9,177 ZWLenning Comments

  • Some financial ideas for the site. 4.6 years ago

    Donations page and advertising yes... Money for account - no. There's no point and the community would shrink considerably.

  • I did a thing. I am crying and in pain. 2.9 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke my plan is working

  • TETRIS 3.0 years ago

    we're like only a few years out from being able to play simpleplanes in simpleplanes

  • German Corsair VR 2.8 years ago

    i love that the vrcollective people have literally been sitting on this spectacular feat of engineering for 5 months, probably debating the fallout if it actually gets posted lmao

    also hilarious how half the community has no idea what this is lmao

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' (39 Parts) 2.9 years ago

    "don't upvote this, it isn't worth it"

  • AAA Wunder 3.9 years ago

    what is THAT

  • Where do you stand? 3.9 years ago

    me: comes out of hibernation
    Also me: "what the hell happened here"

    please someone fill me in

  • Politics and Reporting - A Reminder. 3.0 years ago

    Thoughts and prayers to the innocent people caught up in this mess

  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 3.1 years ago

    they really need to add an option to remove this snapping effect. As long as its a valid place, please let us put it there

  • We're doing merch! 3.3 years ago

    To add on to your poll, it might be a fun idea to do backgroundless screenshots with a slogan. For example, Matt lowne used to have a cool graphic with "in thrust we trust" written below it.

    Something like an exploding aircraft with "t'is but a scratch" might be a fun one, for example? And while it's clearly from SimplePlanes given the image, its not immediately obvious so I would be far more comfortable wearing it in public

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    I would love to see an addition to ft involving interaction with other parts. I.E to be able to take the output of one part and use it as an input for another, which would make some ft code faster and add functionality to others, and could also be added to wheels to show current rotation, as with engines, to show rpm which would be a very nice addition to those like myself who like their custom cockpits to have accurate and correct functionality. (Syntax could be Output([PartID]) for example).
    Another extractable value could be part health, allowing creation of ejection seats or warning lights, for example when an engine fails or when the tail of the aircraft is removed. (Syntax could be Health([PartID]) for example)

  • Guide: Ray Tracing 3.9 years ago

    - installs and runs this
    - discovers RX Vega 8 IGPU can do ray tracing
    - enables
    SimplePlanes: freezes
    me: checks cpu/gpu temperature
    CPU/GPU: literally frying 119 degrees you madafaka
    please dont do what i did and install this if you have an igpu


    This is probably going to be controversial, but imma say it anyway because it's not likely to offend anyone.

    I think, with everyone getting angry over the upvote system, that we need a new system in addition to this. I propose the option to rate the aircraft in a series of categories, generating an overall rating for the aircraft. This isn't foolproof and wouldn't have helped the GC situation, but it can help eliminate some of the problems with upvoting at the moment.

  • General Electric - CJ610 2.0 years ago

    i really really want to take a bunch of these subassemblies.
    1000 part engines
    1000 part landing gear
    1000 part cockpit.
    and slap it all in the same aircraft.

    it will be majestic

  • I TALKED ABOUT SP AT SCHOOL 2.8 years ago

    disappointed german corsair didnt make an appearance over tutorial plane. we trained you better than this

  • Scout Miro 2.9 years ago

    Also my final build?

    we cannot leave. We are trapped in a bitter cycle of neverending suffering. But you have broken free.

    Thank you for your builds, and good luck with your machinist work.

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    It's the danger of making jokes at this point I guess, everything will offend someone (that's the nature of a sense of humour after all) and it could have happened to anyone... But it had to be someone I suppose, and it sounds like you took it well at least.
    You had a good run, and godspeed sir. I will miss asking you to make my builds successor to things

    Edit: (Andrew proceeds to upvote the post)

  • Multiplayer Glitch 4.6 years ago

    @rexzion no. the way is simply to install the yamato battleship that was made a couple of weeks ago and spawning that in. if it manages to actually load, I commend the server. 84 boom 50s generate significantly less lag than 1 yamato containing 20,000 parts worth of doom.

  • Its nice to meet you, World. Goodbye.. Life. 1.1 years ago

    8AM GMT tomorrow I will be logging on to my account and checking this post. If you see this, message before then.

    I've been there. getting help is one of the hardest things to do, but please do it. the world is a better place with you in it.

    Be on this post tomorrow. we're worried about you.

