9,447 vcharng Comments

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison please forgive my rudeness for suddenly tagging you.
    I just want to know if it is allowed & possible to self-suggest one's own works to be included in the next version's introduction video? I think having a few shots from my radar system may be a good way to let people pickup what's happening with the new Target-related FT commands.
    Thank you.

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @PointlessWhyshouldi oh, ok...

  • [Teaser] New Attack helicopter! 4.5 years ago

    erm, just so you know, there is a pinned thread from the moderators that forbids mass tagging...

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @WarHawk95 Uh, I though when you tag "mod" it affects every moderator? well, anyway....

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    Guys there is an update for this. New rules forbid me from tagging everyone but please go take a look!

  • [Beta] FT advanced combat systems vol.2 4.5 years ago

    @Mod I'm just wondering if it's possible to self-introduce to be featured in the update video? I think my radar can serve well in the update introduction clip.

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @MinecrackTyler Somebody already did.

  • Just found something a bit disturbing about FT... 4.5 years ago

    @WNP78 As in "deltaAngle(TargetHeading - Heading)"?

  • A question about overflow in funky trees 4.5 years ago

    Just an extra note, the same formula worked for piston.
    So now I just use piston instead of signal light.

  • Just found something a bit disturbing about FT... 4.5 years ago

    Actually, I just found out that the remedial clause of the program works even if this is fixed. The remedial clause simply don't get activated at all....
    So perhaps, fix it please?

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s My MK103 is 850 m/s. it has no problem hitting the target head-on from 2.5 km against the WWII challenge.

    It can also hit (though difficult) the Wasp in a dogfight. (remember, we're talking about shooting at a jet with a prop fighter)

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s The current, very basic auto fuse works fine for MK103's ballistics. It seems that it has something to do with shell velocity.
    The rate(TargetDistance) system has two major flaws: gravity and speed change. High shell velocity minimizes both of them. I haven't tried doing a rate(rate(TargetDistance)) (i.e. target acceleration relative to you), but maybe that would address the speed change.

    The smallest caliber setting in vanilla game is 50mm, and my prototype works just fine with that (no explosion scalar adjusted). In real life, the smallest shell to have VT fuse was 76mm (40mm bofors was contact fuse, 20mm Hispano was not explosive at all) so I'd say it's working alright. my realistically-modeled MK103 30mm gun can hit fighters from 2.5km away... that's about 3-5 times their effective range IRL.

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @BagelPlane Hey guess what, I just nailed it, I got the right setting to make the radar screen update with radar sweep.

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @BagelPlane I think my best bet is to use FT to control the activation group. Make the piston/rotator only work when the radar's angle fit the target's angle. That way, the dot will only update when the radar sweeps pass the target.

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @Notaleopard I think there's already a guy who made an automatic-aiming turret for ground usage.
    I may try to make bomber turret but I have to nail the roll/pitch compensation for the "Pilot's neck". They work with similar principles.

  • [WIP]FT advanced combat systems 4.5 years ago

    @BagelPlane Go ahead, it's never a bad thing to have parallel systems.
    I am also wondering how I'm gonna make the radar dot "update upon sweep"...

  • Focke-Wulf Fw BMW803 Fighter (UAF) 4.8 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Well the actual plane was like that.... I'd agree that having a frame would look better though.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @chibikitsune You know what I think I'm running out of choices but to agree with you.
    SP is a game and it should stay just that. It should not become a kind of "best builder contest" unless one happens to find that interesting.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    Last but not least.
    There shouldn't be ANY replies to this post from the very beginning.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Strucker I don't like changing my way of thinking when something goes wrong. I tend to think that it simply means it IS wrong.

    After all, I'm far from the only one who complains about the community's standard for a "good" build.

    Too much words, I'll just say I'll exclusively build for fun from now on, rather than trying to pursue an elusive and not-necessarily-fair crowd taste.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @TheReturningHound Well then this post announces that I'm returning to the right track.

    It started like 8 months ago where people are "encouraging" me to "improve"...
    and then I began to cater to their suggestions more and more.
    In the end I found myself to be making stuff that I don't really enjoy making.

  • If they ever make a sequel to do they should name it advanced planes 4.8 years ago

    If they actually do, I hope they take a look at some real CAD softwares.
    Extrude, subtract, fillet, offset..... so many commands that could make the game even better.
    I took a full CAD course in collage and it's sad I can't put it to use here.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Strucker If you think so ,so be it.
    I have listened enough and twisted my own wishes enough from the beginning of 1.9.
    It stops here and now.

