I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
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I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
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I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
+3I was excited until I realized it was April fools day
+2@LJh1 thanks
+1I cant read the comments
+1@GuardianAerospace thank you very much
+11-Unknown - You Reposted In The Wrong Neighborhood (Intrumental)
2-Sister Sledge- He's The Greatest Dancer
3-Trey Parker & Pharrel Williams - Hug Me
4-Pino D'Angio - Ma Quale Idea
5-Pharrel Williams - Just A Cloud Away
+1This is very epik. I liek how this is smol and not the size of a car
+1@Yish42 your welcome
+1Epik plane
+1I'm bacc
+1Make bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb bomb in a bomb
+1Jesus christ. Wow
+1Man this is fire 🔥 🔥 🔥
+1@SaturnBuildsStuff Thanks for the high rate.
+1@Hiimakeplanes Totally. Indeed
+1@LJh1 what the fu-
+1@LunarEclipseSP yes it is. Sorry if I forgot to credit you for the cab.
+1@LunarEclipseSP thanks.
+1needs more boolets
A-7 wagyu
@Zaineman omg I got mentioned !!111!!!
Unrecognizable Boeing
@Mal0ne yes
The boeing that doesn't even look like a boeing
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
I'm a mature kid
This looks cursingly interesting
Good Plane 👍
@Erc90F4RU thank you for correcting
Eggtonov 225
@3vvre your welcome
That is interestingly epix
your a meth cooker???
@QazEEqaZ 🤨
Double it and give it to the next person
@ThatOneConcorde thanks
One thing about this aircraft that makes this intriguing is
The NATO reporting name.
@AeroflotBilibili ok