9,177 ZWLenning Comments

  • Heinkel HE P.1079A "Zerstorer" 4.7 years ago

    Right I lost


    HMS Belfast cuz why not

  • Something Happened... 4.7 years ago

    holup which is the correct one

  • The Millennium Falcon 4.7 years ago

    @Gbhole i see... i tried to download it on my laptop and it deleted wright island

  • X-02 Wyvern -Knight- 4.7 years ago

    @switdog08 'though in their ignorance - they do not' (btw this is kinda aimed at all the comments so far... i find it kinda funny for reasons im not allowed share xD)

  • any idea on where to find some multiplayer servers? 4.7 years ago

    Agreed - there should be a website section with available servers for those who wanna use the mod

  • 757 Update July 4 4.7 years ago

    me: downloads the aircraft
    My PC: ight imma head out

    EDIT: is that or is that not 4 fps I see in those screenshots?

  • This rotor part issue needs to be fixed asap 4.7 years ago

    @TheSavageManZ ok it is autorotation that you see - it is an actual feature. The engine is NO LONGER RUNNING, the rotors just keep spinning which allows you to land if you run out of fuel or you blow up the engine. As previously mentioned I think it is too good at what it does, but forward motion is what usually keeps it running for so long after it has stopped.

    So to summarise : the engine isn't actually running. The rotors are just still spinning.

  • This rotor part issue needs to be fixed asap 4.7 years ago

    i mean it looks like autorotation to me... it does spin down a bit too slowly though. However, this is a feature of rotators in real life and is used for emergency landings

  • Colorful smoke test (no mod) 4.7 years ago

    @xXDerpshinesXx guns
    lots and lots of guns

  • name change 4.7 years ago

    @ChrisPy I feel like I made that quite clear. I even stated that one of my reasons for doing so was that people really wouldn't care. I made this post to link to my profile in case some of my friends on this site don't know where I've gone. besides, this sort of doubles up as a confession that really wasn't neccesary

  • Can i have a name change 4.7 years ago


  • Bombardier Global 7500 4.7 years ago

    @brians1209 thank you!

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @Simpleisepic indeed - spicyninja is now at that limbo stage where he cant get any better using the techniques hes using, but to learn others is hugely difficult I applaud him for this build (genuinely) and i feel like a lot of effort is required to make marginal gains now.

  • Render Test 4.7 years ago

    If only the mod still worked

  • Autogyro 4.7 years ago

    @An2k I actually think it autorotates too well - I try to land and will float the length of the runway until I actually manage to land... In the sea

  • Autogyro 4.7 years ago

    @Night6gamer ye

  • [TEASER] I... AM... SPEEEEEEEED Part 2 4.7 years ago

    I do the beside the post option especially with my multirole aircraft, E.G: air superiority equipped with ground strike and multirole included too

  • How I add more color slot? 4.7 years ago

    XML editing... I think you can find the colour palette somewhere in the XML file and add more (using hex codes) but I've never tried it so can't say exactly how it works

  • Fighter Jet do be vibing doe 4.7 years ago

    It do be vibing doe

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    Hate to break it to you, but that's a thunderbolt not a corsair

  • A350-900XWB 4.7 years ago

    @BASTYWITHAIRPLANES 'good creation for a beginner' this dude is clearly not a beginner

  • Funky Trees! 4.7 years ago

    @WNP78 sorry for tag, but I have tried almost everyone else and either the person i'm asking has no clue, or I've been completely ignored. So I'm trying to make a set of landing gear that breaks (basically bends out of shape) when the plane gets above a certain speed. the code I'm using at the moment is LandingGear=0 & IAS>950 ? clamp01(sum(IAS)) : ((sum(IAS))>950 ? 1 : 0) (ignoring the 'amp;' bit). obviously this could be slimmed down more, but it works fine except for the fact I seem to have created a device that activates semi-randomly. I think the problem is with the sum() function, as it provides the total sum of values, but I can't find a way to retain the highest IAS reached. Is this possible, and if so, any chance you could show me how to do it?

  • Ki-47-B 4.7 years ago

    @SodiumChloride completely overlooked copy and paste thanks for pulling me up on it

    Btw congrats on platinum!

