OK, perhaps I'll write a separate article about this, but basically it's like this:
Smooth function makes a variable go from the "start value" to "end value" smoothly, rather than instantaneously.
Without smooth function, LandingGear would go from 0 to 1 instantly, but with smooth, it will go from 0, 0.1, 0.2..... all the way to 1. This progress is continuous, so every value between 0 and 1 will be covered.
For landing gear doors, it would be like this:
First, write down the sequence you want.
for example:
Gear retraction for 1 second, then door close for 1 second.
for this you need to go from 0 to 1 in two seconds.
Therefore you need this function:
smooth(LandingGear, 0.5)
in other words the function follows the LandingGear input, but only changes 0.5 per second, therefore taking 2 seconds to go all the way to 1.
Then, you need to tweak your rotaters so that the landing gear rotator operates from 0 to 0.5, and door operates from 0.5 to 1.
For this case:
LG rotator:
min 0
max 1
angle your discretion (usually 90)
clamp01(smooth(LandingGear, 0.5) * 2)
Door rotator:
clamp01(smooth(LandingGear - 0.5, 0.5) * 2)
(others are the same)
As for railgun, what you describe is not a railgun, but a coil gun ("gauss rifle" in sci-fi nomenclature)
The accurate timing was proven impossible even IRL, let alone in SP's imperfect physics.
regenerative pylon
A pylon that memorizes what is being attached, and will re-generate the parts attached when the plane is stopped and all AGs are off.
Variable Gun
A gun that you can choose the muzzle appearance, size, firepower, shell speed, rate of fire, burst length, reload time, shell category, sound and belt composition.
Belt composition: for example, AP, HE, Tracer. the first shot in every 3 shots will be a AP shell (that continues to travel at the same direction if the first part it hits is destroyed, the second round will be a HE (with a blast range, also customizable), and the 3rd is a tracer (with bullet trace but less damage)
Sound: For example, gun sound for different RoFs, autocannon sound, heavy cannon sound, manual loaded cannon sound, etc. Perhaps a choice of reload sounds will be good as well.
Muzzle appearance: for example, gattling gun, muzzle brake, retracts when fired, etc.
Underwater Cameras<<<done by mods
The Kraken<<< already there, except if you're talking about "killable" kraken
Rocket Engines<<<done by mods
The ability to get struck by lightning
Cannons<<<done by mods
Nukes<<<done by mods
Afterburners<<<done by mods
Guided Bombs<<< done by mods and some specially built sub-assemblies
Malfunctions<<<already there. currently the engines, detachers (including pylons), weapons and bombs, as well as in only one case the artificial horizon, can all malfunction if damaged.
Bird Strikes
Lasers<<<done by mods
Flamethrowers<<<done by mods
Sonic Booms<<<done by mods
Midair Refueling<<<done by mods though I'm not sure if it still works
Wings Leaking Fuel <<<already there
Removing Autoroll and Autoyaw<<<you need to balance your plane.
For your reference, this is what I measured: (all are nearest "whole numbers" close to the center of the field, not spawn point)
Wright Airport: Lat -5200, Long 5900
Avalanche: Lat 140880, Long 6000
Yeager: Lat 53120 Long 26215
Skypark (Oval Office) Lat -31540 Long -1050
Maywar (Faroh's garden) Lat -33630 Long 76280
This is the data I used for my GPS build.
try this:
clamp01(smooth(LandingGear, (1 / 11)) * 2) for LG
clamp01((smooth(LandingGear, (1 / 11)) - 0.5) * 2) for door.
I tried the earlier input myself and find out it needs a *2 to make sure it makes a full stroke. But you can adjust it with angles.
these are just reference, please debug it yourself.
and yes, we use smooth function to govern the rotator speed, so set rotator speed to 100% to prevent over-limiting it.
This feels more like an armed version of Ju 635...
Hs 298 V4 means it's the 4th prototype, doesn't sound like production model.
There's already an X-7 which is an ATGM version of X-4
There's also already MK112 55mm autocannons in Luftwaffe arsenal.
And I don't think you need two RDF antennas (that small ring on top of the fuselage) for a double-body aircraft...
Aside from these background bugs it's a good plane.
I think those are just pictures of other models showing up in a webpage about X aircraft model.
For example, that F-117 could be a photo dubbed "a predecessor of F-35 in terms of stealth technology" on the F-35 page
Sincerely I'd like to be able to "funky tree" everything...
