31.1k 32 Comments

  • When someone tells me how to build my own design 1.8 years ago

    Heavy Bomber
    I just died

  • Well Guys... 1.3 years ago

    Ah yes, flyout. Great for making planes, pretty bad for making freddy fazbear.


    @HuskyDynamics01 not to mention what the borrowed screws might currently be part of

  • Plane Builders: Do you prefer Arcade or Sim and why? 1.8 years ago

    Here's my thoughts: You can never make a perfect plane. SimplePlanes will never allow you to get 100% accuracy on your builds. You can get like 95%, but that takes thousands of parts and still isn't quite perfect. With that in mind, I would rather see planes that are fun to fly or are useful. Helicopters that can lift things, A-10s with ridiculous amounts of ordinance, or cars that are completely fictional but drive like a dream. To be honest, the experience trumps realism for me. If it looks perfect, that's a bonus.

  • car 2.5 years ago

    If I posted this I would get 3 upvotes, if JamesPlanes posts it he gets 20
    Edit: not that it matters; I was just trying to be funny but looking back it kinda looked like I was just being Whiny

  • P-51D-30 Mustang one year ago

    @TheAviator77 this thing is eight years old. That was a very long time ago. Before fuselage slicing. Before the VR update. Before almost everything.

  • Fly Out - will it be a SP killer? 1.3 years ago

    I made a video about this recently, one killer feature of SP is that you can play it on a mobile device, while Flyout is PC only.

  • What's Next? 1.5 years ago

    Yes please totally disregard the pinned comment and all of your development plans and please add 12 new sandbox maps, multiplayer, and iOS and Nintendo Switch mod support. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  • I may be caught 1.9 years ago

    This is your teacher speaking. We got you. Expect a letter in a few days expelling you from our school system.

  • Why did my phones font change randomly 10 months ago

    yeah idk mine does this too. I assume you mean the SP.com font?

  • H-word = Die 10 months ago

    Honda doesn’t want people posting their vehicles on here, which is annoying but I guess they can technically do according to US copyright law. What they can’t do is prevent people from saying the word Honda. That’s just infringement on constitutional rights 🦅🇺🇸🔫

  • Free version of Juno: New Origins is now available for beta testing 1.1 years ago

    free version with upgrades: $10
    complete version: $7

    not sure anyone's gonna buy all the upgrades, I feel like this is a better deal for people who only want a couple of features. Like, if you don't want the career mode this saves you a dollar. If the only thing you don't care about is having ads, this is going to cost a full dollar more than the complete, ad-free version.

    the math is not mathing

  • Am i underrated? 1.2 years ago

    not really. Most of your builds are just liveries or other changes to stuff other people have made. So they are good builds, but considering that someone else has done the majority of the work of creating the aircraft, I think you get pretty much the level of attention that you deserve.

    I mean this in the least condescending way possible, I feel like you are neither over- or underrated.

  • How many people actually bought Simple Planes? 1.3 years ago

    So I tend to be against piracy if it is not truly victimless. For instance, if most people pirated SP, the developers would not be making enough money to keep the site up and running. However, it seems to me that you did the right thing and paid for the game, so I find it hard to find an issue with that. I would compare that to borrowing a friend's PC or console or something to try out a game, then actually buying it later. One individual does not harm Jundroo by getting SP for free, but if piracy becomes widespread and people are choosing it as an alternative then that is a problem.

    Personally, I am also not opposed to emulation, as it isn't harming anyone. If you actually paid for a used console and game that is out of production, the game company still wouldn't make any money, which is why I'm fine with emulating something like say MarioKart Wii.

  • Flyout on Day 1: Is it the next SimplePlanes? 1.3 years ago

    @Robomo119E I highly doubt flyout will ever be on mobile unfortunately.

  • Made in 5 minutes 2.2 years ago

    2/10 flies or drives well
    3/10 unique
    10/10 created in a short amount of time
    1/10 high quality build
    1/10 useful
    1/10 paint scheme
    2/10 Funky Trees and other complicated technical
    Congratulations, you receive 4 upvotes!

  • Interesting Statistic about the SimplePlanes community 2.2 years ago

    @ColonelCanada maybe there are people like my younger brother, who is too young to have an account and just messes around and destroys stuff

  • You wanted twokinds? Here's your twokinds. 1.3 years ago

    I, uh, will be ignoring this...

  • how to stop people bulling you (: 1.3 years ago

    1. Walk 12.43 kilometers in a northerly direction, provided they are in your original location.
    2. Depress the switch on the detonator that is connected to a bomb that will blow them to smithereens
    3. They will probably survive as chances are seeing you walk off into the distance holding a bomb detonator would be quite suspicious to them. Which means that:
    4. You will go to jail for attempted murder, meaning that you will never see them again.

