@Wolf211 a challenge response of mine 3 years ago did not appear on the homepage either probably because it was off-topic (wrt the challenge). Could this explain your post vanishing?
@SAT0rii if the image uploading website you used provides Markdown code generation, try using that and put the markdown code into the description instead of  so that the image will be bigger here
@Danidude88 Fill SelectedWeapon=(THE NAME OF THE WEAPON HERE with a pair of double quotation marks) into the activation group section (you may need to navigate in the pop-up menu atop the Overload window) of the rotator's Overload interface
@TRD Yeah pushing the cockpit back makes missiles unable to hit the aircraft unless the enemy fires head-on, just as it does in the original game. (This build, however, doesn't prevent the cockpit from being broken off by missile impact.)
@QOUEIUUR try clicking the undo button after the lacking mod notification pops up, for there should be the craft appeared with mod-requiring part(s) removed (an immobilized launcher xD)
@ThatKindaWeeb true, I found a half reliable image which says the caliber of its cannon is 120 cm which is 1200 mm, so I made the cannon part into something that holds a 1200 mm caliber then magnified the base to fit it
@AWESOMENESS360 oroginally I was planning for 1:100000 size but the building blocks aren't rational to that size and make an annoying infinite noncyclic decimal when calculating ratio
@MinWiii yeah looks like a lever dangling or a stick gets stuck. Yet making a fully realistic track needs the Tracks mod; or, a lot of parts together, which sucks more due to the you-know physic settings of the game (just personal opinion).
@HermanTheGermanSherman Actually, you can put flat (by editing scale) wheels together to form the belt part of a track. When it runs, it just looks like a real rolling track.
@Markjn Take a try, and you'll found that the beams you fired will hit the hull. They're not fast enough to escape from the hull span area when the hull is ascending/descending, thus colliding each other sideways.
@SenSkysh Another question. For example, my vertical rotator has a range of 90˚, but the min setting in XML had been changed to 0 which means I can only turn it upward by 90˚ but I can't turn it downward. In this case, what should I fill into angle?
@Wolf211 a challenge response of mine 3 years ago did not appear on the homepage either probably because it was off-topic (wrt the challenge). Could this explain your post vanishing?
The 68th Experimental P̶a̶r̶a̶c̶h̶u̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ Squadron Sol
+1how to launch the missiles
gyroscope steering is quite hard to control
Greatly detailed! I expect its completion (are the AA gun slots left empty because they weren't finished?)
@Baiming 学到了
What is the glass covering for
enemy behemoth deployed
+6@SAT0rii if the image uploading website you used provides Markdown code generation, try using that and put the markdown code into the description instead of
so that the image will be bigger here@MrCOPTY "云" is the abbreviation for "云南", i.e., the Yunnan Province
+2@WolfHunter9111 << I even bought flowers >>
+4@Bluepink Why the upper junction of the inlet and the fuselage doesn't look as smooth ingame as in the thumbnail
+1@GhostTeam2 你置顶一下你这两条解释要不
@Danidude88 Fill
+1SelectedWeapon=(THE NAME OF THE WEAPON HERE with a pair of double quotation marks)
into the activation group section (you may need to navigate in the pop-up menu atop the Overload window) of the rotator's Overload interface@Griffon1 in case the missile doesn't precisely hit the target
+1@GrunderDynamics now we find out who's number one
@DISHWASHER2005 glad to see people willing to fly this
@TRD IDK why but sadly it didn't work on my device . . .
+1@MrCOPTY It's an encouragement you love it, and I believe knowing more background story will surely deepen your love ;)
+1@TRD Yeah pushing the cockpit back makes missiles unable to hit the aircraft unless the enemy fires head-on, just as it does in the original game. (This build, however, doesn't prevent the cockpit from being broken off by missile impact.)
+1@dotCoCo FIRE AWAY, COWARD! (reciting in-game radio comm lol)
@FDFZMaverick 转轴到驾驶舱的竖直和前后垂直距离(即坐标相减,单位为米),TZ里面的200是驾驶舱开ECM被推出的距离
@PlanariaLab Please note that I used your code for target position calculation from your build 1Parts HUD
@QOUEIUUR try clicking the undo button after the lacking mod notification pops up, for there should be the craft appeared with mod-requiring part(s) removed (an immobilized launcher xD)
+5@LegendaryPilot YeAerospace probably mistook Long Beach for a Chinese city having a name similar in literal meaning (literally "Long Sand")
@YeAerospace 长滩不是长沙
@moistcottonbud oh thx
+1@moistcottonbud Might you explain why, in the expression, both the current VerticalG and the G-force upper limit are the actual value minus 1?
+1Have you got a MCAS installed
Avanti Savoia!
+1@ThatKindaWeeb true, I found a half reliable image which says the caliber of its cannon is 120 cm which is 1200 mm, so I made the cannon part into something that holds a 1200 mm caliber then magnified the base to fit it
@spefyjerbf okay
well, I think it works better on studying math😢
@SuperLJY didn't get an idea to fit it in
+1@LockheedAndMartin 光环里的00特区
@AWESOMENESS360 oroginally I was planning for 1:100000 size but the building blocks aren't rational to that size and make an annoying infinite noncyclic decimal when calculating ratio
@MinWiii yeah looks like a lever dangling or a stick gets stuck. Yet making a fully realistic track needs the Tracks mod; or, a lot of parts together, which sucks more due to the you-know physic settings of the game (just personal opinion).
+4@HermanTheGermanSherman Actually, you can put flat (by editing
) wheels together to form the belt part of a track. When it runs, it just looks like a real rolling track.@Markjn Take a try, and you'll found that the beams you fired will hit the hull. They're not fast enough to escape from the hull span area when the hull is ascending/descending, thus colliding each other sideways.
@AlphagamingWw2 the suez canal been obstructed by a freighter
@SenSkysh Kay then
@SenSkysh Another question. For example, my vertical rotator has a range of 90˚, but the
setting in XML had been changed to 0 which means I can only turn it upward by 90˚ but I can't turn it downward. In this case, what should I fill intoangle
?@SenSkysh So, um, should I fill in the max angle of my rotator turning upwards in pA and the max angle of my rotator turning downwards in nA?
@SenSkysh the min, max and range in Overload you mean?
@SenSkysh What's the meaning of "vertical guidance"? Elevation and depression angle?
this one looks quite similar to the Boeing Loyal Wingman
+1@FujiwaraAutoShop I wish you could and don't |)
@yinggelaiye could you please change the title a little bit, maybe just a vowel...
@bossboy678905 how am I going to know the answer if I don't ask the author?
@bossboy678905 what???