Like, how about a cannon whose bullet lifetime (= explode timer) can be changed by an AG? So you can change between airburst mode and impact detonation?
If SP was published/developed by EA:
parts would have to be obtained by loot boxes.
If SP was by Wargaming:
No Swastika even for WWII German planes. PVP only, Russian bias, you'll get parts bonus by painting it red or by putting a Hammer and Sickle on it. Non-fighter combat planes can't survive at all.
If SP was by DICE:
No Swastika even for WWII German planes, in-game pilot model featuring both male and female, probably even 3rd+ sex.
If SP was by Gaijin:
Also no Swastika even for WWII German, wingtips ripoff at 0.8 mach max, even stronger Russian bias plus caliber bias.
If SP was by DMM/C2/Kadokawa games:
All planes are anime girls. You start building a plane from a girl's body and you add parts into their "riggings".
Planes are very versatile, perhaps different campaigns for different planes would be a good idea. We can have a SAR campaign, combat campaign, transport campaign... etc.
Speaking of which, how exactly does the mods determine your age?
I'm not native speaker of English but I'm 28, and I don't want to be deemed a primary schooler for a grammar error I made or something similar...
Friendly reminder: there's only 45 stars.
The actual USA flag has 5-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5 stars per row vertically.
i.e. there should be 6 rows with 5 stars each, with 5 rows with 5 stars each inserted between them, that would make 50 stars.
In order to be a money making machine, you need to be safe.
Cuz you can't earn enough from tickets to pay for the compensations, not to mention deaths would impact your boarding pass sales greatly.
My suggestions:
Replace that stupid "turns red" way of "show damage" into bullet holes.
Fuel leak does not equal to on fire
destroyed parts don't explode and damage other parts (I'm having less problems with this, probably because I fly too fast to take that)
extinguishing fire by dipping into water is weird (using windspeed or high altitude to extinguish is far more, albeit not entirely, reasonable)
and finally
REPAIR AT AIRPORT PLEASE. "Restart here" don't work because that would reset the whole map.
@BeryllCorp Use clamp.
clamp01(sum(Pitch)) etc.... Unfortunately if you constantly input in one direction you will need a while to get it back into the 0 to 1 range.
I think all we need to do is to add everything AutoCAD has... (extrude, subtract, rotate around given axis.... etc etc etc)
If something can't be made out of CAD (computer assisted design) commands then it doesn't exist.
I think the biggest problem is that when you look at the map from top down view, it looks very absurd and unnatural.
Snowstone is square, Wright and Krakabloa and Maywar are round, Skypark city is fully man-made.
A more naturally-looking terrain would be better.
Use connection editor.
attach the rocket to the releasing end of a pylon, then attach the rocket AGAIN to part of your plane.
When the pylon's AG is triggered, the rocket will ignite, but it's still connected to your plane so you'll still receive boost.
@701wwj666 不,您是不是搞錯了我的意思?
這款驅逐戰車的原名是Jagdpanther,就是五號戰車豹式Panther的前面再加上Jagd字首,意思是"打獵的豹"。由於德國叫豹的車子太多(VK1602 Leopard, Pzkpfw. V Panther, 戰後的Leopard I等)所以才會有人稱之為黑豹以資區分。
而打獵的豹(hunting panther)不等於獵豹(cheetah)。
The German "Jagdpanther (Hunting Panther)" tank destroyer uses the chassis of the Panther tank, (中略) it was named Jagdpanther on December 17, 1943 (下略)
No idea. I don't think you can mod an engine's altitude performance by overload alone.
In fact you might need to create a mod and change the altitude behaviour wholesale.
A few interesting addition:
1. after testing on my brand-new Me 262 HG III, I found out that the fuel consumption seems to be affected by the size (volume) of the engine, while the power is set by another coefficient. In other words, you can totally make a tiny engine with lots of power by using Overload. Then you'll have the most fuel-efficient super engine in the world.
2. Vanilla wing gun deals about 40 damage, and it seems that parts with fuel would be set on fire after taking more than 50-70 damage, and the fire would destroy the part if taking >80 damage. That's why vanilla guns almost always kills the part when successfully set it on fire, because if it set you on fire, it's definitely >80 damage.