  • J-35D Draken 4.7 years ago

    i simply cant get my one to fly
    i have had to shelve it now because it looked ugly anyway
    but great plane! flies brilliantly

  • WW2 German Fighter ("SIMPLIFIED WAR") 4.7 years ago

    YASSSSS thank you

  • I-16_Type24 4.7 years ago

    I love it it looks so cute

  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor V3.1 4.7 years ago

    @Porkchops1233 thanks dude

  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor V3.1 4.7 years ago

    do you mind if i use this model to figure out how to build an f22 when i get around to doing so?

  • Funky Trees! 4.7 years ago

    @PieroKH2B what you could do is clamp(Throttle,0,(Altitude/10000)+0.5), and also set the max engine power to 2. this will result in double power at 5000m i think. however this will mean that (if you are using afterburning engine) afterburners will only engage at about 4500m and sounds are off. for a better one you will need if statements (a?b:c basically if a then b else c) but i cant help you with those because i am yet to experiment with them myself.

  • Douglas DC-3(C-47) 4.8 years ago

    @Suubk27 if you mean screenshots there are a few mods which you could use, first: Upload With Screenshots, 2nd (which you need to use in conjunction) freecam thougb i personally don't like the way it works. i dont know how to upload edited screenshots (e.g with text) outside of the description

  • Can you TeAcH me Funky Trees? 4.8 years ago

    @ZHUAREVONI @brians1209 this is what ive found on if statements:
    a ? b : c(essentially if a then b else c)
    but im still trying to figure out how it's used

  • Can you TeAcH me Funky Trees? 4.8 years ago

    @brians1209 ye, for gforce the flight data is VerticalG so if you can make it work with this that will be good, i think it needs if statements which do exist but i dont know how they work

  • Can you TeAcH me Funky Trees? 4.8 years ago

    @brians1209 tanks ill look later

  • Can you TeAcH me Funky Trees? 4.8 years ago

    pls publish unlisted i need this
    also presumably can be made at gforce?

  • Can you TeAcH me Funky Trees? 4.8 years ago

    @brians1209 really cool one I use creates control surface lock at high speeds, great for causing realistic levels of certain death. in the input section of the rotator (only works with rotators) type clamp(Pitch,(-1)+(IAS/500),1-(IAS/500)
    looks complicated I know, but basically take your aircraft up to a huge height (I use 20,000ft so i dont go that high), enable IAS and dive. take note of the top speed and convert it to m/s. Then use this m/s number and use it to replace the 500s. this means that at this high speed you can't pitch and you die xD
    obviously pitch can be replaced with anything you fancy, like roll, yaw etc.
    (IAS/[top speed]) makes the number as close to 1 as possible at top speed. this is in m/s.
    (-1)+ or 1- inverts the equation so it decreases pitch authority
    clamp(input,min,max) limits rotation to a set min/max relative to the range of rotation so the biggest/smallest number is 1/-1. Clamp is brilliant do have a play with it to see what you can do
    (geez this is one hell of a comment sorry if you dont understand)

  • its coming 4.8 years ago

    @brians1209 am making yes. most of it is done, just finishing off weapons (bombs and rockets specifically), and details so it should be ready in a couple of days

  • Simple_Land 4.8 years ago

    @WNP78 @klm747klm747 ive been flying for about 6 hours so far (maybe about 4000 miles) no end in sight

  • Re-Entry Effects 4.8 years ago

    could do vapour cone when passing through the sound barrier? @232297168147825

  • F-5 Tiger (Thai Airforce) 4.8 years ago

    I just built one of these! xD

  • I have a question, (How do you adjust the font on a post?) 4.8 years ago

    @Belloaka will be sure to

  • I have a question, (How do you adjust the font on a post?) 4.8 years ago

    @robloxweponco surely theres a full list somewhere?

  • What to build? 4.8 years ago

    @Evenstsrike333 already on my list 😂😂😂😂

  • Normandy Mark 2 4.8 years ago

    the bomb bay mod is bad, I don't use it i make custom bomb bays. It's way more difficult and doesnt have the same effect but hey, no mods required.


    welp im not running this

  • Kei-Cargo Ferry 4.8 years ago

    i wanna get the quickest upvote ever but it isnt working :(

  • The Bullet 4.8 years ago

    @Alphadragon1337 1800 speed? ye... or you could open overload and change the engine power to like 100 and go nuclear

  • The Bullet 4.8 years ago

    @Alphadragon1337 (downloads and presses play) (opens the throttle) (teleports out of the map) xD
