AG 6 plus vtol up for droid to stand up.
Please help me find it! i want beta!!
please add reverse
nvm, i found them i am dumb as tar.
the mod won't work, i downloaded it, says it is working, but there are no roads, i might be dumber than tar, but please help me @UnstableOrbit
it only has machine gun tho, can you please add the main turret?
@Testin123, when did he make the tank tracks, can you send me a link?
They should add that, same with multiplayer.
ANNOUNCEMENT! Rules have changed, make a new airplane, not even tweaking, whole new design.
Put your link here. Happy building.
Dem wheels do
if you pull up too hard the bombs detach and blow up
i dropped the bomb, lel it looks wierd
it is like the japanese zero, look it up
It just doesn't look right, i tried to make a fighter plane.
OK this post is done. I'm closing it
it's a mini laptop
yup my tablet is 16GB RAM
aw, i was told it was on mobile, it said it on the update list, my update dscription.
@KingDeadshot :( Oh
@KingDeadshot why is there no mymar island on android?
@KingDeadshot mymar
Hey, do you know where the island is? reply asap pls!
Please tell me when itcomsout
It is*
There is a........ Free hug!!!! Just kidding. I don't know, there wasn't going to be one, itmis just for fun. I could us some upvotes though hint Hint wink wink nudge.
i wish i could upvote but i dont have enough upvotes myself!!
I want to upvote you but I can't, no points for me. Sad face.
Not trying to be rude but, it is called a tri prop now..... Yeah.
AG 6 plus vtol up for droid to stand up.
Please help me find it!
i want beta!!
please add reverse
+2nvm, i found them i am dumb as tar.
the mod won't work, i downloaded it, says it is working, but there are no roads, i might be dumber than tar, but please help me @UnstableOrbit
it only has machine gun tho, can you please add the main turret?
@Testin123, when did he make the tank tracks, can you send me a link?
@Testin123, when did he make the tank tracks, can you send me a link?
They should add that, same with multiplayer.
ANNOUNCEMENT! Rules have changed, make a new airplane, not even tweaking, whole new design.
Put your link here. Happy building.
Dem wheels do
if you pull up too hard the bombs detach and blow up
i dropped the bomb, lel it looks wierd
it is like the japanese zero, look it up
It just doesn't look right, i tried to make a fighter plane.
OK this post is done. I'm closing it
it's a mini laptop
my tablet is 16GB RAM
aw, i was told it was on mobile, it said it on the update list, my update dscription.
@KingDeadshot :( Oh
@KingDeadshot why is there no mymar island on android?
@KingDeadshot mymar
Hey, do you know where the island is? reply asap pls!
Please tell me when itcomsout
It is*
There is a........ Free hug!!!! Just kidding. I don't know, there wasn't going to be one, itmis just for fun. I could us some upvotes though hint Hint wink wink nudge.
i wish i could upvote but i dont have enough upvotes myself!!
I want to upvote you but I can't, no points for me. Sad face.
Not trying to be rude but, it is called a tri prop now..... Yeah.