3. If you are having problem with survivability, try connecting the parts in... weird ways. For example, if you make a layer of hollow fuselage outside your "real" fuselage, that would become a layer of armor (only works against guns though, because missiles would just blast through the whole thing).
4. USS Beast has 120000 HP, while USS Tiny has 60000, you can use this to test your guns.
We actually have some destructable buildings, not many though.
The Ice Base, the windmills on Maywar and the 2 bridges in Krakaloa.
But I do agree we can have more.
Also can we have repair function? Land, park in a certain area and wait, and you'll have your damaged blocks repaired/reconstructed. Since ordnance count as blocks as well they can also be re-armed. I know you can use "restart here", but that would reset the whole map.
Right now if you want to destroy a whole fleet, you need to build a plane big enough to carry lots of bombs to sink them in one go, which is not realistic. I hope we can have a realistic RTB, repair/re-arm and re-engage mechanism.
Also please make altitude fuse possible, so that we can have accurate air-burst nukes and bombs that explode when hitting water.
@Strucker I don't like changing my way of thinking when something goes wrong. I tend to think that it simply means it IS wrong.
After all, I'm far from the only one who complains about the community's standard for a "good" build.
Too much words, I'll just say I'll exclusively build for fun from now on, rather than trying to pursue an elusive and not-necessarily-fair crowd taste.
Ryuukaku was actually a thing.
Wartime US newspapers did mention sinking a carrier called "Ryukaku" during the Battle of Coral Sea.
However, post-war investigation confirms that this is just a mixture of other carriers in the region, including Zuikaku, Ryujo, and , the actual sunken carrier, Shoho.
Similar confusions existed especially during the early days of Pacific theater. US intelligence read carrier Shokaku's name in a wrong way ("Kakeduru") and later mis-spelled it into "Kadekuru", and then speculated that it's a new pocket battleship.
@TheReturningHound There are 3rd gen jet combat aircrafts with T-tails, like Super Entedard.
And the silhouette is smoother than those 3rd gen stuff. that's why I said it looks like late-3rd to early-4th generation.
Yeah I complained about similar stuff and there are BS users who can't tell good from bad trying "explain" to me.
And they said my manual pitch is "propeller breaks at high speed, you probably never tested it"
@MrSilverWolf Yes I know that, so I said in an earlier reply "everyone needs to be reminded once in a while that they build for themselves, not anyone else" (or something like that).
Thanks for your reply anyway.
@AircraftoftheRedStar Originally I plan on giving it a more clear, appealing name and put the drawing number behind it.
For example, "Folke-Wulf Fw Schlechtwetterjäger auf As 413 (P.0310.025-1006)"
That bunch of German means "Bad weather fighter based on As 413 (engine), it fits all the description known on Luft 46.
There's a SFX collection on Unity Asset store with MG151/ Hispano 20mm and NS-23 autocannon sounds. I'm sure it's possible to find more, larger caliber ones.
@SnoWFLakE0s Well I won't expect that, too, but IF they can do it, they can make SimplePlanes into the first "CAD software with playability", it's going to be great. It will turn SP from a decent game into a great game that will leave its name in history.
Another issue:
number of destructible entities:
Wright I.: 4 (USS Tiny and USS Beast Fleet)
Krakabloa: about 10 (two bridges and one convoy)
Snowstone: 4 (2 missile launchers and two laser turrets)
Maywar: I don't want to count (remember that wind farm? every wind turbine is destructible. And Maywar has its own convoy)
basically painting feature... all we wanted for years...
+14OK, perhaps I'll write a separate article about this, but basically it's like this:
Smooth function makes a variable go from the "start value" to "end value" smoothly, rather than instantaneously.
Without smooth function, LandingGear would go from 0 to 1 instantly, but with smooth, it will go from 0, 0.1, 0.2..... all the way to 1. This progress is continuous, so every value between 0 and 1 will be covered.
For landing gear doors, it would be like this:
First, write down the sequence you want.
for example:
Gear retraction for 1 second, then door close for 1 second.
for this you need to go from 0 to 1 in two seconds.
Therefore you need this function:
smooth(LandingGear, 0.5)
in other words the function follows the LandingGear input, but only changes 0.5 per second, therefore taking 2 seconds to go all the way to 1.
Then, you need to tweak your rotaters so that the landing gear rotator operates from 0 to 0.5, and door operates from 0.5 to 1.
