Did you make the parts un-destuctable?
+1@DragonAerotech I just use the VTOL and trim sliders for roll and pitch and yaw, and it look putting a bar that would come down right when you land to stop you from falling off the back. Thats on the newest multiplayer version.
+1"not that laggy" yeah just a hope, skipp and 2400 pieces XvX fans computer thats literally on fire
+1Yourr ganna die. I dropped a nuke on that bastard and they wouldnt die.
+1The controls being shot out doesnt explain the whole plane loosing lift and not able to pitch up at all.
+1Id just be happy if you could scroll through your aircraft list instead of flipping through pages.
+1Noope,noope, nooooope flies tf outa here
+1@BusterShortWolf It is, arcade mode feels like a high stakes WOT...with planes. And realistic is the sweet spot for alot of players. You can see enemy names depending on distance and crew training. Aircraft have "realistic"(To russian standards) flight models. Everything feels good. When you are in a tiger, you feel like you are driving one (Add a realistic soundmod-do iiitt-) till you are bombed, or penned in the front by a cromwell. Or rocketed by a P-47. Or rocketed by a 350mm Rocket from a Bt-5. Great fun. The game has flaws, but hopefully after boats come out they will hammer everything out.
+1@Mostly "I like. Big. Planes and i cannot lie."
+1@Strikefighter04 Thanks, I made version with actual suspension but havent posted them yet.
+1Some directions on controls would be handy
+1My great uncle actually designed this ^v^
+1You mean like the KSP weapons mod? with a small circle below indicating where it will generally land.
+1I love it how people still tag Weasel yet he hasnt made a simpleplanes video in a year.
+1This will be useful
+1Awesome design.
+1@JCobb no by all means! Make it! You'll likely do a better job than I have.
+1@JCobb https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/TNeA30/Ar-422-C-3-Manta
+1Um, you just poated someone elses work.
+1Hears "Seven Army Nation" play Oh deaar
+1@TheLatentImage Wanna check out my flying ships?
+1Can I enter one of my flying boats?