  • F/A XX - CONCEPT 2.6 years ago

    can i just say quickly

    we're gonna need a tutorial on how you panelled that. I can do 1d or even 2d panelling but there is panelling in the shape of pringles here and idk what to do with myself

  • Airliner Seats 2.9 years ago

    my dude that vanguard will be 6091278937 anyway

  • I Like The New SimplePlanes Update... 3.4 years ago

    Are those custom inputs...? That looks amazing

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    @TheEnglishPanzer worst thing is, knowing some of the members in this community, there is a not-insignificant chance that the person who reported this is just trying to suck up to Andrew to try and make themselves mod, I have seen it done before. The sad part is that Andrew may have had little choice about the matter :(

  • R.I.P. 4.6 years ago

    ive had this happen so many times...

    couple of things you could try:
    1: regularly publish your creations unlisted
    2: copy the xml and bak files into a different folder - if this happens you can just copy them right back in
    3: make multiple saves of the same build, which reduces the risk of them all getting corrupted

    hope this helps

  • Focke Wulf - Triebflugel 4.7 years ago

    'this plane is far from perfect' (just casually gets 3rd/4th highest voted plane in a year)

  • Thanks For Platinum! 2.9 years ago

    you deserve it :)

  • YAMATO 1945 2.9 years ago

    @YamatoHotel my guy, i have 16gb and it still manages to create 20gb of virtual memory

  • What does it mean when an aircraft is curated? 3.0 years ago

    curated = it vr goodly
    spotlighted = someone with more points likes your build enough to attempt to force feed it to others

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    @Gluck if we are super unlucky we might get prengt, or even pregananant

  • Graphing Calculator JI-84 3.9 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s hell, I can't even graph equations in real life and you've created something - in a plane game - that does it for you. Hats off to you, sir

  • New moderator 4.6 years ago

    yes well done congrats (prays it wasnt him i accidentally blew up on mp last week)

  • Wuhu Island 4.7 years ago

    If the golf island isn't there I will be sad (upvotes anyway)

  • Motorsport Championship 2.8 years ago

    alpha hard disk user better than beta ssd user

  • I made a War Thunder video 2.9 years ago

    1 minute, 1 hour, 10 hour build comparison maybe? Obviously split up the 10hr one lmao

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' (39 Parts) 3.0 years ago

    everybody immediately upvotes

  • The An-225. 3.0 years ago

    Ukrainian government has just confirmed. Its official now.

  • The truth is, some of us have forgotten. 3.5 years ago

    @RC1138Boss i know. It means they won

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    @EternalDarkness well you had a good run at it, but being cancelled is always the danger with having a sense of humour :(

  • Type94 46cm main gun p2(debug) 3.9 years ago

    little did we know at the time

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G-2 3.9 years ago

    This has to be one of the first 109s I've seen on this site with a rear fuselage that doesn't arch massively, good job!

  • We need Hollow Glass parts!!! 4.5 years ago

    i think instead of concave parts there should be a 'negate' tool. that way we can make interiors easily while keeping the part count down

  • X-02 just did a 360 4.6 years ago

    i smell a gyroscope xD looks cool though

  • Mod suggestions. 4.7 years ago

    could try a graphical mod - like a shader or something? advanced rendering was always buggy and has been broken for too long so that could be an idea? it could include advanced reflection rendering (including for the beacon light so people don't have to install a lights mod to access a build), and it could also bring together a couple of other mods such as your system time mod (toggleable in mod settings or something like that obviously) and a clouds mod, if you have already made one. It could also include advanced weather effects, graphical effects such as better explosion graphics (i believe you have already made this as a mod in the past?) and better tyre smoke and marks on things from wheel spin. i recognise that this is a pretty hefty mod to make, so i wouldn't expect you to even attempt it, but if i could make a mod this would be it. I would never be able to create it as my programming skills are way too basic and I don't have unity, so i come here.

    i commend you if you actually take the time to read this

  • Self-Folding Paper Plane 4.7 years ago

    The first popular sheet of paper in simpleplanes - well done!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.7 years ago

    @Foxybill05 did i just get rick rolled....

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 I don't know what you're talking about this is the peak of simppeplanes building skill

  • Advanced Rendering 4.7 years ago

    shader is beautiful but for 2 things - it has a black screen when paused or camera disabled, and the sky is pink. Is there a fix for this? @mushr0om
    EDIT: only happens when custom camera is enabled in settings

  • tank 4.7 years ago

    @Ploooperman jeez dont have an existential crisis or anything!!

  • Edo-45 4.8 years ago

    @spefyjerbf um oh hi um it's cool I like it (tries to figure out what makes him special enough to be tagged)

  • Where I've Been and Future Plans 4.9 years ago

    this was 2.5 years ago. come back mate we miss you
