2,360 adeleteduser Comments

  • Ashes 5.4 years ago

    @Mmdben I lost all desire to continue playing this game due to its age and limitations.
    I've since moved on to a different game that has a similar capacities for creation but less limits on them, along with a similar community. I am still annoyed that I can't just forget about simpleplanes because thinking about it makes me nostalgic.

    I also originally played this for fun but I got sidetracked and started feeling obligated to make better things, which took the joy out of it.

  • Patrice 5.0 years ago


  • Missiles... 5.0 years ago

    <<A miss as expected. but a lucky shot would be boring.>>

  • Missile I made for Strikefighter04 5.2 years ago

    This was a missile I made for Strikefighter04 a long time ago, but failed to give to him due to its creation coinciding with my loss of interest in this game.

    It is a cluster type, with manual operation shown here, however it had the option to act as a Cleaver cruise missile, and as an air-to-air missile.

    The blast radius is increased with altitude to a limit, depending on the precision required. Shown here is me flying to an abnormally high release altitude in order to leave some of the convoy alive so I may use it to precisely
    strike a target.

    After release one can choose to strike the same target if it isn't dead, or hit another one. Missing a target entirely is incredibly rare, as the blast radius of each bomblet is far greater than what it visually conveys. If one really needs to penetrate something armored, then they can opt to keep the bomblets for a concentrated precision strike. It's a fun time when you replace the Boom50s with Boom5000s from the Super Weapons mod. A literal nuke, to the enemy and your CPU

  • Ashes 5.4 years ago

    @Baldeagle086 I'd be willing to give you the dropbox link to all my saves

    There's like a few items in there that aren't mine, like the object 526
    and mbt 1980 something and 1:1 USS Beast.

    So long as they are preserved it simply does not matter to me what people use them for even if they claim the creations are theirs.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    Imagine acting entitled to fake internet points on a sandbox game

  • Flying vehicles are overrated 4.8 years ago

    Do you want some virtual cookies instead of fake internet points?

  • M1A2 Abrams v4.0 4.9 years ago

    SpiritusRaptor is the milkman, and the milk he milks is delicious.

  • Gerat 720 - Corp.Dietrich 5.2 years ago

    It's nice to see that high quality tanks are still being built.

  • These new features bring a tear to my eye. 5.2 years ago

    @marcox43 I did

  • Chonker eats a missile. 5.4 years ago

    4 or 6 miniguns placed on the sides and front of the vehicle that spam the surroundings with low velocity projectiles scaled to be 2d lines. Horizontal lines, mind you, relative to the vehicle. Collisions off, damage high.
    It being 2d protects better for less projectiles and therefore less lag compared to "normal" bullets. It also makes the shield invisible.

  • Perhaps I need to make a more popular plane... (rant warning) 4.9 years ago

    Haha upvote printer go brrr

  • F-413B Orca 5.0 years ago

    Was this at all inspired by the Yakovlev Yak-130/Aermacchi M-346, F-16, or Boeing-SAAB T-7 Redhawk?

  • Eternistan Army MBTM Dustiness Mk.II "Mirai" 5.1 years ago

    This pleases the nut

  • Can I just be platinum already 5.1 years ago

    I never knew platinum could be got from milking. Huh, now I know.

  • We hit 200 upvotes on the AH-1Z!!! 5.1 years ago

    I didn't know helicopters produced milk

  • These new features bring a tear to my eye. 5.2 years ago

    MOPCKOEDNISHE's Tracks 2 mod is amazing, first time using it here.
    The new modular cannon is quite useful as well, and saves a lot of parts.

    No amount of new features will make me fully come back to this game, but it's nice to tinker around every now and then. I do have to admit though, the temptation is stronger than it's ever been. If one more feature --local rotation-- was added, then that might be enough for me to actually make something new for the first time in almost 2 years.

