2,613 Tythatguy1312 Comments

  • Oil refinery[ground target] 5.6 years ago

    It has so many drag points my IPad suggested I try to call the number

  • Tie Crawler 5.5 years ago

    Geez this thing makes a Bob Semple look like an Abrams

  • Nuclear cannon 4.3 years ago

    @Darg12e if you aim it at the nearest mountain it might be less... hand burning

  • HSC Seaspeeder 4.9 years ago

    The boat is good but this is our last haven from American politics please don't

  • T-15 5.2 years ago

    You threw an A10 and your style together and created a better HE-173. Honestly in awe

  • Gontar M-940 5.2 years ago

    First up after another server crash.

    Very impressive

  • reall track[second generation] 5.4 years ago

    On low physics these things loose the tracks faster than I lost my hope in humanity

  • Dogfight | Thunderdome II 5.6 years ago

    Basically No.5 (What) was built around a concept, that didn't work. It was slow, heavy for its size and a failure. Unlike designs with effort (like the F-93 Saturn) it simply flew for a bit. In the right hands I have no doubt it could escape trouble easily, but in the hands of AI that wasn't gonna happen.

  • Oil refinery[ground target] 5.6 years ago

    @ChristianBoer serious. It's not a problem, I just find it hilarious

  • Pinewood Derby Challenge 5.9 years ago

    Entry's So far
    The classic ramp
    Pinewood Pioneer
    Tubular trace
    literally just a frame
    Duck head
    Basic mobile
    2007 Ford
    Velocity super
    Formula 5
    Formula O R
    Tin torpedo
    The dimensions box
    That thing from trackmania
    (Names may be entirely made up by me for effect)
    (Reposted for my personal sake)

  • top gear campervan 6.0 years ago


  • Airship drone Chubby Girl 6.6 years ago

    Why did you make my Ex Girlfriend?

  • Nuclear cannon 4.3 years ago

    @LlamaIndustries XML modding. Explosion value for the cannon is in the game already.

  • Nuclear cannon 4.3 years ago

    @WeaponsTesting I left it on 1 second because just LOOKING at the explosion from a distance of ~3000 meters is enough to knock out my game

  • Nuclear cannon 4.3 years ago

    @Vader_plays109 our weapons share a name and idea but are fairly different
    They're the same sort of weapon, but I did not know of your design whilst building this.

    It is also highly unlikely that you are the first person to build a nuclear cannon, considering I've built extreme weapon prototypes for a fair bit before you made yours

  • Nuclear cannon 4.3 years ago

    @MuggedCup that's a problem I encountered during testing and I'll advertise that fact as a feature

  • A Funky Cool Name 4.3 years ago

    Please don't use profanity in aircraft descriptions

  • Garbage plane :( 4.5 years ago

    @Stratus I'd prefer to have your twitter just so I can send you what I wanna say because otherwise I'd be banned

  • LAAT-85 Democracy 4.6 years ago

    @Zoowarp I actually dare you to do it

  • Genesis 5.0 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot it's France when not surrendering or revolting, you need to have exactly zero expectations

  • Merry Christmas! 5.0 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 С Рождеством

  • artillery half-track mk1 5.1 years ago

    (Fires once)
    (Ends up in Australia)

  • CMSH-100 5.2 years ago

    (Stalls at 900mph)

  • How to throw something onto the forums. The BP way 5.2 years ago

    @randomusername well we both have our methods, mine more rigid and yours more fluid. I respect you for that

  • *SnOrT 5.3 years ago

    Peppy pig. Brilliant for target practice

  • Super Tiny Microscopic Car in SP 5.4 years ago

    I still hold the unmodded record

  • Pennsylvania Rail Road S2 (modded version) 5.4 years ago

    Like the LMS Turbomotive but R I P P E D

  • Flying Yorkshire 5.4 years ago

    (Unidentified Yorkshire Pudding)

  • KV-34 5.4 years ago

    KV-34, destroyer of turret rings.

  • repeatable ball run 5 5.5 years ago

    It got hit by debris from a random AI plane and still worked perfectly so that's probably a good sign.

  • NO U bomb with plane 5.5 years ago

    Well it's more creative than my use of the weapon (see the UC-98 Pershing), which used a stock airframe, uncreative name and some other weapons)

  • Replicas or Fictionnals ? 5.5 years ago

    I generally prefer to build fictional. It generally leads me to feel more free with my designs, and has lead to some bangers TBH.

  • LNER Class C1 (large Boiler) 5.6 years ago

    This is actually brilliant.

  • MIG-15 Simple Fagot 5.6 years ago

    Quite the unfortunate name

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.7 years ago

    I'm pulling my entry (the rocketeer) out of the competition due to the fact that I have designed much better airframes in the past. I will presumably be entering with 1 of them.

  • Sri Lanka Bombings 5.7 years ago

    After the Notre Dame and Portugal Bus crash I am now certain we can't go a week without tragedy

  • Claw spacecraft 5.7 years ago

    "Designed to fly at night". Just cover it in High Visibility Jackets.

  • Stupid non working plane 5.7 years ago

    Ok so from what I can tell the COM is behind the COL. there are 2 ways to fix this. 1: Make a plane so small that this won't be a problem (my preferred solution) or 2: Listen to JediWolf.

  • Flamethower i think 5.8 years ago

    It's already on a creation

  • 2012 Subaru Impresa WRX 5.8 years ago

    @connect your simpleplanes account to the game and hit the "share aircraft" button

  • T-10A1 'Elephant' MBT 5.8 years ago

    Not to be confused with the Elefant tank destroyer

  • Microfighter-1 5.9 years ago

    Oh damn. I've been making these for a year

  • Hydrofoil 5.9 years ago

    It can fly. 'Nuff said

  • Pinewood Derby Challenge 5.9 years ago

    I have edited the Pinewood pioneer to fit within the specified area

  • Pinewood Derby Challenge 5.9 years ago

    Entry's So far
    The classic ramp
    Pinewood Pioneer
    Tubular trace
    literally just a frame
    Duck head
    Basic mobile
    2007 Ford
    Velocity super
    Formula 5
    Formula O R
    Tin torpedo
    The dimensions box
    (Names may be entirely made up by me for effect)
    (Next update 7-9am GMT)


    I've been making planes for a long blooming time and I must say this is very good!

  • Greatlake Bulk carrier 5.9 years ago

    (Edmund Fitzgerald intensifies)

  • C.V.33(L3 33) 6.0 years ago

    Mama Mia

  • North Korea’s secret military superpower... 6.6 years ago

    I don't know how I feel about this.
