6,568 11qazxc Comments

  • Cluster bomb test 5.6 years ago

    I especially liked fireworks at the end. (1:06)
    I don't know about the tutorial. I've already disassembly some of cluster bombs, and structure is visible. (0:06)

  • Orca Heavy Testing 5.7 years ago

    @Freerider2142 Black ops!

  • Bomber versus fighter... who would win? 5.8 years ago

    @JamesBleriot It's a BOMBER!
    Compare superheavy tank and car with fixed gun.

  • B-35 E Valkyrie (edit) 5.9 years ago

    two turning, two burning, two smoking, and two more unaccounted for

  • Flying Bacteriophage 6.0 years ago

    Superbugs adapts to the drugs, but can't defend against bacteriophages... But bacteriophages somehow can't destroy the useful bacteria...

  • New-Ardennes Republic RADAR tower 6.0 years ago

    Cool tower! How about adding some 16 lb cannons?

  • SimplePlanes Builds in SimplePlanes 2!!! 2 days ago

    1:19 Is it racetrack autopilot with imported model (spawnable by player) or is it a part of map (like SP1 convoys)?

  • SimplePlanes 2: All available info about new things, but compress and sorted 3 days ago

    pause the game without opening the menu

    P hotkey by default
    Actually just read all hotkeys (settings/controls IIRC), maybe you'll find something useful

  • Ultimate Radar Jammer 7 days ago

    Piston is fixed and it's oscillation period is constant, so it also allows enemy to get accurate heading of your cockpit part.

  • Cohort MTP 17 days ago

    Maybe you can reduce cpu load if you'll use one-two triangle blocks instead of fuselage?

  • [MOD REQUEST] SubAssem Menu Overhaul - Ways to Organize/Sort 19 days ago

    IDK if you're still interested, but designer menu folders are created automatically if they're not empty.
    To put something in folder you need to change category of DesignerPart xml tag, that's used both for vanilla parts (AppData/LocalLow/Jundroo/SimplePlanes/DesignerParts.xml), mods (somewhere within mod file) and sub-assemblies (in sub-assembly file, in AppData/LocalLow/Jundroo/SimplePlanes/SubAssemblies folder)
    You can also put description there and change icon, but AFAIK you can't use external file as icon.
    Vanilla parts also use studioScale/studioRotation/studioOffset for preview, but it doesn't works for sub-assemblies.

  • Shirohana SPADe-00 22 days ago

    No brakes at all. It's okay for self-piloting, it's just that we humans need to remember about it.

  • Add 10 Parts Pass It Along 23 days ago

    You've got 27 successors (at the moment, 2025-01-26 22-47UTC), but that's not a line, that's tree with 12 leaf nodes, so it mostly goes around, not further.

  • Wanderndpanzer 1A2 Luchs 24 days ago

    Archeology is fun

  • V-42 Volt 24 days ago

    It seems so ancient now

  • My Personal SP2 Wishlist 26 days ago

    Nicky brewed this up in his experimental laboratory. They aren't your traditional trees, but rather an expression parser so you can write actual code that is evaluated for input controllers. Intended for XML modders, these allow you to blend inputs in any way you can imagine.

    And now you wish to turn it into local variation of unityscript?

  • Been a while, Welcome Back! one month ago


  • Sustained High AoA Demonstration (40+ degree AoA) - Simpleplanes one month ago

    I remember on one of airplanes i coded for TVC was only enabled after 30deg AoA and that was mix of symmetric and semi-symmetric wings, so perhaps with flat-bottom wings or properly linearized lift curves it'll work without hidden mechanics or magic.

  • Community Cube 2 months ago

    Hey-hey-hey, i know there's spheres/wireframes/images, but airplane doesn't fits into block and it adds 2x more parts than there was.

