6,568 11qazxc Comments

  • SeNd HeLp 2.0 years ago

    I tried.

  • Is My Aircraft Moving Forward, Sideways, or Upward? Lateral, Longitudinal, and Vertical Velocity Components 2.0 years ago

    It looks nice, but a bit too idealized. Yesterday i was trying to fly in space (200km ASL) and rate(Altitude) did not really work because position was as accurate as in minecraft, and i don't want to use AoA/AoS (i don't like to fly relative to wind even if there's no air). Do you have any recommendations for such situation?

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 2.0 years ago

    PitchAngle becomes NaN near 90 degrees.
    png; craft

  • DogFight Challenge 2.1 years ago

    Is stabilator counted as control surface?
    Is there any performance limit? Like maximum gforce or maximum velocity

  • YKP-05 "Youmu Konpaku" 2.1 years ago

    I think she needs a 10-15m-long drone.

  • PQ-14 2.1 years ago

    @Kendog84 IDK then, sorry.

  • Automatic gift delivery 2.1 years ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 311x15=4665 performance cost, but with 15 AI scripts, 15 variable sets etc..

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 2.1 years ago

    Guys, do we at least have weapon that deals same damage each time?
    UPD: i downloaded this craft and changed explosion scale to zero and impact damage scale to 0.2 and tried to destroy that block 50 times.
    12 times i needed 6 shoots to destroy it
    20 times i needed 11 shoots to destroy it
    17 times i needed 16 shoots to destroy it
    and 1 time i needed 17 shoots to destroy it.
    It's very strange results.
    If damage is choosen randomly for each shot it will need something between (HP/min damage) and (HP/max damage) shoots to destroy a block. But it gives just three peaks (11 shoots plus-minus 45 percents it seems) as if damage is choosen one time at level start.

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 2.1 years ago

    I'm interested (information is always a good thing (as long as it's not information about me, lol)), but i don't have much info.
    HP of connected parts affects number of shoots needed to destroy "this" part, but i was testing it with miniguns (average of ten attempts to destroy a block) and it was very much random.
    About "one block at a time": perhaps shell disappears when it touches something, and since it's spherical or sharp-nosed it may be hard to make it touch two blocks simultaneously, so it only touches the block in front of cannon while it's alive.
    My concept about connections was "HP pools": similarly to your concept, i was trying to use few blocks with high HP and standard blocks connected to them and them only (see link above).

  • How to put a picture on the label? 2.1 years ago

    Stop crushing my dreams about sane user and please try to understand what the fuck is going wrong.
    I can not and do not track each your step (plus i thought that hoomans who'll use my program will be able to use their own brains properly) so you must do it yourself (to some extent at least).

  • How to put a picture on the label? 2.1 years ago


    does not work

    Well, i'm getting such response second time, and second time without any info. Can you please clarify what do you mean?
    If you're not getting any output, are you sure your image is raster (SVG is not supported)?
    If it's image from web and you're not getting any output, did you tried to use downloaded copy of image?
    If it doesn't looks correctly, are you sure your label is large-enough?

  • How to put a picture on the label? 2.1 years ago

    @HololiveFan2009 There's a site and plane634 said already about apps.

  • FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance 2.1 years ago

    @PlanariaLab add cockpit coords and subtract missile coords before transformation? Still looks like a work for search-and-replace tool tbh.

  • You know what? 2.1 years ago

    Link here.

  • FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance 2.1 years ago

    Perhaps repeat(floor(sum(1)*10),10) will work fine. But to be honest it's not really random, it's just counter.

  • FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance 2.1 years ago

    Yes, it is possible. TGTPos_Local_x/y variables from 1part hud divided by TGTPos_Local_z but with aircraft's position and rotation replaced with bomb's position and rotation.

  • MT-2V2 Adept of Rage 2.1 years ago

    I bet it's planned as someone's decorative illumination for christmas, not actual tank.

  • PQ-14 2.1 years ago

    1) There's /10 in the middle of first AP_h_ac variable setter, it's proportion between altitude difference and flight path angle. Replace 10 with higher value toget lower vertical velocity.
    2) It's what i wrote before, <10 in the end of activator of wpSystem_ctgt_id. You can use DebugExpression sqrt(pow(wpSystem_d_x,2)+pow(wpSystem_d_y,2)+pow(wpSystem_d_z,2)) in dev console to get current distance to waypoint.

    AI "piloted" plane and player "piloted" one take different routes (at least initially) for some reason, even if I spawn them at the same location.