      Follow for more tutorials


    Can I use at least some portion of the cockpit ft in my own build?
    Credit will be given

  • AI Generated Aircraft Ideas 1.8 years ago

    AI has gotten way better...
    Except for the jet that's fused with the hanger and the two massive Cessnas

  • AI MiG-21 improved 1.9 years ago

    I believe you need this

  • SimpleMissiles 2.2 years ago

    were ipad verson1!!!!!11!?

    lol just kidding if you're gonna be a modder you'll need to deal with that question a lot

  • Why do people use orange when using blueprints? 9 months ago

    Yeah it’s cause it stands out from the blueprints and reminds you that you need to paint it. Also it looks good in screenshots because people know that the things a WIP

  • Writing an article - prospectives one year ago

    The developers of this game seem to be done with it. I really love the idea of another giant update, but in truth, what is their motive for going through with it? From a money perspective, it doesn't make sense to pour 200 man-hours into something that is just going to add to an existing product. Maybe a huge update could allow them to rebrand and increase their sales, but pushing that aside there is not really a logical reason for them to release another one. Doing it "for the fans" is all well and good, and back in the day Jundroo seemed game to do that kind of thing, but these days the company can't afford to continue giving out free content that does not benefit them. The devs are to my knowledge all working full time at Jundroo, and another update to SimplePlanes is not going to put food on the table or buy their kids' christmas presents. Maybe one day SP will see a big update, but for now it's probably best to see what else they can make.

  • Build Stealer 1.2 years ago

    Yeah they look clean on the surface, but once you start looking at small details such as a suspiciously consistent upload schedule, things start to fall apart.

  • Salvation 1.9 years ago

    @Kittyhawk208 I agree with that to some extent. He was crucified because he claimed to be the king of the Jews, and the church leaders didn't like that. Jesus was claiming to be the savior of mankind, and they didn't like that. Now the important part of this is that everyone wanted Jesus crucified, even though Jewish law only allowed for stoning. They had to go to the Romans for that. Then, Jesus died. The people of the earth willingly killed him off. Little did they know he was about to come back in three days!

    In reply to your statement about corruption in the church, keep in mind that while a church can be corrupt, the vast majority are not. Some large organizations such as the Catholic Church or the Southern Baptist Convention have had scandals at some level and still exist, but I probably wouldn't say they are corrupt. The church I go to is actually independent, so its very possible to build a relationship with the people in charge, and as far as I can say, my church is not corrupt. While that is a very serious problem, it does not affect the whole of Christianity.

  • Carrier jet 2.0 years ago

    Lets get this dude to gold

  • Harmless Balloon 2.1 years ago

    USA: "Oh hey what's this balloon?"
    China: "Idk but its not ours"
    USA: Shoots Down
    China: "oh you meant that balloon? Don't worry, its harmless"
    Me: "ah yes the joys of communism"

    not sure if this qualifies as political; its meant to just be a joke

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 2.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Did you just casually announce SP2?
    may I suggest a tagline:
    SimplePlanes 2: less simple and fewer planes

  • Never say a bad word, or you'll get banned one month ago

    they're fine with swearing for the most part, but the n word is a racial slur that no one should really be saying, on or off this website.

  • Cheat Menu one month ago

    @AeroSultan There's a lot of misinformation out there about mod compatibility on Android. Some maps technically still work, but it's not officially supported and the creators have to use outdated mod tools. Mod support with scripts relies on Mono, a scripting backend for Unity, but that backend is only 32-bit. Google won't let you use 32-bit features, so Jundroo removed official mod support. That means this particular mod would be incompatible no matter how hard its creator tried. Additionally this game is like ten years old and is no longer being updated, so they probably aren't going to be implementing the brand new 64-bit version of mono into their 2-year old unity build since that's probably going to cause a crazy amount of bugs. Mod support on iOS has never been a thing due to terms of service, some games like Minecraft have specialized ways of doing it but in SP you're basically adding a whole new chunk of stuff straight into the game itself rather than loading external resource packs.

    all of this is just objective facts, other than the thing about them not adding mod support (which is highly informed speculation that is all but proven to be true) so please don't try and argue with me
    (im a sensitive boi)

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer 10 months ago

    In just 20 hours this has become the most upvoted video ever made.

  • A New Chapter | Juno: New Origins Free Edition one year ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes i think it's actually more expensive to buy all of the content packs seperately...