    Sincerely speaking, why is "egotistic" even supposed to be a bad word?
    What's so wrong about putting oneself at first and foremost, especially when one really had enough?

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @TheReturningHound My point is that I have done enough to cater to what people tell me to do and from now on I will only do what I want to do.
    I have deviated too far from my philosophy in the past 6 months already and this has to stop.
    you can see that every time I asked "I did this and that, why doesn't it work (as in, why doesn't it translate to upvotes?)" people just say "BS you haven't done nearly enough"
    (or even worse, "when you tried, it is worse than when you haven't tried", like that retard comparing my H11K and my 803)
    And there seems to be no end of that.
    So if there's no end to that, I have to call it.
    And that's what I'm doing now. I'm calling it. All my compromises end here. From now on there will only be what I want to build and what I want to build only.

  • IJN Ryukaku(Pacific WAR Challenge) 4.8 years ago

    @soldier289 yeah, good build.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    Originally I could've vented all my stuff in Sunday and carried on. But now you are lengthening my anger into the 3rd day by endlessly replying (basically harassing) me.
    There is a reason why this post is in "feelings" subforum. The subforum is for this kind of posts that you feel shouldn't exist. And that's exactly why this subforum exists, to act as a trash can.

    Now just allow the subforum to function, and leave.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    Now you just shut up and leave. Don't tell me that I must do what if I what. I have made my decision and this OP is my decision. It's final and I do not accept any suggestions.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride I don't CARE what you are saying.
    This post is about a complaint and I am not expecting ANY response.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Read my pinned post. I am not trying to change anything so why are you keep suggesting me to do this do that in order to "change" something?

    I don't like how it is
    and I'm not trying change that.
    I will simply revert to just be myself regardless of what others think.

    Is that clear enough?

  • IJN Ryukaku(Pacific WAR Challenge) 4.8 years ago

    Ryuukaku was actually a thing.
    Wartime US newspapers did mention sinking a carrier called "Ryukaku" during the Battle of Coral Sea.
    However, post-war investigation confirms that this is just a mixture of other carriers in the region, including Zuikaku, Ryujo, and , the actual sunken carrier, Shoho.

    Similar confusions existed especially during the early days of Pacific theater. US intelligence read carrier Shokaku's name in a wrong way ("Kakeduru") and later mis-spelled it into "Kadekuru", and then speculated that it's a new pocket battleship.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    Nobody seems to actually read what I said in this post.
    Yes there are things that I have to do in order to make the community see my plane.
    I "understand" that. But I don't "like" that.
    And this is exactly what I'm saying: That's it, I will stop trying to shape myself to something the community would like.

    So stop telling me to do this and do that. This post is exactly announcing that I'm not going to do those.

    I'm too lazy to delete all the comments but sincerely none of them should've ever existed (if only there's a "do not allow comment" option). This post is NOT trying to ask for any feedbacks or suggestions whatsoever.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Nothing will change if I complain and I'm not even trying to change it.
    I can't and won't try to change, for instance, the bias for US planes.
    I'm just complaining about it to make myself feel better in order to return to working just for myself, can't you read that already?
    What's the point of keep harassing me with notifications?

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    Plus it's not even doable to claim someone who somehow involuntarily feels pressurized as an "excuse". It's not and it could not be.
    It is fact, and it's a fact that I have to live with. There's no way anyone can change it.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride You can say anything as an excuse, it's not gonna be true.
    I decide (with my considerations) how much time and effort I can put into a plane, not you.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Nothing is gonna change ANYWAY.
    So I'm going to just forget about it and be myself.

  • Change the points system 4.8 years ago

    I just snapped over the same issue and everyone was like "F-U go home"
    Well that's exactly what I'm doing, I'm not going to work for upvotes anymore unless it becomes more or less fair.

    A 5 star score system would be better but not necessarily solve the problem.
    I think the real once-and-for-all solution is to not have this silver-gold-plat hierarchy.
    You get upvote or score, and it stops there. No one deserve having a price-tag attached to their name.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen And I think that's kind of "uncanny valley".
    Both entirely replica and entirely fictional are advantageous over historical blueprint planes.

