566 Yuvalk Comments

  • Semedian Concord 9.9 years ago

    Great work! It flies really good and even glides for a lone time, i was really surprised about it. Check out my Concorde too (third version), It doesn't fly as good as yours but it looks pretty good.

  • Swashplate concept 9.9 years ago

    @Verdnan I guess you're talking about something you haven't published? Anyway, I tried wings at the start but they are very complicated and it's hard to make them connect symmetrically and keep their place. About friction, the only fix I can think of is making this thing much bigger and using wheels.

  • Swashplate concept 9.9 years ago

    Thanks everyone! Sorry for the weird explosions and stuff, I'm trying to figure out how to fix the inner plate so it will work as it should.

  • Realistic helicopter test 9.9 years ago

    @Verdnan controls are really bad here, I've tried to use a configuration that works the best regardless of realistic or not. Real helicopters do not use such mechanism but a mechanism that changes the pitch of the rotors called "cyclic control". That helicopter was more like a test to see if I can use your tricopter's rotors on a heavy helicopter. And yes, you can use anything from any of my planes as long as you don't claim the ideas as your own.

  • Realistic helicopter test 9.9 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley you mean that the rotors are configurated to go counter-clockwise or the blades' pitch axis is too farward?

  • 2-cylinder engine 10.0 years ago

    Nice work! You just gave me an idea to something I should research, more info will come in the next few days.

  • Concorde V2 10.0 years ago

    @BoxGlow Fixed it in the new version. Check it out :)

  • (beta) quadcopter control concept 10.0 years ago

    Nice idea! There's an easier way to control it, but I'm still trying to figure out how to yaw like a real quadcopter (using just the rotors and not other thrust sources to help).

  • Concorde V2 10.1 years ago

    @BoxGlow are you sure about that? I don't get any warning and the jet engines don't seem to show any sign of low air... Any recommendations of places I can put the intakes without ruining the look?

  • Concorde V2 (Help needed) 10.1 years ago

    @JoshuaW thanks, I guess I'll use some XML editing magic to hide the pylon inside the wing. About the ammount of engines, each intake supplies thrust for 2 engines, so the inlets in front of the medium jet engines power 4 additional engines, and there are also intakes inside the nose and above the wings, so all of the engines get air supply.

  • Concorde 10.1 years ago

    @Scriefers I did that by editing the XML. You can save it as a subassembly with the block it is connected to and use it for your needs. If you didn't notice, the bumper (wheel) on the tail and the rear part of the vertical stabilizer are also connected to nothing, which is achieved too by editing the XML. Maybe one day nassassin will make a tutorial for that.

  • Antonov A-40 Kryla Tanka (flying tank) replica 10.1 years ago

    Gliding tank... Who said gliders have to be lightweight? xD

  • Concorde 10.1 years ago

    @Losbybr I know, had to move it to my mac after it started to lag in my iphone :/

  • Concorde 10.1 years ago

    @thomasjaf wait till you'll fly land it (seriously, try to land it, you get a realistic bumpy landing if you're good enough)

  • Piaggio P.180 Avanti 10.1 years ago

    @thomasjaf I know that, but having all the thrust at the back of the plane caused it to continuesly pitch down or up and stall, so I had to move the CoT forward, that's why I used four VTOL nozzles in the front of the plane. The other four are the big exhausts/lights on the sides of the real plane's engines.

  • Mosquito 10.1 years ago

    Doesn't fly well, but you did awesome work with the 45° angle. I should dig into this XML file now...