where ukraine farmer
@seeras pls make this a successor to @CrestrelAeronautics https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/gUy4DB/Central-mounted-propeller-challenge
where nuke
peenoise moment
now play fetch with the dog
@BeastHunter the rumbling
im interested
we live in a society
cool ejecting from the plane is quite fast
How about we explore the area ahead of us later?
@WinsWings i submitted an entry but it didnt count as a successor https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/IOmx8W/Junkers-Unnamed-Ground-Attack-Aircraft
I'll puncture the next thing that moves
im very interested
just put enough effort and not yell something stupid
@YYEE aye
oh no
@Bryan5 Is it allowed to submit multiple entries?
history does repeat itself
auto aim?
sad, might also finish it
@Karmen quite sad but i tried
@seeras @vincent @mrsilverwolf @FairFireFlight pls make this a successor to https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/qFB5R3/Alternate-energy-challange
new type of zoltraak just dropped
@Seeras tysm!
@BaconAircraft @Vincent @Seeras pls make this a successor to https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/V2JM7I/1940s-50s-superprop-challenge
@Hahahahaahahshs ok
how do i join
very inspiring
sounds interesting count me in
@BaconAircraft @MrSilverWolf @DeezDucks pls make this a successor to https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/t1X3yW/Solid-Build-Challenge-WW2-planes
whos that main account btw
@BoredGuy hehe
what is suisei doing in your aircraft
@Isuckatsimpleplanes lol
@ComradeKaiser7 how many entries are allowed
@mobilefriendlybuilds m
why is this plane not flying straight
@xNotDumb how many entries is allowed just asking
Im interested
@CarrotSlicingCompanyCat where result
@MentallyDistorted jesus
very cool idea ive been thinking something like this for my Coast Guard Sea Plane
petition signed by _ Jester1944
why is the front wings have an autism whenever i pitch
where ukraine farmer
+7@seeras pls make this a successor to @CrestrelAeronautics https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/gUy4DB/Central-mounted-propeller-challenge
+3where nuke
+3peenoise moment
+3now play fetch with the dog
+3@BeastHunter the rumbling
+3im interested
+2im interested
+2we live in a society
+2ejecting from the plane is quite fast
+1How about we explore the area ahead of us later?
+1@WinsWings i submitted an entry but it didnt count as a successor
+1I'll puncture the next thing that moves
+1im very interested
+1im interested
just put enough effort and not yell something stupid
+1@YYEE aye
+1oh no
+1@Bryan5 Is it allowed to submit multiple entries?
+1history does repeat itself
+1auto aim?
+1sad, might also finish it
+1@Karmen quite sad but i tried
+1@seeras @vincent @mrsilverwolf @FairFireFlight
pls make this a successor to https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/qFB5R3/Alternate-energy-challange
new type of zoltraak just dropped
@Seeras tysm!
@BaconAircraft @Vincent @Seeras pls make this a successor to https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/V2JM7I/1940s-50s-superprop-challenge
@Hahahahaahahshs ok
how do i join
very inspiring
sounds interesting
count me in
@BaconAircraft @MrSilverWolf @DeezDucks
pls make this a successor to https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/t1X3yW/Solid-Build-Challenge-WW2-planes
whos that main account btw
@BoredGuy hehe
what is suisei doing in your aircraft
@Isuckatsimpleplanes lol
@ComradeKaiser7 how many entries are allowed
@mobilefriendlybuilds m
why is this plane not flying straight
@xNotDumb how many entries is allowed
just asking
Im interested
@CarrotSlicingCompanyCat where result
@MentallyDistorted jesus
very cool idea
ive been thinking something like this for my Coast Guard Sea Plane
petition signed by _ Jester1944
why is the front wings have an autism whenever i pitch