10.2k emptybox Comments

  • Rally Scout 14-S 7.8 years ago

    Looks a bit crazy xD

  • _Technion Team 7.1 years ago

    i dont quite get whats different now ? im pretty fine with my position

  • Beta _Sky Rover by the _Technion team 7.1 years ago

    i ll do that. should i just write what i would change or really change it and upload it again? and what am i allowed to change? only setup or also structural?

  • Beta _Sky Rover by the _Technion team 7.1 years ago

    what am i supposed to do now?

  • Beta _Sky Rover by the _Technion team 7.1 years ago

    the body really looks great and the suspension works good

  • _Technion Team 7.1 years ago

    thanks.im not sure. i plan to be more active and i have lots of projekts starting but i dont know what comes ahead

  • _Technion Team 7.1 years ago

    what does that mean ? what do i have to do then?

  • _Technion Team 7.1 years ago

    yes ^^ lets see what the next weeks bring

  • _Technion Team 7.1 years ago

    hi i would love to be a chassis engineer

  • Skyline GT-R 7.4 years ago

    That's a great first car :D
    The r34 has 4wd and to make it more oversteering the engineer added 4 wheel steering

  • _Tnak 7.5 years ago

    Love your style

  • Erlkönig 7.5 years ago


  • Erlkönig 7.5 years ago

    In the moment I can't do anything and I'm waiting for a new pc.sorry

  • RawK 7.5 years ago

    Looks great

  • 2.0 years 7.5 years ago

    I still have some problems running sp on my laptop espacally with some mods wich I really need and I'm tiered of trying different things to get it to work. So I'm waiting for a new pc

  • Pruegler 7.6 years ago

    I think I won't. Sorry. But don't be sad it doesn't even perform well. It's just to show off my skills and creativity xD

  • Test Driver Wanted/ Clan For Car Builders 7.7 years ago

    You can tag me
    I'll do my best :)

  • Test Driver Wanted/ Clan For Car Builders 7.7 years ago

    Thanks a lot :) currently I can't build cause my pc keeps crashing

  • Enduro Mk.1 rally ed. 7.9 years ago

    Of course you can :)

  • Raid Race 7.9 years ago

    thanks. Created without the fine tuner mod ;D

  • Beach Buggy 7.9 years ago

    Fascinating. Nicht schlecht ;)

  • Rock Racer 8.0 years ago

    Nice kinematics

  • Skyline GT-R 8.1 years ago

    do you want to work with it? I can make it unlisted and tag you

  • Mass Effect Andromeda Nomad 8.1 years ago

    No problem ! Nice work

  • Offroad Car Challenge! 8.1 years ago

    I built one too ;D

  • Skyline GT-R 8.1 years ago

    I have two good bikes one is a NS bikes Core with a steel hardtail frame and a marzzochi bomber 140mm fork. The other one is a 2012 specialized stump jumper 26 with a new Rock shox pike and 160mm in the front and 140 in the rear. What du you ride ?

  • Rally buggy-stunt 8.1 years ago

    Yes :D good job

  • Skyline GT-R 8.1 years ago

    Nice lifestyle guys ! Also when I'm not on simple planes I'm riding my bike but I ride park and local trails

  • Crazy pickup truck 8.1 years ago

    Nice shock design. I made a similar one

  • Erlkönig 8.1 years ago

    It's a poem in German as I know and cars wich are still in development but get already tested in public are called that way. Often some of the new designed parts like fenders or bumpers are covered so you can't see the shape

  • Car engines. 8.1 years ago

    Aaaand Please new wheels with customizable rims. The existing ones are fine for off road cars but It would be nice to have some cool looking for ones for onroad cars

  • How to create a curved frame corner 8.1 years ago

    Do it in very small steps with the fine tuner mod. That's the way most guys create wheels and steering wheels. Just make small parts and angle every one a bit more.

