3,030 geek1love Comments

  • Player Content of the Year 3.1 years ago

    @IndonesianFisherman So true. I get a wow factor out of elegant solutions to enhance functionality, not just throwing as many parts at a problem as possible. Edit: I dunno... these look like they used parts pretty wisely. Maybe a "Best Mobile Content of the Year" would be a good thing.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.2 years ago

    Please -- Being able to create a list of planes that you'd like to spawn, excluding all others in your main "Build and Fly" list, with the ability to make planes spawn aggressive without you having to provoke them. You should also be able to spawn passive planes or as a team mate that will fight with you against aggressive planes (different flying behavior for fighters/bombers would be extra cool). This would allow big, customizable air battles. Maybe even allow for a limit on the number of planes of each type that will spawn per load or must be destroyed, along with the requirement that you land safely at a designated airport, before a "mission complete" message. The thing that's missing is some kind of mission editor, and a basic list of planes that you want to spawn along with aggressiveness adjustment would go a long way on its own, without all the other fluff I mentioned above.

  • United Andrew Republic Flag 3.0 years ago

    Anti-Semitic speech with no consequences. What a surprise.

  • Stupidity Challenge [CLOSED] 3.1 years ago

    The things monkeys throw sometimes...............

  • Chance by Chanel 3.2 years ago

    @BeastHunter Thanks for the upvote!

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.2 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae 100% unintentional, I swear.

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    @Mostly If your moderators are unequipped to do the job, are they moderators? That doesn't mean they aren't doing their best, but maybe a little tiny itty bitty bit of info would go a long way here.

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    I guess this is about what should be expected these days -- jokes, deflections, statements of innocence (along with the desire to leave it alone out of complicity or ignorance, @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter, which isn't how hate speech works, my dude). For everyone not apologizing for Nazis, read what I wrote above again, with a dictionary, and try again. I'll give the particularly slow a head start: it isn't a gravitar, isn't on a plane, and "top user" doesn't mean on the first page. It's not a swastika from the WWII Nazi era, it's a modern form used on the battle flags and uniforms of fascists militias operating TODAY. It's more what the person in the image is doing that pulls it all together and makes it obviously violent. The runic symbols (fascist iconography), symbols associated with various skinhead factions, and the knife being held by a skinhead. The fact that I even need to write any of this... is unfortunate. Nazis and their trash don't belong on a site that purports itself to be educational unless this is the kind of education we're talking about. The rules agree with me.

    And while we're on the topic, while REPLICAS are allowed to have swastikas, let's think critically for a second: this does not mean that you can get around the rules by building a plane that's a fictional "WWII" plane and then happily slap a swastika on it for some of that authentic scumbag flavor. That would be a loophole allowing anyone to declare their plane "WWII"-era and skirt the rules. I've seen at least a few of those. If a kid doesn't understand the nuance here, that's understandable. But in my opinion it's something the mods have to be on the lookout for if this site is marketed at all towards young people.

    Oh and I did call the Fire Department. They always have the best BBQ.

  • Andrews bath water 3.1 years ago

    Wow. Thanks......

  • Northrop Grumman F-14A Tomcat XMAS 3.1 years ago

    Thanks for supplying bandit aircraft for the War on Christmas mod!

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.1 years ago

    @FabioGalvao5679 Ooh nice... with the knurling and two-tone bottle it'll be a cool build. The black metallic finish is nice too. Okay, I think it's a winner. And it looks fairly simple. Then again, so did the Chanel until I started to notice the details! Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.1 years ago

    @FabioGalvao5679 Okay... maybe I'll try to replicate Elizabeth Taylor's stuff or something. Let me know if you have a specific perfume in mind. Thanks for the feedback. I think I've found a new niche on SimplePlanes: luxury goods of mass destruction.

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.1 years ago

    @FabioGalvao5679 Glad you enjoyed it! Any suggestions for the next one?

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.1 years ago

    100 downloads! Awesome! Thanks for the upvotes and spotlights!!!

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER True enough. What we do to entertain ourselves sometimes....

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER Where? I'll just have to make a dude balancing on a log floating in the water juggling salmon or something.

  • Possessed Bottle of Perfume 3.2 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae Somehow... yes. Is there a 69 parts challenge? If not it's time.

  • Chance by Chanel 3.2 years ago

    @BeastHunter Sweet. I'll make sure I upvote your stuff as well. Keep up the good work!

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.2 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Thanks.

  • All American 3.2 years ago

    @F14Tomcat1974 I wish I'd made it way less fuel efficient. I considered adding a television set visible in the cockpit... maybe some other day.

  • S.D.F.M. Avally 3.2 years ago

    Cool plane, but for some reason it rotated hard to the right when it loaded. After I managed to taxi it and get it airborne it was a nice plane. Thanks!

  • Mountain Goat 3.2 years ago

    @Yummy37271 Hey, that's OK. Thanks for the feedback. I hope you enjoy playing around with it!

  • F-27B Eagle 3.2 years ago

    Sweet plane! Thanks for the upvote and spotlight!

