26.1k TheGuyYouMightKnow Comments

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 7.1 years ago

    @PhantomBladeCorp lmao we all have our own ways of going about things I guess.

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 7.1 years ago

    @PhantomBladeCorp Yes, I never did at first because I was playing the game before there was any tutorial so I didn't need it. But tutorials are naturally what players go to first in a game, and when your game's tutorial is out of date like SP's new players often create bad planes.

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 7.1 years ago

    @spefyjerbf Wouldn't you say that fuselage blocks should be the basics? They're far more prevelant than single blocks and they only hurt new players.

  • Spitfire mk1a teaser 02 7.1 years ago

    Excited for this!

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 7.1 years ago

    @CoolPeach Exactly! The tutorial potentially sets up new players for failure!

  • Smith F-5 Fox 7.1 years ago

    Please use the customizable fuselage. It has greater potential to make better shapes and better looking planes. Plus the single blocks add comepletely unnecessary parts.

  • XFLR-02 (Goss-15 “Trident”) 7.1 years ago

    Neato my dude

  • What video recording software do you use 7.1 years ago

    @Flightsonic @Stellarlabs Thanks guys!

  • The question about the account... 7.1 years ago

    You doxxed yourself. rip. Hope you get a new username soon!

  • What order do people build their planes in? 7.1 years ago

    I start with the nose and once I'm done with the fuselage, I make basic wing shapes (if it's a bomber I add engines), test it, then landing gear, finally detailing.

  • A few relatively unknown players that I think deserve more support 7.1 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 Why not check them out now?

  • Why is everyone making Bf-109s all the sudden? 7.1 years ago

    @danman12 Are you asking how to post a forum?

  • Cutangus Aerodyne 11 twin ducted fan 1.2 7.1 years ago

    Extra neat my dude!

  • Spitfire mk1a teaser 7.1 years ago

    @Rodrigo110 It's true that people who frequently post get more upvotes but again, its likely for a reason. There are plenty of silver players who post constantly and get very few upvotes. Not because they're silver but because their designs suck. Plus no one is getting left behind, upvotes are not going only to plat players, you get upvotes on good builds, if someone doesn't get upvotes then they're probably not very proficient. Obviously we all have builds that we think deserve more upvotes than we get but that's just how it works.

  • Spitfire mk1a teaser 7.1 years ago

    @Rodrigo110 Well the majority of plat players are plat because what they make is good enough in most people eyes to be upvoted. All platinum players are platinum for a reason, what I'm saying is that @MisterT has more reason to be plat than most players who are platinum.

  • Spitfire mk1a teaser 7.1 years ago

    This is something beyond the level of most platinum players. Marvelous work my dude!

  • Blohm und Voss P.215.02 updated 7.1 years ago

    Certainly an improvement, good job!

  • New plane ready to soar in the sky! 7.1 years ago

    Extra neat!

  • As SimplePlanes is growing, so is the community, and with that growth comes needs. 7.1 years ago

    I doubt this community will go down the drain very easily. Most toxic communities grow from competitive games like CS:GO or Siege. But SP is not really competitive unless you consider the point system "competitive." I expect any toxicity to come out of white and silver players who expect upvotes on trash posts. Most of these players come from youtubers who play SP once and never touch it again. Obviously the exposure is good for the game but the players that come from most youtubers make one dysfunctional plane, post it and get no upvotes, then quit. Or they will call players or groups elitist. Thankfully we do not see many of these players!

  • Scout Tundra Civilian 7.1 years ago

    looked at your original scout tundra to help me with my Veyron, glad to see a new version!!

  • Boeing E-53 7.1 years ago

    The proportion of the pilots and the rest of the cabin is pretty far off.

  • Functional Bolt-Action Rifle 7.1 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s Lol, the system you've made works just fine, it's just a tad inaccurate.

  • Functional Bolt-Action Rifle 7.1 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s This is the best comparison I can find. You got the interior of the bolt system spot on- but the "handle" (not sure what's its actually called" should move with the interior system.

  • Functional Bolt-Action Rifle 7.1 years ago

    Pretty sure the bolt handle is going the wrong direction when you chamber a round. But overall you've made a great system!

  • Just a question.... 7.1 years ago

    Take a look at this and try to use some similar elements. Try not to copy it but instead take certain techniques from it.

  • Sigh... 7.1 years ago

    What's most annoying is how many P-38s are posted. Sure I've posted a P-38 but at least it's nice, so many new players post absolute trash and call it a lightning.

  • Simple Tank 7.1 years ago

    @HellRaiser T H A N K S!

  • Simple Tank 7.1 years ago

    @RailfanEthan Thanks!

  • Simple Tank 7.1 years ago

    @Hammy125 Thanks!

  • Rocket Sled - ICBM - Piloted v1.0 7.1 years ago

    Extra neat my dude!

  • 3x3 Suspension 7.1 years ago

    @QingyuZhou @Mixedbrocc Originally tried to make an armored car but that didn't really work out, cars aren't particularly my specialty lol.

  • Blohm und Voss P.215.02 7.1 years ago

    @ChrisTheWolf30 Get both of these mods: Fine Tuner and Overload, Fine Tuner will help with resizing and placement and overload will help with certain part properties. If you need help with anything then feel free to holler my way!

  • DDG-1 Skate 7.1 years ago

    @DestinyAviation Np, good timing I guess!

  • Blohm und Voss P.215.02 7.1 years ago

    Not bad! But I recommend you lose the 20mm cannon mod. You can use resized wing-guns and they will work just as well and you will likely get more upvotes for not requiring mods.

  • TR Mosquito 7.1 years ago

    Thought about making one of these about a year ago, looks like ya beat me to it.

  • >:( 7.1 years ago

    If it makes you feel better I started playing during December 2014 and I never made an account until 2017. idk why that would make anything better but this little factoid fits here.

  • katyha 7.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii oh, well it’s still worth the report.

  • katyha 7.1 years ago

    Not to mention that this is a recurring thing with you. Almost all of your posts are stolen. Shameful.

  • katyha 7.1 years ago

    Don't steal content from other players who work hard to make these things. You will accomplish nothing by taking work from @BogdanX . The only thing that will come out of this is that people will recognize you as someone who desperately tries to take from others.

  • katyha 7.1 years ago

    @iLikeipads He didn't add anything.

  • The 'Desert Viper' 7.1 years ago

    Neato my dude

  • Need help with a prop plane 7.1 years ago

    @Mostly Again, it's a replica I can't really change the CoL because I'd have to change the wing setup.

  • Need help with a prop plane 7.1 years ago

    @Jetpackturtle Already tried it, didn't work

  • THOTS DETECTED 7.1 years ago

    B E G O N E

  • Realistic cannon 7.1 years ago

    Pretty damn smart!

  • Spring plans 7.1 years ago


  • UFO 7.1 years ago

    ayy lmao

  • Model 49-5 7.1 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf Gotcha.

  • Model 49-5 7.1 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf Is this actualy your alt account?