  • GTF Skip's Chassis 8.1 years ago

    Nice one

  • Erlkönig 8.1 years ago

    thanks a lot guys !
    I will find 20 more parts wich I can remove without a problem and I can detach the cockpit. I didn't know that. I will take that in mind for my next build

  • toyota fj crusier 8.1 years ago

    i saw this befor but i cant quite remember... did you make a white version and deleted it ?

  • Takswagen Revolution Mcatkidmedition 8.1 years ago

    looks like a hill climb racing car

  • The Real Car 8.1 years ago

    This pushes the limits of simple planes. So awsome.

  • HELP!! 8.1 years ago

    here is the link if the tag doesnt work

  • How do i get points 8.1 years ago

    You get also points when somebody downloads your plane and changes stuff and uploads it again. Aand you get points for spotlights

  • anyone have scrap mechanic and steam? 8.1 years ago

    I have both but I enjoy sp much more. It feels like sm is more a thing for advanced minecraft players

  • HELP!! 8.1 years ago

    look at my profile. My revos and raw basher have a similar design
    yeah but the swing arms aren't symmetric

  • HELP!! 8.1 years ago

    I'll try it but I had this problem already many times and in the end you propaby need to build it again and again till it works

  • Test Driver Wanted/ Clan For Car Builders 8.1 years ago

    Cool! I'll tag you. But I have to say that I want to publish it the next days. So it would be nice if you write in the next days

  • fullmeca car+gearbox 8.1 years ago

    ther is a easier way to build a gearbox with 2 gears. you can propably make one that shifts between gears with only one vtol slider

  • Top Fuel dragster (engine) 8.1 years ago

    I want to use this engine in my next build. I will give some credit but it would be cool if you had a badge or trademark wich i can put on the engine. Pls write if you have one (a low part count would be nice, its already near 1k)Thanks

  • Crate Engines By MKI 8.1 years ago

    Hey MotorKade, i want to use one of these engines in my next builds. I will give credit but i also want to know if you may have a badge or a trademark wich i can put on the engine. would be very cool if you had one with not to many parts. thanks

  • Enduro Mk.1 rally ed. 8.1 years ago

    This one was quite hard because of the angled front suspension and the shocks covered.
    If you want to build a good suspension design i would recommend starting with something more basic.
    Here is the problem that you cant mirror it (maybe you already tried it). So i build the body and the chassis separatly and then i put them together.
    to safe time the front and the rear are identical. so i build the rear not with the shocks attached(!) so i can mirror it. when i finished the rear i put in the shocks and safed it as subassembly. for the front i just made another subassembly where i used the fine tuner mod and the multi select to angle the whole thing.
    At least i put the front the rear and the body together.
    But i think that is not what you want to hear :D
    Some tips for simple suspension designs are :
    -for the struckture look at pictures from real vehicles
    -make subassemblies with with basic things to safe time
    -dont use the fine tuner mod! (there are often bugs and mirroring might fail)
    -use the standard shocks.(these are the only ones i know which you can mirror propably.)
    - dont use the rotator or small rotator. ( there might be problems with mirroring) use the hinge rotator thing. in my experience it works better ( but doesnt look as good) dont forget to disable or to make it floppy or how its called. (it should move freely)
    if you have more questions or specific problems i would be happy to help you. I hope this is what you ask for .

  • Emptybox' Revo 8.1 years ago

    psssst thats my secret ;) but if you take them apart you will notice there is more then just the cover. How i said these are progressive shocks, wich means they get even harder when compressing. (1/2sD^2 Is the formula for the Energy of normal coil shocks. [s] is the travel [D] is the spring strength. Progressive shocks would have a formula like 1/2sD^3 or even a more progressive rate)

  • midnight rider 8.1 years ago

    the tires are different. if you read the rules this is totally allowed. If you take a close look at the numbers you will notice there is even a different number of parts. So he changed more than the colour -> its allowed. Nobody has to say what they changed! Of course it would be nice sometimes but there is no rule for that. By the way this post and every upvote it gets benefits the original creator.