holy shit my man is goin for the big lads
keep er goin bro
also there seems to be smth wrong with the missle while its flying to its target idk why but it flips around and does a 180 and just crashes cant control it or anything so it just crashes
i know this prolly aint gonna happen but for the love of god add the desert to mobile please its boring when all youve got is wright isles and the kraraloba (butchered that) but please add desert to mobile it opens up alot more stuff
me and my dad 2 days ago betted £5 best of 3 on wipeout 2048 remastered (wipeout omega edition) i won by 1 second. Wipeout is a very good game and if you havent played it i highly recommend getting it
holy shit my man is goin for the big lads
keep er goin bro
also there seems to be smth wrong with the missle while its flying to its target idk why but it flips around and does a 180 and just crashes cant control it or anything so it just crashes
+9i know this prolly aint gonna happen but for the love of god add the desert to mobile please its boring when all youve got is wright isles and the kraraloba (butchered that) but please add desert to mobile it opens up alot more stuff
+8WELCOME TO FAR CRY 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so how the hell do we use it?
+7@TRD6932 y'know someone made a really good Yamato thats like 200parts or so
+7you made a better mustang than jundroo impressive
+7ngl this is very good for the time it was made
+6guessing back then it was harder to make a good looking aircraft
@Rjenteissussy ''I just want to start a flame in your heart''
+5@MadAgus this is the best one on the site btw most of the other ones are half assed
+5the new german corsiar???
+4the MK947
+4@FRIGGLES yea its called a joke
+4could you make it mobile friendly by any chance?
+4@Jundroo what happened to gator 1 tho?
+4Me 264 on crack cociane
+4i will confirm that this is NOT mobile friendly
+3german mig-15
+3what in the absolute christ am i staring at
+3wart hunder
+3if anyone disses on octonauts ima put them in the ground that show was something else when i was younger
+3@Jaspy190 its funny cuz china gets pissed whenever its brought up
+3pray its something good lads @TatsuTheOtaku
+3@AEGIS thanks idk how the hell to use it till now
+3gawd damm its beautiful
+3@AlphagamingWw2 we truely have acsended to another level
+3Holy God you may as well make a Gustav under your name
+3Mobile version anytime soon? @Marine
+3I swear this was in BF4
+2HOLY SHIT rambo posted a normal looking plane again :o
+2@JP11 he doesn't know how to nor does he intend to cause he's a slimy thief XD
+2man I aint even got the rights to complain about this I haven't touched this game in months but I've gotta ask... W H Y (good build tho :D )
+2@TheTomatoLover i might get the game soon so ima look him up
+2me whos likes props more than jets Y E S
+2@AWACSgodess alr
+2EXIT LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
+2Make more pls
+2@IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII holy shit thats jungle strike!? im goin back in time rn
+2hans we did it we made the ratte actually useful
+2ah yes the worst naval bomber in Americas navy (very well done btw) :)
+2the walker is good
+2@Panzerwaifu69 quick fact that tank in the movie is a heavly modified landship mk-8 with a Matilda II turret on top
+2@CharlesDeGaulle yeeeeeees my man
+2@CharlesDeGaulle please be a good one this site has no good hanuebus
+2could you make a hanuebu II?
+2me and my dad 2 days ago betted £5 best of 3 on wipeout 2048 remastered (wipeout omega edition) i won by 1 second. Wipeout is a very good game and if you havent played it i highly recommend getting it