For this case:
LG rotator:
min 0
max 1
angle your discretion (usually 90)
clamp01(smooth(LandingGear, 0.5) * 2)
Door rotator:
clamp01(smooth(LandingGear - 0.5, 0.5) * 2)
(others are the same)
As for railgun, what you describe is not a railgun, but a coil gun ("gauss rifle" in sci-fi nomenclature)
+11The accurate timing was proven impossible even IRL, let alone in SP's imperfect physics.
Hull Parts subtraction.
+11this is a basic function for all CAD software, and with that we can easily make countless weird-shaped parts.
@TheKraken3 Yeah, maybe, perhaps the foresters are the devs who made them, and we people who use them are carpenters...
+9and magnet effective ranges. Right now the effective range is nil.
+8regenerative pylon
A pylon that memorizes what is being attached, and will re-generate the parts attached when the plane is stopped and all AGs are off.
Variable Gun
A gun that you can choose the muzzle appearance, size, firepower, shell speed, rate of fire, burst length, reload time, shell category, sound and belt composition.
Belt composition: for example, AP, HE, Tracer. the first shot in every 3 shots will be a AP shell (that continues to travel at the same direction if the first part it hits is destroyed, the second round will be a HE (with a blast range, also customizable), and the 3rd is a tracer (with bullet trace but less damage)
Sound: For example, gun sound for different RoFs, autocannon sound, heavy cannon sound, manual loaded cannon sound, etc. Perhaps a choice of reload sounds will be good as well.
Muzzle appearance: for example, gattling gun, muzzle brake, retracts when fired, etc.
+8Underwater Cameras<<<done by mods
+7The Kraken<<< already there, except if you're talking about "killable" kraken
Rocket Engines<<<done by mods
The ability to get struck by lightning
Cannons<<<done by mods
Nukes<<<done by mods
Afterburners<<<done by mods
Guided Bombs<<< done by mods and some specially built sub-assemblies
Malfunctions<<<already there. currently the engines, detachers (including pylons), weapons and bombs, as well as in only one case the artificial horizon, can all malfunction if damaged.
Bird Strikes
Lasers<<<done by mods
Flamethrowers<<<done by mods
Sonic Booms<<<done by mods
Midair Refueling<<<done by mods though I'm not sure if it still works
Wings Leaking Fuel <<<already there
Removing Autoroll and Autoyaw<<<you need to balance your plane.
For your reference, this is what I measured: (all are nearest "whole numbers" close to the center of the field, not spawn point)
+6Wright Airport: Lat -5200, Long 5900
Avalanche: Lat 140880, Long 6000
Yeager: Lat 53120 Long 26215
Skypark (Oval Office) Lat -31540 Long -1050
Maywar (Faroh's garden) Lat -33630 Long 76280
This is the data I used for my GPS build.
try this:
clamp01(smooth(LandingGear, (1 / 11)) * 2) for LG
clamp01((smooth(LandingGear, (1 / 11)) - 0.5) * 2) for door.
I tried the earlier input myself and find out it needs a *2 to make sure it makes a full stroke. But you can adjust it with angles.
these are just reference, please debug it yourself.
and yes, we use smooth function to govern the rotator speed, so set rotator speed to 100% to prevent over-limiting it.
+5This feels more like an armed version of Ju 635...
Hs 298 V4 means it's the 4th prototype, doesn't sound like production model.
There's already an X-7 which is an ATGM version of X-4
There's also already MK112 55mm autocannons in Luftwaffe arsenal.
And I don't think you need two RDF antennas (that small ring on top of the fuselage) for a double-body aircraft...
Aside from these background bugs it's a good plane.
+5I prefer the kind of GA ramp, where you enter from one side and exit from other. Common for smaller aircrafts in countries with abundant land.
+5I think those are just pictures of other models showing up in a webpage about X aircraft model.
+5For example, that F-117 could be a photo dubbed "a predecessor of F-35 in terms of stealth technology" on the F-35 page
Sincerely I'd like to be able to "funky tree" everything...
+5Like, how about a cannon whose bullet lifetime (= explode timer) can be changed by an AG? So you can change between airburst mode and impact detonation?
If SP was published/developed by EA:
parts would have to be obtained by loot boxes.
If SP was by Wargaming:
No Swastika even for WWII German planes. PVP only, Russian bias, you'll get parts bonus by painting it red or by putting a Hammer and Sickle on it. Non-fighter combat planes can't survive at all.
