23.2k XaFearedSniperx Comments

  • I Need Moderator Help 11 months ago

    @TheMouse lol yeah I def could have handled this better but I was like 14 XD

  • Vote For My Next Halo Build 1.4 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover Not dead :) Don't play anymore tho.

  • How Is Everyone? 3.3 years ago

    Thanks man! Also, the detailed interiors are amazing. People were just getting into really making good ones when I stopped playing. I see you make a lot if AOT stuff, should I get back into watching it? @CrimsonOnigiri

  • How Is Everyone? 3.3 years ago

    Its going well, but stressful as always. @X99STRIKER

  • How Is Everyone? 3.3 years ago

    Lmao I had to read through your posts to get the joke but thats actually hilarious. @KnightOfRen

  • Your Favorite WW2 Plane 4.2 years ago

    No @Sebyace

  • What Plane Should I build? 4.7 years ago

    Why did you @ a user who has been inactive for two years on an almost 5 year old forum post? Sorry I don't get on this site that much anymore. @ChamDel7

  • How do I unblock someone? 4.7 years ago

    I don't even remember that user, is he trying to contact me? I'm unsure why I blocked him if I did. @Homerboi

  • Vote For My Next Halo Build #2 5.2 years ago

    Thanks man! If I ever do get around to it ill make sure to let you know! @Shnippy

  • Vote For My Next Halo Build #2 5.2 years ago

    Nice XD, i haven't played this game in forever but im still active on the forums every now and then. Maybe ill come back and build something soon to finally get to platinum. Now you got me thinking about how i was a freshman in HS when i made this forum post and now im graduating in just a few months. Time really flies! @Shnippy

  • XML Mod Request 5.7 years ago

    This was back when I was on mobile and overload didn’t even exist I’m pretty sure. Thank you though! @cedblox332

  • It's My Birthday 6.0 years ago

    Your birthdays March 18th? So’s mine! Happy early birthday!

  • UNSC PELICAN AT-88 with M12 WARTHOG 6.2 years ago

    Love this! Can’t believe you used my warthog I built almost 3 years ago too!

  • Weather be on crack rn... 6.2 years ago

    It was -30 including wind chill up here in Ohio today

  • For those who want to be like Elon 6.4 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot Its obviously Doug Dimmadome

  • If SimplePlanes was made by EA 6.4 years ago

    Should have made fuselages a dlc item lol

  • A-4 Skyhawk V3.0 6.4 years ago

    Thank you! @Mustang51

  • BIIIIIIG UPDATE PICS 6.5 years ago

    Looking good! I definitely need to play with that Fer De Lance!

  • A Game Security Weakness 6.5 years ago

    This happened about a year ago. A player was using an IP switcher to create multiple accounts and then post hate messages. If I remember correctly, the devs traced one of the IP's (I'm no tech wizard so I may be wrong) and sent the police to investigate. It stopped shortly after. Fun Fact: This is why you need an email to post comments now.

  • Ideas For Future Updates 6.6 years ago

    This post is also 2.3 years old... @PvPSky

  • Aviation Museum! 6.7 years ago

    If you can make the trip you should definitely come up to Ohio and check out the National Museum of the USAF!

  • I HAVE A GOOD QUESTION 6.7 years ago

    2: UHM ACTUALLY the nearest star system to ours, Alpha Centauri, is a triple star system. So it’s a sun with a sun with ANOTHER sun!

  • Probably not going to be active these coming weeks 6.8 years ago

    I play on Xbox :( I would like to get a PC eventually but for now I’m just going to stick with it since most of my friends play it. I don’t really have anyone to play elite with either. @BaconEggs

  • Probably not going to be active these coming weeks 6.8 years ago

    I see you bought yourself a Krait MK 2 as well. I made the mistake of thinking I could decently upgrade mine for only about 20 mil (it’s my first 40M+ ship I’ve tried to upgrade), I was very wrong.

  • What you think about this variable sweep wings plane? 6.8 years ago

    Nice! I’ve never seen a swing wing that transforms into a sort of full delta wing like that!

  • You can copy my Homework.... 6.8 years ago

    You should add the space shuttle and the Buran!

  • The logic of these new "Lock Down Drills" 6.9 years ago

    The reason they don't have everyone leave during lock downs is because trying to move 100's of students out of a building at once doesn't work very well. Think about how crowded it is trying to get out of the building during a fire drill and imagine that during a shooting. Our school has kind of solved this problem by having certain parts of the building leave depending on where the threat is, but it's still a lot safer to stay in the classroom and try to defend yourselves.