  • Add a cube pass it on... (Community Cube) 3 months ago

    Version tree at 2024-11-17T08:01Z: https://imgur.com/a/yPjfUFw
    JSON (starting at a7bta6 (here)): {"uXG6QL":{"Juqh0F":{"yUqF40":{"V7mG41":{"CAiXMf":{"rVbbR6":{"6t93Bx":{"3gzkmM":{"lK9P1j":{"Iwbo7a":{"6csf1s":{"1qS1l7":{"107i4I":{"hVNvmA":{"86gnwh":{"Wk3a92":{"yi1Fs5":{"zgO3lP":{"ReQ53F":{"BiQO9o":{"Y71Du7":{"Y03wZj":{"oKuPV3":{"HmD5Eb":{"curO5f":{"fWqxB0":{"0hE2s9":{"EEU7OU":{"d4O2lO":{}}}}},"o9Y216":{"5dGUjf":{"LVzyx7":{}}},"z07iGr":{},"vCfb0G":{}},"UChFa4":{"rY957g":{}}},"7s1zIT":{"y58pg5":{"fJvU3W":{"YA13zl":{}}}}},"YRyM8N":{},"GOVncl":{"wmONxo":{}},"74e1BJ":{}},"l15867":{},"V3d46F":{},"AVCY24":{}}},"jAffBm":{"k9nMbp":{"V9r3f3":{"iQ27gM":{}}}}}},"w2V1Jw":{"B0741s":{"DenG2i":{}}}}}}}}},"7hhqJ2":{"JMEc48":{"a9976O":{"lJ25nM":{"I83BTS":{}}}}}}},"Xd40z0":{}},"l6J2Y7":{"99Cgr1":{"ATKJa1":{"y7qaP7":{"iBz858":{}}},"250Ug3":{"zZO4s2":{}}},"JW32OA":{},"8RYxBA":{}},"66qjqO":{}}}}}}}},"P9TM0B":{}}

  • What do you think about Simple Planes 3 (That is not a mistake, I'm genuinely asking about SP3) 3 months ago

    Multiplayer event isn't really something that depends on tech, it more depends on humans who plan it, and that can be someone from community.
    For tech it's perhaps possible to add tooling for parametric design (that's like defining part properties with FT), and since it's build-time stuff it mustn't really affect in-level performance.

  • Automatic gift delivery 4 months ago

    @126 some variables are lists in index=a?xa:(index=b?xb:... form. to make them shorter i omitted closing parenthesis. it works fine with ft interpreter, but variable editor widget has it's own checker that says that such code isn't correct. to pass it you need to add those parenthesis back, e.g. turn

  • Summer Steam Sale 7 months ago

    Well, history tends to repeat itself.
    It's sale again and i ask again: Who's this girl on banner?

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 7 months ago

    (for debug purposes)
    print(re.sub(r"\<#(?:([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])[A-F0-9]?|([A-F0-9][A-F0-9])([A-F0-9][A-F0-9])([A-F0-9][A-F0-9])(?:[A-F0-9][A-F0-9])?)>",lambda m:"\x1b[48;2;"+str(int(m[1] or m[4],16))+";"+str(int(m[2] or m[5],16))+";"+str(int(m[3] or m[6],16))+"m",s).replace("<br>","\n").replace("."," "))
    Replaces color tags with ANSI ones.

  • P-2 Stork Maritime Patrol Aircraft 9 months ago

    Maritime Patrol Patrol

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 10 months ago

    If code's generated but doesn't shows in SP, try to:
    - increase label's width and height;
    - set label's alignment to top-left;

    if image's displayed but is cut off, try to decrease image's size and generate code again. apparently label's limited to 100k dots and it's not something i can change

    If it doesn't generates label's code, try to:
    - make sure image isn't svg;
    - if you're using image link, make sure that hosting allows cross-origin resource sharing (or download image and try again);
    - check browser's dev console (usually F12) to see what's wrong

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 11 months ago

    @TheAviator77 Can you please send image you used and result you got?

  • Jet Engine Music Player one year ago

    I remember spectrogram of jet engine, it was very wide and noisy, so it's a wonder you can play music with it.

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter one year ago

    Just raise your hand
    And reach out for the spell
    Find the door to the promised land
    Just believe in yourself
    Close your eyes and your will find
    The way out of the dark

    ...Or read the post again, there's two links to github.

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter one year ago

    @UnidentifiedStapler that's sad, but i can't (and i don't wish to) fix GBoard, so perhaps it's not my business.

  • FT With ChatGPT? 1.2 years ago

    Perhaps it can be better if you'll say it's unity's C# and miss some parts of description but tell it basic info about flight dynamics and geometry instead.
    And as Redrocktumbler said you'll perhaps need to repeat your description once in a while, because ANN itself is stateless and "memory" of that one is just last ~3k of tokens glued to your message.

    And no, you must not overestimate ANN, it's more like polynomial approximation than AI you wish to see.

  • SimpleDoom High Graphics 1.2 years ago

    Is it really faster to use a variable and format string for each pixel (<#{!pixel?"0000":pixel}>...) instead of using an expression for each frame ({t=0?frame:""}{t=1?frame:""}...)?