    And, as you can see, realism was given the middle finger when I made stuff

  • Emperor Aka op tank 5.3 years ago

    @Danthepro Added a disclaimer to this account. I fail to quantify how little I care about what people do with creations uploaded by this account. I no longer play this game so feel free to do whatever with them, even taking credit for them.

  • A very HARMLESS Trailer Truck..... VERY HARMLESS 5.3 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot Maybe the mods won't know.

  • A very HARMLESS Trailer Truck..... VERY HARMLESS 5.3 years ago

    Lmao that bottom image though.

  • Chonker eats a missile. 5.3 years ago

    @Hawkeye156 No block mods were used though, unless you mean the typical object scaling and xml editing.

  • Chonker eats a missile. 5.4 years ago

    @Imashovel Wheels with low friction are attached on something like 18 "legs" then scaled to be so skinny that they're invisible. Each "leg" is duplicated then rotated around the center of mass(roughly), which keep it upright. Wheels can hit the ground at high speed without breaking, so long as a fuselage block doesn't. VTOL thrusters are placed which produce some lift as to not drop like a brick, and they provide the actual means of controlling the vehicle so it feels more realistic. A light gyro is used to keep this from flipping, and the lower power it can be while still being stable, the better, because then your hovercraft will conform more to the terrain.

    Note that the wheels are directly connected to the springs themselves through xml editing, and if you attach by spring>fuselage-part>wheel, then that will present a weak point that makes it unusable in most terrain that is not flat.

  • Chonker eats a missile. 5.4 years ago

    @Ryn176 I'm probably not the first one to do it and it certainly isn't copyrighted, so go ahead.

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    @EvilRaven31 Someone forgot the forcefield.

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    I forgot to add something. Putting VTOL all the way down will allow you to adjust elevation, and the turret only moves a little since it's a hovercraft, so I intended that you move the entire vehicle to aim sideways.

  • Chonker eats a missile. 5.4 years ago

    @FuzzyAircraftProductions How what?

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    @Nerfaddict Since a dumb bomb has a fixed trajectory when dropped that gives a fixed response time which will most likely be at least 3 seconds or more, far too much to hit a quickly responding target, assuming it's a human behind the "wheel". You are correct though, a skilled bombing run that minimizes the allotted time, carpet bombing, or both would lower the window enough as to prevent evasion, but in most cases the window would be too large.

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    @Nerfaddict It may be hard to hit a 300 mph tank with a bomb. A missile from above would do it easily.

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I am, although because of that people seem to think I'm coming back when I'm not.

    I'm replying quickly to comments as to clear things up which may make people think the opposite of what I'm trying to say, as it makes me seem more active.

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    In reference to destroying this tank, or firing a boom-25 out of this tank?

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Because I left a while ago since I'm no longer entertained by this game. I only have come back to leave a few special creations out on the internet but will otherwise stay mostly silent.

  • Ashes 5.4 years ago

    @Zanedavid It's on PC only, steam and GOG. Far too intensive for mobile.

  • Ashes 5.4 years ago

    @Zanedavid Besiege. Its original concept is vastly different but it has transformed into something else very vaguely akin to simpleplanes.

  • A thunderously massive CHONK 5.4 years ago

    @Mattangi2 Thanks, although I'm not going to make anything new. All that will exist is the 3 tanks I've already reuploaded but otherwise I'm dead.

  • Ashes 5.4 years ago

    I knew that bullets destroyed missiles so I added tiny guns to an old tank which spammed the area in front of it with laggy, low velocity projectiles.

    Later I refined the concept and came up with a more modern design that scales the bullets down to 2d lines which reduced lag and increased effectiveness.

    Any missiles attempting to attack you head on while it is active will be destroyed a fair distance away from the tank, as if they blew up mid-air.
    My hovertank has the best version and protects the sides more than this one does.

    According to my file dates the first version of this forcefield was created 564 days ago.

  • Ashes 5.4 years ago

    I'll bring back two more but the rest stay in the dust.
    I am not coming back, only a select few of my things are so they don't get perma-deleted.