@Rjenteissussy yeah but the border itself looks weird to me. That’s a thing that Windows itself does, so you’ve got to be on an older version of windows because 10 and 11 don’t make window borders that look like that.
@Graingy well I had it for a while, I played it for about a week and sucked, then picked it up like a year later and with a couple chord charts I got it down.
I’ve played all kinds of things. They aren’t really to hold me over for SP2, but I've never really had a main game I've played. One unique one is X4: Foundations, it's a game with a simulated economy in space where you can fly spaceships or hire pilots to fly the ships for you. It's super fun and I'm honestly kind of surprised it wasn't more successful. I've also played The Finals a lot recently, it's a really good fps that mixes it up from some of the other stuff I've played. Also a little Forza, I recently built a PC so I played that one a lot when I was getting used to having good graphics.
There's this mod I had for a day or two where you press a big button and you get a random plane. Unfortunately the button is massive and it never goes away, even when you hide the UI with F9. Also I'm not sure if the planes are truly random because I remember every single time I pressed the button I got something really old.
@TheMouse yeah it might be nice to make a follow-up to my original comparison. After all, Flyout has gotten quite a few updates and patches, and there’s quite a bit to comprehend with it. That’s a great idea. I might try my hand at a helicopter tutorial, I know Walvis made one a while back but it probably doesn’t hurt to have another one out there. I’ll make sure to credit your ideas if I do end up making these.
@HuskyDynamics01 I really like that idea actually. Maybe like a 2-3 part series, enough to get the message across that I’m actually committed to making content about SP. I think your idea about concept and scope is pretty ingenious, I’ll make sure I give you credit if I do make this.
I like helicopters with performance that is smoothed and enhanced with Funky Trees, that said I like the classic Trim control as it seems the most authentic to real life.
clamp(sum(pitch), 0, 1) and sum(roll) might work better because the turret won’t return home after you move it. Also pitch and roll might need to be capitalized, I forget
@MagicRecord2168 I’ve found funky trees isn’t as complicated as it may seem, I thought it was really difficult until I sat down and read through the guide. That’s when I realized it’s actually way less intimidating than I thought. It’s the only coding language I know, and I learned it in maybe like 2 hours? It’s pretty easy if you’re willing to commit the time to learning.
Yeah it’s cause it stands out from the blueprints and reminds you that you need to paint it. Also it looks good in screenshots because people know that the things a WIP
Procedurally generated maps are possible, so I suppose it can be done.
That was annoying to click.
+1@Rjenteissussy yeah but the border itself looks weird to me. That’s a thing that Windows itself does, so you’ve got to be on an older version of windows because 10 and 11 don’t make window borders that look like that.
+1@Graingy so how many updoots do you want? I’m serious.
My record is 72 I think
How many upvotes would you want for this post? Actually, I’ve upvoted so many of your planes you should give it to me for free. 😈
+1I am speechless
@Graingy this would assume my piano had hair
I'm not asking to be tagged. I'll see this on the number one spot on the front page.
@Graingy no idea what to say to that honestly.
@Graingy yes, grinding piano gave me enough skill points to increase my 2-handed weapon skills. I will achieve the stealth archer build one day.
+1@Majakalona bro why'd you get edgy all of a sudden
+1I liked it better when you were innocent
@Rjenteissussy dang that must be some ancient version of windows cause I've never seen those window borders before
@Graingy well I had it for a while, I played it for about a week and sucked, then picked it up like a year later and with a couple chord charts I got it down.
What is that window border? I can't tell what OS you're on. Some Linux distro maybe? Seems unlikely.
That kinda happened to me with guitar. Don't get me wrong, I'm not great at it, but I can play some chords and stuff.
+1I'm on a plain(Ooh)
+1I can't complain(Ooh)
I'm on a plain(Ooh)
@Majakalona Carl92 is a cultured reference
+1Making your text italian is the fastest way to success.
+1@jamesPLANESii my good sir you may have just turned me into an airliner builder.
Wait the country singer dude? I don’t like country music but man, there’s no excuse to not know who that guy is.
There’s not a way to fix it, that error means that whoever made the mod forgot to include Mac support somehow when they were compiling it.
I’ve played all kinds of things. They aren’t really to hold me over for SP2, but I've never really had a main game I've played. One unique one is X4: Foundations, it's a game with a simulated economy in space where you can fly spaceships or hire pilots to fly the ships for you. It's super fun and I'm honestly kind of surprised it wasn't more successful. I've also played The Finals a lot recently, it's a really good fps that mixes it up from some of the other stuff I've played. Also a little Forza, I recently built a PC so I played that one a lot when I was getting used to having good graphics.
+1They are no match for Elmo
@TheMouse from the website. this is one of the ones it gave me.
There's this mod I had for a day or two where you press a big button and you get a random plane. Unfortunately the button is massive and it never goes away, even when you hide the UI with F9. Also I'm not sure if the planes are truly random because I remember every single time I pressed the button I got something really old.
+1Slightly off-topic
Lower Stability all the way down to 0.
You mean a gyroscope?
@Adventurehill1 go to rebirths.kr for the most popular one. You may have to refresh once or twice before the website works.
@Tingly06822 what an awesome idea actually
I think I’m gonna start working on that first. Tysm
@Nerfaddict oh there’s one of those like 30 minutes from my house
That’s pretty cool, Habitat for Humanity’s a really good cause
Nice. What kind of job do you have?
Boil it. Then it will evaporate and it’s very essence will fill the air.
+1@Randomplayer well yeah but what kind of content?
@TheMouse yeah it might be nice to make a follow-up to my original comparison. After all, Flyout has gotten quite a few updates and patches, and there’s quite a bit to comprehend with it. That’s a great idea. I might try my hand at a helicopter tutorial, I know Walvis made one a while back but it probably doesn’t hurt to have another one out there. I’ll make sure to credit your ideas if I do end up making these.
+3@HuskyDynamics01 I really like that idea actually. Maybe like a 2-3 part series, enough to get the message across that I’m actually committed to making content about SP. I think your idea about concept and scope is pretty ingenious, I’ll make sure I give you credit if I do make this.
+3I’m tagging a few people here, hopefully you guys will have some ideas and can help start a conversation.
I like helicopters with performance that is smoothed and enhanced with Funky Trees, that said I like the classic Trim control as it seems the most authentic to real life.
+1@Ashdenpaw1 weird how that works, isn’t it?
+1clamp(sum(pitch), 0, 1)
might work better because the turret won’t return home after you move it. Also pitch and roll might need to be capitalized, I forgetHave you tried switching your dns server to I think that fixes it
@MagicRecord2168 I’ve found funky trees isn’t as complicated as it may seem, I thought it was really difficult until I sat down and read through the guide. That’s when I realized it’s actually way less intimidating than I thought. It’s the only coding language I know, and I learned it in maybe like 2 hours? It’s pretty easy if you’re willing to commit the time to learning.
@BeastHunter +1
+1Yeah it’s cause it stands out from the blueprints and reminds you that you need to paint it. Also it looks good in screenshots because people know that the things a WIP
+6Wait so you were born in 2012?