  • Automatic gift delivery 1.3 years ago

    @DatMaluchGuy19 VC variable, it's in meters per second, and it's signed i.e. negative value means it must go backwards.
    TC controls engine directly, you can set it to 1 if you want to go as fast as possible.

  • Ai Gold Prix Racer 1.3 years ago

    Ehm, you do know there's (builtin) atan function for angle and pythagorian addition for distance, right?

  • How is your plane handled?Old plane 1.3 years ago

    Husky's right, SP build files aren't that large.
    If you want, you can upload them as hidden ("Visibility" button in uploading widget), they'll be saved on SP site but will only be visible for you.

  • Automatic gift delivery 1.3 years ago

    p_tgt.i stores id of currently selected point

    p_tgt.x, p_tgt.z are coords of currently selected point
    p_tgt.links.x, p_tgt.links.z are ids of points where it can go from currently selected one.

    p_tgt.i switches to one of p_tgt.links.x%100, p_tgt.links.x//100, p_tgt.links.y%100, and p_tgt.links.y//100 every time car gets close-enough to currently selected point

    Other variables aren't significant for routing, they're used to tame car itself, to make it unable to go to previous point, to make it not headbutt others, to make it stop at dead ends, to make it remember gifts without leaving too much inside label...

  • Parallax-free sights 1.4 years ago

    Link to txt file
    CameraPosX variable must be camera's horizontal offset in meters
    IDK if it'll work, but if it will it must be 5cm orange circle clamped by two vertical edges located 10cm away from label's left edge.

  • funky help please 1.4 years ago

    Don't worry, being stupid isn't something special nowadays.

  • How does Jundroo get the sfx? 1.4 years ago

    Reshade is perhaps what you meant, but it have nothing to do with Jundroo.

  • is there gonna be any update about generated engines like in juno 1.4 years ago

    Stick here.
    It's still good if you need abstract stuff.
    From abstract stuff strong-willed ones build sub-assemblies and game itself.
    From abstract stuff weak-minded ones build flying tic-tac and Andrew's face.

  • How to make it work 1.4 years ago

    Camera must not be attached to thing rotated by rotator.

  • I need help 1.4 years ago

    ammo(&quot;Weapon Name&quot;) (&quot; here is " )
    See comment here for fly-by-wire, i don't want to repeat it here.

  • funky help please 1.4 years ago

    "going away from target" is literally rate(TargetDistance)>0, is it what you need?

  • This old post holds the secret to recovering BogdanX's lost aircraft 1.4 years ago

    Well, i don't really understand how to get that index. It appears to be related to time (or rather number of crafts uploaded), last uploaded one (X0Zk6W) uses 1289, 0BFd5E from two days ago uses 1288, Maxwell from 8 months ago uses 1185.
    Knowing that you can use brute force to try all possible indexes (looks like there's no rate limit) but it takes a lot of time and i feel bad about it.

    async function get(airplane_id,minIndex,maxIndex){
    var res=-1
    async function tryLoad(i){
    await fetch(lnk.replace(&quot;_I_&quot;,i.toString()))
    await tryLoad(i)
    if(res!=-1){return res}

  • This old post holds the secret to recovering BogdanX's lost aircraft 1.4 years ago


    The last part (cGGD1h) is obviously aircraft id, but i don't understand what 728 means here and just letting it as-is doesn't works.
    So to use it you need id of craft (which is not a thing everyone memorizes) and some number of unknown purpose (which might be id of archive or folder stored internally just for faster indexing).
    So yes, "jundroo forgot to delete aircraft files" sounds cool but doesn't really sounds useful for now. (for crafts that were not deleted there's standard api, https://www.simpleplanes.com/Client/DownloadAircraft?a=ID)

  • Screen, made out of bullets 1.4 years ago

    @FlyingPotato_131 Thanks for reminding about it, but no.
    It was generated 2.2 years ago and became legacy 2 or 3 months after. Just use labels if you need.

  • Tutorial: how to make mechanical parts rotate with precision 1.4 years ago

    Do something with your text, it takes too much time to read it with all those effects.

  • GPT 1.4 years ago

    Oh, so it can write a switch statement in python, so what?

  • Su-57 'Felon' change the rules of Air-to-Air battle in SimplePlanes 1.5 years ago

    @BotFinder2023 Boy, do you really think others are held together by magic?