30 3To1 Comments

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.5 years ago

    If this is the last update one thing that will be cool to add is the wings visual overhaul from Juno new origins and more missions

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer 10 months ago

    Nice we eating good next year. Simple Planes 2, GTA 6…

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison if this is going to the last update we should do a challenge like each person designs a craft using stock parts record gameplay of them doing flight stunts and upload to YouTube can tag it in a post whoever gets the most points win. It can be like a virtual Air Show. To make it more spicy we can let ChatGPT set the rules. And points systems

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.3 years ago

    Question, will it be possible to adjust the front and the back of the wing thickness and change angle sharpens like fuselage? Not a request just wondering @AndrewGarrison

  • More mods needed for iOS 4.9 years ago

    Am pretty sure Ultra0 just trying to say overload was a mod known it’s build into the game. It would be cool to get some more mods implemented into the base game like variable wings, custom Sandbox like SR2, multiplayer😂. @TrislandianAlliance

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    This is shaping up to be another great up date and the cockpits improvements is looking great. Question, is being able to reshape the wing so it has a rounded front and a sharpened tip something you are thinking about? @WNP78

  • RuntimeInspector 4.6 years ago

    There is no mod support on iOS. The reason you have a mod tab is because since mods can no longer run on android two of the most popular mods was bundled into the base game. Apple restricts the use of mod for security reasons. Although I wonder if it’s possible to get a work around when Apple changes there architecture to arm-chips ?@IMULAerospaceIndustries

  • nothing is confirmed 4.6 years ago

    How about a part creator. Animations and and how the part works can be based on some type of vizzy. Examples auto lock turrets, parts that lock together when close like the back of trailer truck, doors,Bomb bay, custom plane chases and More wing styles. No am not making demand am just throwing ideas out for some one else to improve and change.

  • Beta 1.9.204 5.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison will it be possible to add the scroll wheel support for Meuse and keyboard user for mobile. Also when I go to export my craft into a 3D model on iOS I have no way of getting it.

  • You shouldn't moderate others posts 5.0 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii a agree my crafts are trash tier at the moment. Advise is always appreciated It show that other people are interested and it can provide a positive spin on your original idea.

  • nothing is confirmed 5.0 years ago

    Local an online multiplayer. Hear me out Andrew, imagine a user want to set up a tournament they can set it up and people can submit there crafts and after the user starts the event or have a time go of to start the tournament people can watch. Also local multiplayer if 4 people want to fly togeter.(local same wifi like how minecraft local multiplayer works. For online multiplayer there can be a weekly event were users can build a craft and set up a speed record challenge that other users can enter and at the end of the week who ever had the best time for that week wins.🤗

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 1.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison this is an idea for the future. Have you thought about interacting or changing the website and make it so it can be Apart of the app. This can help save on hosting a website and when it comes to updates challenges or general news for the future of your game it can be mostly accessible in one place. I have no coding skill so this can be completely dump 😅. Just a thought.

  • "Add a part and pass it around" 4.5 years ago

    on the unrelated note who is using iPadOS 14 to write Comments?

  • Exporting 3D models on ipados 4.5 years ago


  • Exporting 3D models on ipados 4.5 years ago


  • Exporting 3D models on ipados 4.5 years ago

    Also nice profile pick @XP

  • Exporting 3D models on ipados 4.5 years ago

    Is there a way to send the 3D models on iOS to a folder that is accessible through the files app? @XP

  • Exporting 3D models on ipados 4.5 years ago


  • My Issue with Mobile Friendly Builds 4.8 years ago

    This is a perfect example of why a simple planes 2 Should exist. The devs has used simple planes as a good example for simple rockets known use simple rockets as a example for simple planes. If the devs figure out how to render more parts with the new tech coming out like the new iPhone and the new iPad that would be make simple planes the best mobile game in its market. The short story if we get better tech the devs will have more to work with. Yes this is a very long and unnecessary rant.

  • New Application of War Thunder LMAO 4.9 years ago

    This need to be YouTube video. It cool to watch professionals Play.

  • Beta 1.9.204 5.0 years ago

    😑 mouse, yes it was I typo also I post without proofreading soooooooooo yea. “It’s a habit not a condition” 😂 @Jayo

  • Steam Autumn Sale 5.3 years ago

    How long is this deal going to be available @AndrewGarrison