  • Beast Corp. Cutter V2 3.2 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote! Sweet plane!

  • Custom cockpits or Rounded cockpits? 4.4 years ago

    I feel like I first saw it used on a replica plane (early supersonic US fighter jet) that isn't in my collection any more. Glass cockpits are coming with the new beta stuff right? I haven't made a realistic cockpit yet with knobs and lights and all that, but glass cockpits will make that way more appealing.

  • Downgrade ice base 4.4 years ago

    The lasers won't target cannon fire so it's easy to destroy the launchers using a cannon. Getting within about 1.5km with an Inferno AtoG missile works but you have to dodge and use countermeasures to get that close and you'll only take out one launcher at a time. The quickest way by far is to use countermeasures to get close enough to drop a Boom 25 or 50 in between the two launchers. Sometimes this disables both lasers as well. As mentioned previously in this discussion thread, starting from the default ice base spawn point will make it so the launchers won't attack you. But to do this, you have to get a plane into the ice base and all the way to the end of the runway. I ended up crashing a plane to do this. Since your cockpit will probably continue in a straight line after you get hit by a missile, just aim your plane for the opening and use countermeasures to get as close as possible. Good luck! This was one of the more challenging things in the game at first. Once you have that spawn point in the base it'll no longer be a problem since you can choose if you want the launchers to be aggressive or not.

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.0 years ago

    @SupremeDorian This is sad and typical. What I'm saying is obvious with minimal research. Do your job instead of asking the user in question to do it for you. Ask me what I mean when you're in over your head and let me make my case.

    Research the symbol on the left shoulder of the skinhead. It's a very common far-right "norse" substitute used by Nazis in the U.S. Research how Nazis attempt to obscure their identity with BS like the "kolovrat" (a swastika substitute). This will only look worse if you don't follow through with your hate speech rule and permanently ban the user. This is turning into a circus. I love it how this drew a bunch of other Nazi sympathizers out of the woodwork so they could be identified. I'm glad I posted this publicly so people can know how much of a comfy nest you've created for vermin on SP.com. Bravo.

    And the fact that he claims to be Russian is laughably irrelevant. And it isn't that I think it's hate speech. It's more important that experts tracking the symbols used by hate groups think it's being used by violent extremists as they beat and murder minorities. Have fun with your "educational" website. It's not going to survive if you don't do your job. @AndrewGarrison

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    @V It's good to hear Andrew is on board. That's a good start.

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    @SixteenCelsius It's a double swastika used by Nazis today. Not religious groups, regular Indian people everyday, and hippies. Absurd.

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    @VRCollective No. But close, I suppose.

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER Do you get from any of what I've written that I can't read?

  • Why is there a VERY popular SP creator using obvious neo-Nazi symbols? 3.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii If you look at the top users, it sticks out like a sore thumb. I already complained to the appropriate ppl (using "report" function), so I'm awaiting a response.

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Power123 Oh, bummer. That's frustrating.

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Power123 It took some tinkering to get it to fly like this. In what way is yours unstable?

  • K.A.L. Starcruiser 3.1 years ago

    Looks cool! You're right though, it takes some getting used to being it's so unstable. This is easy to fix, though. I've fixed the one I downloaded and it's a good little plane.


    No jets because then it wouldn't limit you to "period" aircraft. It's just a silly restriction to force people to build "older" planes for that mission even though you can build a prop plane that goes a million miles an hour in SP. It obviously isn't out of ignorance: Since jets were a very minor part of WWII combat, I think it makes sense they'd be excluded. The WWII mission is just an artifact of the first days of the game, and those missions have never been updated.

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

  • Bell 333 wanton 3.1 years ago

    @Kavazano O ok... not evil? I associate that kind of thing with evil.

  • Bell 333 wanton 3.1 years ago

    Satanic US Army. Nice. What's the inspiration?

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae I've spotted several small air intakes on the wings and I'm trying to find out what they did. It also had a great deal of atmospheric recording instruments (temp, pressure, etc.). Look up the cockpit panel. The thing looks like a pincushion with all of the dials and indicators sticking out of it. Lots to research if I want to do it right. Not everything will make sense to try to duplicate in SP, but it might be interesting to try.

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae Go ahead and make your own variant with gizmos. Go wild. I only plan on adding replica instruments in the original design.

  • Don't Mess with Texas! 3.1 years ago

    I messed with Texas once. Lots of Pecans. Then I messed with Mexico. Lots of turtle eggs. Then I messed with San Francisco. Lots of hills.

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae It doesn't even have a gyroscope. Or a thing that goes "BING!"

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Th3rmoplylae Heartily agree

  • Alien dragonfly. 3.1 years ago

    Don't worry. I know where Estonia is.

  • Throwing Star 3.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER I can't be the first to make one. I didn't check

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @Tsuchiisan THANKS!!! Great tip

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    Thanks for the support everyone -- keeps me motivated to do my best work!

  • NASA Ames AD-1 Variable Wing Testbed 3.1 years ago

    @SilverStar thanks