16.4k Aarons123 Comments

  • My first drawing in three years 5.1 years ago

    Stop having talent, it’s not very nice

  • Subscribe to PewDiePie 6.2 years ago

    Sub to PewDiePie or I’ll comit account delete

  • ME-163 IS PROP PLANE CONFIRMED 5.4 years ago

    Well yeah the jet is for looks, the prop on the front is the main propulsion

  • Burning Oil 6.2 years ago

    Dllama4’s plane looks like a sad little sausage wishing to be able to move

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    Are there notifications for a comment upvote? Do you receive points? Hint hint, upvote this comment, yes I’m talking to you random user! Upvote meh comment!

  • oh hey look at that 5.5 years ago

    you have now ascended into the Butter realm

  • KSP-Mk1 Lander Can 5.0 years ago

    Kerbals not included

  • New Moderator 5.0 years ago

    Someone has probably made this joke already,

  • Spherical world mod? 6.2 years ago

    But the Earth is Rhombus shaped

  • Are they going to stop updating this game? 7.2 years ago

    No not at all, 1.8 is confirmed

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @tsampoy me to lol

  • Come on Huawei 4.6 years ago

    @unCANNY I mean yeah, don’t want my information being sold to Winnie the Pooh

  • 500 followers! 5.0 years ago

    As much as I want to continue following you, for the sake of annoyance, I must unfollow to reduce your count back to a measly 499

  • Red Alert 3 Mig (S.R.C.) 5.4 years ago

    jog faster I need my daily dose of description

  • When you want to land on the bridge 5.4 years ago

    Stupid modern bridges, all unrealistically weak and stuff

  • How to download an aircraft with mods on any platform 5.5 years ago

    Damn, I thought I was the only person to know this exists, it was like a sub par super power that only I had

  • There is A Giant Bug Buzzing Around the Website!! (WEBSITE BUG) 6.2 years ago

    Here, have some points you won’t get

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav NOOOOOOOO! UPVOTE #ME!

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    @BogdanX in you case lol, you probably get 50 bagilion upvotes per day

  • How much lift do wings make depending on the Angle of Attack? Which aerofoil should I use? HERE IS YOUR ANSWER! 4.6 years ago

    Cool findings but what’s NACAPROP? Is it a new airfoil that they’ve added or a mod?

  • The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!! 5.0 years ago

    @weebabyseamus My one request for a hypothetical SP2 is the ability to download and use SP1 creations in SP2,

    and glass

  • I'm pulling a Notaleopard... 5.5 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid the ropes here are made out of ropes

  • [B&W] Junkers F 13 (Perfezione) 6.2 years ago

    Just saying this not to get you hopes up, you say this is ‘for platinum’, you would need 1380 upvotes to get to platinum

  • Why Sully is the most unrealistic movie ever. 6.3 years ago

    You are the definition of ‘plane nerd’, no other human being would notice that

  • can I post my F-22? 6.3 years ago

    Nothing is stopping you, it is usually better to make rare planes though

  • 03class SpeceBattleShip 6.3 years ago

    You should add a description of how to fly it though, I sat there for a couple minutes pressing buttons till it worked

  • Rem 7.2 years ago

    If only she was sleeping, then I could make an awful pun... pretend she’s sleeping, I guess she’s in... REM sleep! That is so bad I think it could cause damage to you DNA via radiation

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago


  • Lunar observation 4.6 years ago

    Unless my eyes are deceiving me, it also seems to be simulating this which neither KSP nor SR2 do, though they would need to simulate atmospheric lensing where as SP just needs to rotate each image of the moon a bit, but still cool

    note, I don’t properly remember what causes it I haven’t watched the vid in like 20 years

  • Rubbish 4.6 years ago

    Who put a bomb in the bin lol, that’s not where they go

  • How do I make something have no delay when I activate it, but have a delay when I deactivate it? 4.7 years ago