  • Space launch 6.9 years ago

    They will be attempting again I believe at 4:12 PM EDT, same time as yesterday, if you’re talking about the Block 5.

  • Drawing my plane 6.9 years ago

    Nice! I can't even draw a straight line so I'd say your drawing skills are pretty good

  • Criteria for AI random traffic planes 7.0 years ago

    Random ones have to be below 100 parts I believe, however you can spawn any aircraft with any part count manually.

  • The dreaded state test 7.0 years ago

    Near columbus, and yeah rickenbacker is both to my knowledge. It’s not uncommon for me to see a fuel tanker (IDK the exact name) coming in for a landing on my way home from school. @jaredgamer

  • The dreaded state test 7.0 years ago

    Cool! I live in a small town near an airport called Rickenbacker. @jaredgamer

  • The dreaded state test 7.0 years ago

    Hey I live in Ohio as well! I wish we could just go back to the OAA’s (If you remember those), I actually had to read about emojis on my test this year.

  • I am veeri smart 7.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 I can understand why some of the stuff they teach us we actually need to learn in a classroom, but we live in an age where anything can be found through a quick google search and learned in a matter of minutes/hours, rather than days of class work and stressful tests. There is no need for going to an actual school in today's society, which is why a lot of people are choosing to be home schooled now.

  • Possible next projects. 7.0 years ago


  • Favorite Songs? (Off-Topic) 7.0 years ago

    Beatiful choices if I do say so myself! @Strikefighter04

  • Idiots 7.0 years ago

    It’s all good dude. Those are the types of people who will grow up and amount to nothing. Just be glad you have a cool hobby and don’t let anyone take that away from you. If you’re lucky you’ll get into some of the higher level classes (If your school does that) and not have to deal with ignorant people anymore.

  • Birthday Soon 7.0 years ago

    Dang lol what a coincidence @ForeverPie

  • Birthday Soon 7.0 years ago

    Hey my birthday’s this weekend too (The 18th)! Happy early birthday! I am turning 16 as well! I would say do whatever you want to do. If it were me I’d buy a new game and sit down to play it or go out with some friends to a movie or something.

  • (HELP) Bluejay Ghost Project 7.0 years ago

    @TheBlueRobotProduct Maybe it's a problem with uneven drag? Sometimes it happens for no reason. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe you left fuel/dead weight in a small part of the plane, which happens to me all the time. Sorry I can't help more, I'm at school right now! The plane looks awesome by the way!

  • (HELP) Bluejay Ghost Project 7.0 years ago

    I can't download this right now, but something that helped me when my plane was doing it was making sure anything that clipped through another part, even a little, had "no collisions" set to true using the Overload mod. Hope this helps!

  • Halo Type-26 Banshee final 7.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 This style is from Halo: Reach if I remember correctly!

  • Motor Mirage 7.1 years ago

    Yes, but like you said you can’t test it unless you get someone on PC to do it for you. @MadSpartan553

  • Kerbal Space Program Or SR2 7.1 years ago

    Though I’ve never played it, Space Engineers is supposed to be really cool. I also have decently enjoyed a small little game called Astroneer on Xbox, and I’m pretty sure it’s on PC as well. It’s in early access and is being developed by a small dev team and they’re a lot like Jundroo. @Kevinairlines

  • Kerbal Space Program Or SR2 7.1 years ago

    Ksp is definitely worth it! It can be hard to play when you start out though so I recommend watching this guy if you need help!
    As for SR2, I would wait to see what it’s like. I’ll probably only get it on my IPhone and not my laptop, unless it’s as good as KSP, no offfense to the devs.

  • The best Forza Horizon / car memes 7.1 years ago

    I’m the guy who buys the most expensive car in the game that I can afford and then sells it after driving it for 10 minutes.

  • MIM-104 Patroit/Oshkosh HEMTT (Read Desc.) 7.1 years ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe these also carry CRAM’s (If you don’t know what those are, they’re basically extremely accurate Gatling cannons used to shoot down artillery/missiles. I recommend this video). You should make a variant with one attached! Very nice build by the way!

  • AV-14 UNSC Hornet 7.1 years ago


  • Nine tail fox is a small and medium-sized fighter 7.1 years ago

    Looks neat, I'll have to try this later! Quick Tip: Next time you make a plane I would make sure that you can see the whole plane in at least one of the screenshots, I've learned it helps draw more attention to posts!