    And I cannot spend half a year to work on one plane. The sense of having something unfinished is just painful, and I will feel obsessed with quickly finishing it. So there IS a time limit (as in a few week or month) for me to finish it, and there is a hour limit (as in how many hours a day) as well, so the total building time is somewhat calculatable.
    I guess it's because I have OCD and Asperger's. I just can't bear leaving the uncompleted plane for ages. I keep thinking about it and it gives me pressure. So in the end I will be forced to finish it quickly, just to relieve myself from the pressure. The closer to finish, the stronger the pressure. This is also why I usually have very detailed adjustments early in the building progress (like proportions, flight physics etc, but end up ommiting finishing touches like antennas and decorations.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen There is a limit to how much time and effort one can invest.
    There is also a limit to how much one can compromise to the "common taste".

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen "Unusual shape. World War ll builds, when not referring to historical or real models ( basically, fictional world war builds ) tend thave hight rejection rates"
    This basically translates to my own conclusion of "WWII German prototypes will never get the same upvotes as a P-51 Mustang under the same quality".
    And that's also one of the reasons why I snapped.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen Also I think this is exactly the problem.
    Upvoters ONLY care about the first impression and I have been improving stuff that is anything but first impression since 1.9.

    That's why I decided to not try to adjust myself to their taste because we're simply not going to be on the same book let alone the same page.
    It is also important to know when you and the other party will never reach common ground, you know?
    And that's exactly the point of this post.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen And yet it was made with the correct proportion.
    Both the 803 fighter and the similar-structured Fw Flitzer are longer than wide, which is indeed unusual for WWII planes.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen Let me remind you, the H11K which is even worse of building quality got 41.
    And that's what I expect to surpass with my later builds. And they just disappoint more and more while I actually make better and better planes. (as in, you can say that the BMW803 is bad, but you can't say it's worse than H11K)

    And what snaps me is that I can't surpass H11K with what is better than that. Because no one actually sees the effort in FT programming and others. And that's the "presentation" BS everyone just keep going on and on and on about.
    I understand presentation is everything, and I refuse to bow to it. That's why I give up about upvoats (and as such, making to fit the community's taste) and instead only make for myself.
    Is that clear enough?

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen Yeah and what I'm experiencing is that I spend a month of all gaming hours to make, adjust and test a plane, only to be dubbed "bad presentation, no upvote for you"

    Also there is a limit to how much effort and time one can invest. The guys below are all urging me to invest more, more and more which I just can't follow endlessly.

    That "thank you post" is a good suggestion though. It's like a legal way to squeeze in extra advertisement.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @Aeromen Well I thought that's the WHOLE point of making an account.
    Or I can just make a thousand super-great planes without even uploading them.

    PS. Note the past tense "thought".

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Check the title, it's the last straw (that crushed the camel.) I've been feeling the unfairness of upvotes for months and this is merely the last straw. This is the point that I decide I cannot and would not follow the endless demands of the community anymore. I began as a player who just builds what he wants and I am going back to just that.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride It was 15 before this post.
    And my Ju288, which was an inferior build, got 40 without any "upvote-begging" posts. That's what I expected for both of those Focke-wulf.

    And I don't think you are trying understand what I am saying.
    I UNDERSTAND all you say. I UNDERSTAND that presentation is everything and blah blah blah. In fact I understand it so well that it is EXACTLY why I snapped.

    And what I am saying is "ok this is enough. This is my game (as in, I bought it), my time, my labor. I decide how I'm gonna spend them. And as such I am only going to make whatever I wish, without considering what the community may like."

  • A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated) 4.8 years ago

    @RuvienRepublicCitizen Another way is to use fuel consumption, but unfortunately fuel consumption rate in SP is very unstable.
    (the input would be "rate(Fuel) * [total fuel capacity] / [maximum reading of the dial]"

  • A super rudimentary guide on how to make the basic gauges (will be updated) 4.8 years ago

    @RuvienRepublicCitizen There is unfortunately no actual RPM input now. We usually use Throttle input instead. However, this can deviate from the actual RPM greatly, especially in the case of propeller (in particular, manual pitch) engines.

  • OK this is like the last straw. 4.8 years ago

    @SodiumChloride And that's exactly what I am doing here. I call it off and return to focusing on making what I like instead of what the community may like.
    And don't "Then the upvoters of this community deem you unworthy " me.
    It happened the other way around.
    The upvoters first deemed me unworthy no matter what I try, THEN I deemed them unworthy for me to invest more labor.