    Yes please someone answer this so I can steal it and use it myself

  • Steve the Pigeon 4.7 years ago

    Damn sorry about that, something similar happened late last year with a crow I found in my front yard. being an Australian summer it was nearing 50 degrees and this poor crow was sprawled out in the sun not moving, definitely had some kind of sun stroke. I brought him inside cooling him down and giving him some water, an hour or so later he was standing and occasionally walking around but still not completely active. We fed him medicated layer pellets we feed our chickens, rice I cooked for him and a ton of water but he still was in shock staying in the same position most of the time. It was really sad watching him as I could see from how he acted he wasn’t fully there, he even let me pat him and didn’t fuss when I moved him to the laundry. An hour late while I was dripping some water on his beak to get him to drink he abruptly dropped into my hands and started spazzing out like your story, I don’t know what happened as I’m not good with biological stuff but I think he was having a seizure. A few seconds later he died, I dont think it was painful as he was never fully conscious and it happened pretty quickly. I didnt mean to sadden you more I just related a lot with this and know how hard it is in this kind of situation. For some reason I dealt with one of my very old chickens death Better then the random crow I only had contact with for 2 hours tops, her death was of natural causes and she lived a good life while the crow was still a baby and I can’t imagine how he must of felt.

    On a kind of better note we named him Wobbles after his tendency to lose balance due to the sun stroke and disorientation, ok that’s note really a better note but at least Steve and Wobbles got looked after before they died

  • Polish flag 5.0 years ago

    That, my friend, is the Indonesian flag

  • Sarnnox GE-18A 5.0 years ago

    I forgot to comment this when this was uploaded for some reason, was this plane inspired by my Bi-plane? There’s a couple things that are similar, White tail and wing tips, angle of the tail, gun placement, placement of emblems on the wings, placement of emblems on the tail, Almost the same Yoke, similar throttle lever, similar Trim lever, similar yaw pedals, on either side of the cockpit there are curvy pieces of fuselage, similar cockpit layout in general, almost the same rudder shape, angle of wings is nearly the same, placement of wing supports, dials are similar, same sophisticated code for the engine temp gauge, Yoke movement range is the same as an old version of mine, how the yokes moves is the same as mine, the ‘windshield’ in front of the pilot is the same, wing thickness is comparable, plane yeets itself when using brakes, and last but not least, general shape. Due to these few similarities I’m going to have to sue you for copyright infringement

    this is a joke btw, I don’t actually care. And Ik half these similarities are because they wore on real WW1 planes

  • The Brown Pearl Killer Challenge 5.4 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon if they never mentioned it then there could be more Easter eggs that no one has found, there is endless ocean so there could be a lot of Easter eggs out there that the devs don’t hint at

  • Hi iam new one 5.5 years ago

    Someone has probably told you this before but I may as well repeat it. Use fuselage pieces and not blocks. Fuselage pieces are customisable and if used properly can make some quite good looking designs, there a bit confusing to use at first but you should be able to get the hang of it.

  • [TEASER] Upcoming Creations 6.2 years ago

    You have a hole in you left tire

  • Untitled 7.1 years ago

    With me it pluses one notification, so one upvote equals two notifications

  • TM 2 ‘Sky Witch’ 7.2 years ago

    @Gestour thanks

  • TM 2 ‘Sky Witch’ 7.2 years ago

    @Gestour just as I say that you upvote lol, thanks

  • TM 2 ‘Sky Witch’ 7.2 years ago

    @SSSvaSSa thanks for the only upvote

  • Are they going to stop updating this game? 7.2 years ago

    And further updates

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison ok cool

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @Oski as you said before it is a joke and I don’t really care if I do get the most upvotes on a comment

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @Oski I know what you mean but I don’t get a reward for getting an comment upvote, it’s just pressing a button

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @Oski I don’t get points though

  • Since you can upvote comments... 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav wait how do you do bold again?

  • How to Save Subassemblies 8.6 years ago

    Click on the object like you are going to place it somewhere and you should see a box in the top left corner, just drag the object in the box and it is a subassembly. :)

  • “Droop snoot” “droop snoot?” The snoot would droop” “the snoot drooped” final teaser i promise 5.0 years ago

    Ah yes, this is indeed a snoot in which drooping occurs

  • Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus Mod.1960 5.0 years ago

    Upvoted before the tags or description wore added