If SP was by DICE:
No Swastika even for WWII German planes, in-game pilot model featuring both male and female, probably even 3rd+ sex.
If SP was by Gaijin:
Also no Swastika even for WWII German, wingtips ripoff at 0.8 mach max, even stronger Russian bias plus caliber bias.
If SP was by DMM/C2/Kadokawa games:
+5All planes are anime girls. You start building a plane from a girl's body and you add parts into their "riggings".
I heard that IRL it's more oftenly "two turning, two burning, two smoking, two choking, and two more unaccounted for"...
+4Ah, the one who somehow sank HMAS Sydney...
+4Planes are very versatile, perhaps different campaigns for different planes would be a good idea. We can have a SAR campaign, combat campaign, transport campaign... etc.
+4Speaking of which, how exactly does the mods determine your age?
+4I'm not native speaker of English but I'm 28, and I don't want to be deemed a primary schooler for a grammar error I made or something similar...
Friendly reminder: there's only 45 stars.
+4The actual USA flag has 5-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5 stars per row vertically.
i.e. there should be 6 rows with 5 stars each, with 5 rows with 5 stars each inserted between them, that would make 50 stars.
Nice build, by the way, does J8M have the wind turbine (small propeller that acts as a generator) on the nose, like the Me 163?
+4In order to be a money making machine, you need to be safe.
+4Cuz you can't earn enough from tickets to pay for the compensations, not to mention deaths would impact your boarding pass sales greatly.
My suggestions:
Replace that stupid "turns red" way of "show damage" into bullet holes.
Fuel leak does not equal to on fire
destroyed parts don't explode and damage other parts (I'm having less problems with this, probably because I fly too fast to take that)
extinguishing fire by dipping into water is weird (using windspeed or high altitude to extinguish is far more, albeit not entirely, reasonable)
and finally
+4REPAIR AT AIRPORT PLEASE. "Restart here" don't work because that would reset the whole map.
It began to support FT after 1.9.2xx, so it's not included in the original 1.9.1 document.
+3@BeryllCorp Use clamp.
+3clamp01(sum(Pitch)) etc.... Unfortunately if you constantly input in one direction you will need a while to get it back into the 0 to 1 range.
I think all we need to do is to add everything AutoCAD has... (extrude, subtract, rotate around given axis.... etc etc etc)
+3If something can't be made out of CAD (computer assisted design) commands then it doesn't exist.
I think the biggest problem is that when you look at the map from top down view, it looks very absurd and unnatural.
+3Snowstone is square, Wright and Krakabloa and Maywar are round, Skypark city is fully man-made.
A more naturally-looking terrain would be better.
Use connection editor.
+3attach the rocket to the releasing end of a pylon, then attach the rocket AGAIN to part of your plane.
When the pylon's AG is triggered, the rocket will ignite, but it's still connected to your plane so you'll still receive boost.
@701wwj666 不,您是不是搞錯了我的意思?
+3這款驅逐戰車的原名是Jagdpanther,就是五號戰車豹式Panther的前面再加上Jagd字首,意思是"打獵的豹"。由於德國叫豹的車子太多(VK1602 Leopard, Pzkpfw. V Panther, 戰後的Leopard I等)所以才會有人稱之為黑豹以資區分。
而打獵的豹(hunting panther)不等於獵豹(cheetah)。
The German "Jagdpanther (Hunting Panther)" tank destroyer uses the chassis of the Panther tank, (中略) it was named Jagdpanther on December 17, 1943 (下略)
No idea. I don't think you can mod an engine's altitude performance by overload alone.
+3In fact you might need to create a mod and change the altitude behaviour wholesale.
A few interesting addition:
+31. after testing on my brand-new Me 262 HG III, I found out that the fuel consumption seems to be affected by the size (volume) of the engine, while the power is set by another coefficient. In other words, you can totally make a tiny engine with lots of power by using Overload. Then you'll have the most fuel-efficient super engine in the world.
2. Vanilla wing gun deals about 40 damage, and it seems that parts with fuel would be set on fire after taking more than 50-70 damage, and the fire would destroy the part if taking >80 damage. That's why vanilla guns almost always kills the part when successfully set it on fire, because if it set you on fire, it's definitely >80 damage.
3. If you are having problem with survivability, try connecting the parts in... weird ways. For example, if you make a layer of hollow fuselage outside your "real" fuselage, that would become a layer of armor (only works against guns though, because missiles would just blast through the whole thing).