    I know about it. wpSystem_ctgt_id variable setter must be zero if Time is less than 0.1s, but Time is global so it only works for player's airplane, and those who was spawned later will perhaps start from 1 or 2 (i.e. second or third point). Try to replace Time with sum(1) in wpSystem_ctgt_id and it's activator.

    You're more likely to successfully pass the waypoint if you only change one type of coords with every ID.

    IDK why it works such way. It only uses coords to get angle to waypoint, and then uses that angle to turn.

    Related to above, if the plane has to turn a lot to reach the next WP, you should make it travel a long distance (so the plane can turn gradually). Again, less likely to miss WP this way.

    Not a surprise. Airplane needs time (and thus distance) to turn, and if AP doesn't makes airplane fly chaotically it will become more and more accurate (to some limit) until a change in heading or altitude occurs.

  • PQ-14 2.1 years ago

    @Olliebowen replace AP_out_ail,AP_out_ele,AP_out_rudder,AP_out_throttle variables setters with inputs you need.
    Or replace AP_in_head variable setter with sum(Roll)*20 and AP_in_alt with smooth(Altitude,Time&lt;.1)+sum(Pitch*20) if you wish to keep arcade controls.

  • Christmas Challenge (Closed) 2.2 years ago

    My entry. FT-only, truck itself isn't my build.

  • PQ-14 2.2 years ago

    It's in the end of activator of wpSystem_ctgt_id

  • All prop race challenge! (ends december 20th 12/20/22) 2.2 years ago

    It is prop-driven, it just uses props from older version of game.

  • All prop race challenge! (ends december 20th 12/20/22) 2.2 years ago

    My entry. You know, one upvote doesn't costs building new airplane.

  • Tera Chad Kicking Fish 2.2 years ago

    Maybe it's not "tera", maybe it's "terra" i.e. ground-level?

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 2.2 years ago

    I fit (...) Onto the rotator for the custom control surface but if I can do the same to the stock wing's built in control surface ...


    FT works (example) in control surfaces (inputId xml property).

  • BVP M-67 - built for AI 2.2 years ago

    You need to rotate cockpit to make use of coaxial minigun. It's possbible and actually shorter than autoaim you currently use (pd controller for local-space x,y target position), but it will work either for gun or for cannon.

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 2.2 years ago

    An example is auto-rotating heli, it gets energy from airflow and uses it to produce thrust. Perhaps your craft works same way, but thrust in this case is more than drag.

  • PQ-14 2.2 years ago

    @Kendog84 Setting target to your current position seems like an odd idea.
    A slider is limited, it may work for default map but it won't work for other maps, and it's accuracy depends on it's range.
    A keyboard maybe?
    For preset coords i can make a selector or menu.

  • why no yaw? 2.2 years ago

    If you added rotators and code and it still doesn't works make sure both nozzles rotate to the same direction when you're trying to yaw.

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 2.2 years ago

    Congrats on inventing propeller.
    FT works in control surface (inputId xml property iirc).

  • FISH CHALLENGE 2.2 years ago

    Will gawr gura be counted as fish? Will octopus be counted as fish?

  • Funky Trees! 2.2 years ago

    @DenizLion You can't use state of real hardware and you can't change user's inputs with FT.
    max(0,rate(Throttle)) or rate(Throttle)?1:0 will work while Throttle's rising.
    Throttle=1?1:0 will work if Throttle's 100%

  • How do i use activation groups as an input for rotators 2.2 years ago

    Angle of rotator is it's input multiplied by it's range.
    WNP's post
    Snow's guide in case you can't understand WNP's post

  • Elevators on canards... would it work? 2.2 years ago

    Control surface behind center of mass pushes tail down, then wing pushes entire airplane up, so total force is wing lift-stab lift-mass
    Control surface in front of COM pushes aircraft up, so total force is wing lift+stab lift-mass
    You can make rear wing that's smaller than front one but has upwards lift, but such configuration is usually unstable because force on larger wing increases faster (in terms of AoA) than force on smaller wing and rotates airplane to the direction it already rotates.

  • Automatic gear shifting? 2.2 years ago

    Pitch*clamp01((Time-smooth(Time,abs(rate(GS&lt;V1))?9999:0))>T1)*clamp01((Time-smooth(Time,abs(rate(GS&lt;V2))?9999:0))>T2) .... *clamp01((Time-smooth(Time,abs(rate(GS&lt;Vi))?9999:0))>Ti)
    V1,V2...Vi is speed at which 1,2...ith gear switches in meters per second.
    T1,T2...Ti is time 1,2...ith gear needs to switch.