  • I'm unbanned, is anyone there? Is anyone here? 1.2 years ago

    Yeah you may have not been alive for 9/11, but a lot of people were. I mean, it pretty much caused a whole nasty messy war, and a lot of people died during and after the attack. Jokes about Bin-Laden are about as funny as jokes about Hitler.

  • Questions to furry haters 1.3 years ago

    I'm not sure I would describe it as a hobby considering that it becomes a literal part of your identity.
    In regards to becoming a furry, I think what you said about becoming one to escape suicide and depression is key here. While becoming one is not really a mental illness, it's at least a sign that for a lot of these people, they aren't doing so well. I mean, I don't hate furries, and while I don't exactly think it's harmless, I do understand what's going here and the fact that it's more about finding a community in people that accept you. I still think it's important to love and accept everyone, even if you don't agree with their beliefs or things they've done in the past.

  • Flyout on Day 1: Is it the next SimplePlanes? 1.3 years ago

    @Aviator720 buddy I'm not sure you know the definition of the word “propaganda“. It means biased or misleading information with the goal of pushing a certain standpoint. Sort of like that comment you just posted on here. Also, I don't appreciate you calling me irresponsible just because you disagree with my video.

  • @32 1.3 years ago

    Looks vaguely familiar

  • simple planes respond pls 1.3 years ago

    @plibby1221 bruh what did I say
    Other than inform you that there is no tanker tag lol

  • I have a bit of a "Smititatiuon" 1.4 years ago

    Technically speaking, you don't have to post anything. Like, Who cares if you have internet points on SP.com? Like, play the game your own way, but if you're not having fun you have the choice to play a different way. This isn't really a "smituation" unless you make it one.

  • The Legend of “Don’t be this Guy!” 1.4 years ago

    Um the brown pearl is real

  • THEY SHUT DOWN ROBLOX! 1.4 years ago

    I got all excited until you said it went back up

  • If you feel sad about your points, just remember this 1.7 years ago

    @ShinyGemsBro saying “don't worry about internet points“ is fine, but look at YouTube or Instagram. They have millions of people that are all pushing to get as many likes and followers/subscribers as they possibly can. The sad fact is that if you can put a metric on popularity, people will chase that popularity instead of just enjoying the platform they're on. I wish it was better, but that's the sad fact.

  • Salvation 1.8 years ago

    @ledownloader123 God doesn't abuse or oppress people. Calling me weak and foolish is untrue, because I am willing to stand up to bullies like you that want to attack what I believe in. It just so happens that I have reasonable proof of this “being“ that is substantial enough for me to believe in him. God is not an abusive father, or a careless creator. He made an imperfect world because he gave us freedom to do whatever we want. You, for instance are free to post a hateful comment disrespecting thousands of people. God isn't going to stop you. I'm not going to try and argue with you, because I get the feeling you really don't want to listen to what I say. Also, just so you know, saying you are part of a superior species kinda makes you sound like a Nazi. Just saying. So please get your oppressive self away from this comment section, and when you die we'll see which one of us is right.

  • Baller!..car? 1.8 years ago

    These baller posts are getting old...
    People should stop posting about baller

  • Do you all think that @NotRealToxicUser steals too much? 2.0 years ago

    None of those are actually stolen, this guy took bits and pieces of other people's planes and put them together into an original creation. The first one was improvements upon an existing plane, which is completely fine and legal according to the site rules. While none of these are completely original, he did credit the builders of the subassemblies he used. I personally don't see any problems in the examples you gave.
    Edit: actually the first example is stolen, he didn't credit the original creator of the plane. The others are fine tho as far as i can see

  • Pls follow me 2.0 years ago

    If you want followers, learn to make cool stuff. Learn how to use stuff like fuselage (takes a while to learn but its worth it) and put time and effort into making a good creation. If you make something high effort, tag me on it and I might consider following you. As a side note, asking for followers won't convince anybody to follow you. You have to earn it by earning people's respect. Look at the number of builds i have relative to the number of upvotes I have, then compare it to yours. I have done my best to make a few good things as opposed to cranking out tons of low quality stuff. I can tell you have the time and determination to be one of the best builders on the site as long as you take this comment seriously. Anyway, sorry about this wall comment, please consider what I wrote. If you want to reply to this comment, make sure you click the “reply“ button.

  • The Flying Saucer 2.0 years ago

    This work is only made for fun, don't take it seriously

    I'm gonna take it seriously.

  • Another Valentine's day. 2.1 years ago

    Proud to announce that someone asked me to be her valentine. So what if she immediately ran away and told her friend she owed her $5

  • Airshow Photography Post [2022: Part 1] 2.5 years ago

    Wow, the Blue Angels are so close they look Photoshopped
