@Falkenwut JUST WOW!, This has to be one of the best low part B-52 bombers ON THE WEBSITE!!
BUT it needs work on the bomb bay, try using fuselage blocks.
@WNP78 hey, on my labtop the overload icon is missing in the designer, and in the mod menu, it happened after i got it updated. so what do you think is wrong?
@Falkenwut the micro fighters are able to carry armed payloads such as bombs, 360 infinite range missiles, cannons, torpedos, to do this just have @MintLynx's special winch.
Awsome!!!, The bay looks good!, Do you think their should be one like that on your b-52?
What i mean is that the bay fuseleges should line up with the main fuselege to make it better looking.
(p.s plz dont use wings, it just doesnt look right!)
@ErickvCamilo i was just about to post it, but i had some control issues, see my design was a drone that detached from the arsenal bird, and used a missle as the guiedence system, and engine source. it was going to have 2 modes, one for auto targeting. the other for manuel guidence(togglable control surfaces( with act 2)). with act one to spread wings. it would also have 3 guns(xmlmodded) (1 lasers, 2 guns). which would also be able to destroy any plane before the missle hits its target. the drone would have a gaudian(xmlmodded) so it could target another without using another drone. but what happened was i took 3 screen shots, when i pressed the upload button, steam crashed. which ment my design was gone, but the crash detectior saved it when the game crashed. when i uploaded it all of my progress was gone, the only thing it did load was the cockpit block. and show the pop up "ERROR AIRCRFT HAS BEEN MOVED OF DELETED"
@FlyingHueman oh, i almost forgot if you made a custom air to air missles that look like drones, but with guns they could act like their from ace combat 7, and add a extra engine on each side. It could rule the sky.
@Brendorkus oh crap, sorry typo.
I mean the attack heli, the one with the turret in front and sides. In the hanger of eva hammer. Also, try looking it up, wolfenstien new order heli concept.
is there a way that you can update it and have a fully functional icbm. plz?
+8@Falkenwut JUST WOW!, This has to be one of the best low part B-52 bombers ON THE WEBSITE!!
+3BUT it needs work on the bomb bay, try using fuselage blocks.
dude, WOW
THIS tank has some suicide issues
@NFIGMT, what is the red cargo ship in one of the screen shots
+2@EnderSharky Yes, of course, what you do is:
Get a clever out.
Open XML, Select "PARTS" TAB at the top.
IN the menu select "MISSILE", Click the + at the bottom.
+2ENTER waterproof on left box, then ENTER true on the other.
Nice, "One of a kind"
+2Reminds me of a KA-50.
"Long live the arsenal bird" - Unknown, Ace Combat 7
+2@WNP78 hey, on my labtop the overload icon is missing in the designer, and in the mod menu, it happened after i got it updated. so what do you think is wrong?
+1@AircraftoftheRedStar Whats up, have you got steam on pc yet?
+1@UGANDA yes, very nice, can you make a TB-6?
+1@nadvgia, Whoa, That is awsome!
+1@blindspot61 Your welcome!
+1@Falkenwut Thanks
+1@falkenwut DONE! Finished at 8:11 am!
+1Awsome, But the way you designed the cockpit just dosent look right, Try using fuselages.
+1@Falkenwut Just... WOW, it looks very good!!!!
+1@Falkenwut ok, thanks
+1@Falkenwut the micro fighters are able to carry armed payloads such as bombs, 360 infinite range missiles, cannons, torpedos, to do this just have @MintLynx's special winch.
+1Awsome!!!, The bay looks good!, Do you think their should be one like that on your b-52?
+1What i mean is that the bay fuseleges should line up with the main fuselege to make it better looking.
(p.s plz dont use wings, it just doesnt look right!)
@Falkenwut Can i please modify the bombay where it looks better?
+1THX, @engineer40k!!
+1@Falkenwut Could you try a TB-6? (ANT-28)
+1Thanks, @CrashFighter05, @ErickvCamilo, @Nickr, @FireFlyer, @GeneralOliverVonBismarck, @MrPorg137, @ThePrototype, @emanuelga, @Vidal99977, @Airforce51, @yoshicraze, @Planeacceleration, @JolyLoly, @MaxB17, @Bife
+1@Mustang51 i can't put a link because they deleted the orginail post.
+1thx @Hira629
+1@MintLynx Maybe make a i-400 with the japanese "Midget" sub on the back!
+1@TMach5 Really nice!
+1@ErickvCamilo i was just about to post it, but i had some control issues, see my design was a drone that detached from the arsenal bird, and used a missle as the guiedence system, and engine source. it was going to have 2 modes, one for auto targeting. the other for manuel guidence(togglable control surfaces( with act 2)). with act one to spread wings. it would also have 3 guns(xmlmodded) (1 lasers, 2 guns). which would also be able to destroy any plane before the missle hits its target. the drone would have a gaudian(xmlmodded) so it could target another without using another drone. but what happened was i took 3 screen shots, when i pressed the upload button, steam crashed. which ment my design was gone, but the crash detectior saved it when the game crashed. when i uploaded it all of my progress was gone, the only thing it did load was the cockpit block. and show the pop up "ERROR AIRCRFT HAS BEEN MOVED OF DELETED"
+1@RussianAS версия противовоздушной ракеты? На картинке?
+1@FlyingHueman oh, i almost forgot if you made a custom air to air missles that look like drones, but with guns they could act like their from ace combat 7, and add a extra engine on each side. It could rule the sky.
+1Nice x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+1Not anymore reeekkkkkkkkkkkttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
+1so many parts, lol, makes my potato pc lag out and perish.
+1FINALLY!, a perfect dropship!
+1wow, simply amazing!
Absolutly amazing, so amazing in fact my potato can barely run.
@AircraftoftheRedStar ok, thanks
wow, now i have a map for a wii plane mp match!
Good, but some gmc ww2 trucks had the 6x6, 6x4, 4x4 double wheel option for transport trucks.
@Brendorkus oh crap, sorry typo.
I mean the attack heli, the one with the turret in front and sides. In the hanger of eva hammer. Also, try looking it up, wolfenstien new order heli concept.
Can you make the attach heli in the evas hammer hanger in the back?
@SimplyPlain Can you make a version with the turrets assigned to pitch and roll please?
@DeathStalker627, What is the map
@WLN2823, Nice!