  • AG-2 LOCKLESS 2.2 years ago

    Is it (the code) your own development?

  • Autopilot with Predetermined Course/destination? (AI bomber, concept) 2.2 years ago

    Hippo's right, any weapon is useless if you don't know position of target.
    Also FT-based missile will not give enemy any warnings and will not care about chaff|flares, so it will be almost impossible to dodge it.

  • Autopilot with Predetermined Course/destination? (AI bomber, concept) 2.2 years ago

    Here it is. I don't really know how it'll work, but it's actually coded.
    @rexzion (perhaps you noticed already)
    Kendog, you will know about this comment without mention since it's your post...

  • How do you make an activation button activate *and* deactivate? 2.2 years ago

    in xml set button's interactionType to Toggle

  • How to make rotators that don't reverse direction when you deactivate them 2.2 years ago

    clamp01 requires one input. try to activate AG1 and try again. And you don't need activation group in rotator itself with this code.

  • How to make rotators that don't reverse direction when you deactivate them 2.2 years ago

    set zeroOnDeactivate to False in input section of rotator's xml.
    or use something like sum(Throttle*clamp01(Activate1)) for input.

  • Users of Simpleplanes... 2.2 years ago

    Here. Some white parts were cropped so you need to use white background.
    "fun" fact: it uses ~7.28 symbols per pixel. Andrew image used 16 symbols per pixel so tech's better than it was, but PNG files can use less than one byte per pixel...

  • Need some decals made using the Labels. 2.2 years ago

    swedish flag
    red bull logo with text
    red bull logo without text
    Use Military font if you see thick white stripes between pixels.

  • FlightSystem test2 2.3 years ago

    @AltheimManufactorum For hexagons, perhaps it's pipes ("|") or dashes, you can clearly see it while she's near 9m AGL and label's semi-transparent.

  • More FT outputs and Variables idk 2.3 years ago

    AI would then also use air to ground weapons

    That "AA-AG" system is not about air and ground, it's more about builds and game objects.

  • (OPEN) HeliSonic Challenge 2.3 years ago

    a helicopter or any rotorcraft that can at least exceed Mach 1
    don't make it look too much like an airplane.

    Can turbofan be considered as heli rotor?
    It's impossible to make something realistic that goes around speed of sound and rotates and produces thrust enough to keep itself and it's power source in air.
    If you will keep "realistic" part, you can use jets (doesn't goes around speed of sound (inlet decreases speed of airflow)), ion engines and plasma actuators (can't keep it's power source in air without being very large or very long, doesn't rotates), scramjets (can't keep power source in air (produces low thrust on subsonic speeds), doesn't rotates)

  • More FT outputs and Variables idk 2.3 years ago

    Part ID health

    It's not really health, but you can check if engine is alive using it's thrust output.

    Target name may be a good idea, but we don't have such thing irl.

    Ability to track unselected aircraft

    It will be overcomplicated. You know, FT doesn't even have arrays to store it properly.
    At the moment it's possible to get radar-like system that saves position and speed of target and updates it while target's selected, it's not a problem to store four or five targets, and maybe add some info from user's camera. You should know about it as "a person who uses a lot of FT in every build".

    ability to distinguish if target's in the air or on the ground

    That "AA-AG" system is not about air and ground, it's more about builds and game objects.

    AI this, AI that

    Just don't treat it as AI, it's autopilot+auto targeting. Even weapon selecting is not it's problem. Use FT.

    "aircraft is deemed not airworthy"

    AFAIK there's some differences in autopilot outputs and that's all.

    Will adding HE round to gun really worth it? IMHO guns are arcade-like and they're as simple as they must be, if you need something complex use cannons.

  • My Honest Opinion of Cuttable Fuselages in SP... (Plus news for Jundroo) 2.3 years ago

    ̶2̶4 28 Sides of fuselage... Building with calculator and notepad... But it works correctly, right?
    What doesn't works correctly is slicing of hollow fuselages and a lot of underlines in combination with full stops.
    I'm not sure if it's just for me and how exactly it works, so i can't send bug report at the moment, but it's a post for complaining, right?

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 2.3 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP I agree that it's results are still too laggy and too large, but you're comparing wrong app.
    With fuselage you can get a lot of different shapes and your brain can understand what's edge and what's plane, but this app can only work with what a label can display and uses array of pixels.
    But i have different function: it takes two python functions as edges and fills area between them with solid color using underlines. I didn't noticed any fps decrease in level using three 1560-line cats made with that function and i could edit them in designer with minor lags. I think it's the result for you to compare.