4. USS Beast has 120000 HP, while USS Tiny has 60000, you can use this to test your guns.
We actually have some destructable buildings, not many though.
The Ice Base, the windmills on Maywar and the 2 bridges in Krakaloa.
But I do agree we can have more.
Also can we have repair function? Land, park in a certain area and wait, and you'll have your damaged blocks repaired/reconstructed. Since ordnance count as blocks as well they can also be re-armed. I know you can use "restart here", but that would reset the whole map.
Right now if you want to destroy a whole fleet, you need to build a plane big enough to carry lots of bombs to sink them in one go, which is not realistic. I hope we can have a realistic RTB, repair/re-arm and re-engage mechanism.
Also please make altitude fuse possible, so that we can have accurate air-burst nukes and bombs that explode when hitting water.
+3@marcox43 For 240 berlin:
The rotator doing the sweep: pingpong(Time, 2) - 1
The rotator to decide the angle of the radar blip:
activation group:
(Rotator range 180, speed 100%)
The piston that decides how far the blip goes from the center:
You will have the adjust for the starting, ending position and the range etc by yourself though.
+2@BagelPlane Hey guess what, I just nailed it, I got the right setting to make the radar screen update with radar sweep.
+2@Strucker I don't like changing my way of thinking when something goes wrong. I tend to think that it simply means it IS wrong.
After all, I'm far from the only one who complains about the community's standard for a "good" build.
Too much words, I'll just say I'll exclusively build for fun from now on, rather than trying to pursue an elusive and not-necessarily-fair crowd taste.
+2Ryuukaku was actually a thing.
Wartime US newspapers did mention sinking a carrier called "Ryukaku" during the Battle of Coral Sea.
However, post-war investigation confirms that this is just a mixture of other carriers in the region, including Zuikaku, Ryujo, and , the actual sunken carrier, Shoho.
Similar confusions existed especially during the early days of Pacific theater. US intelligence read carrier Shokaku's name in a wrong way ("Kakeduru") and later mis-spelled it into "Kadekuru", and then speculated that it's a new pocket battleship.
+2@TheReturningHound There are 3rd gen jet combat aircrafts with T-tails, like Super Entedard.
+2And the silhouette is smoother than those 3rd gen stuff. that's why I said it looks like late-3rd to early-4th generation.
Well it was indeed very simple. This thing was supposed to be disposable....
+2Well I usually warn people that my planes are not even keyboard friendly (you need to precisely control your control surfaces) and they complain....
+2Yeah I complained about similar stuff and there are BS users who can't tell good from bad trying "explain" to me.
+2And they said my manual pitch is "propeller breaks at high speed, you probably never tested it"
Ju 287 was a medium bomber with 6 jets, not related to 87/187 except the numbers.
+2Wow this thing is so colorful....
+2@MrSilverWolf Yes I know that, so I said in an earlier reply "everyone needs to be reminded once in a while that they build for themselves, not anyone else" (or something like that).
+2Thanks for your reply anyway.
Does that include self-successors? (i.e. successor plane and predecessor plane from the same person)
+2Actually, when I originally suggested calculus, I suggested rate(x, y) where y can be ANYTHING, not just time...
+2@AircraftoftheRedStar Originally I plan on giving it a more clear, appealing name and put the drawing number behind it.
+2For example, "Folke-Wulf Fw Schlechtwetterjäger auf As 413 (P.0310.025-1006)"
That bunch of German means "Bad weather fighter based on As 413 (engine), it fits all the description known on Luft 46.
There's a SFX collection on Unity Asset store with MG151/ Hispano 20mm and NS-23 autocannon sounds. I'm sure it's possible to find more, larger caliber ones.
+2I can't believe nobody did this:
@SnoWFLakE0s Well I won't expect that, too, but IF they can do it, they can make SimplePlanes into the first "CAD software with playability", it's going to be great. It will turn SP from a decent game into a great game that will leave its name in history.
+2Another issue:
+2number of destructible entities:
Wright I.: 4 (USS Tiny and USS Beast Fleet)
Krakabloa: about 10 (two bridges and one convoy)
Snowstone: 4 (2 missile launchers and two laser turrets)
Maywar: I don't want to count (remember that wind farm? every wind turbine is destructible. And Maywar has its own convoy)