Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@MrShenanigansSP If we're doing an update video, we try to release that with the update so we would be using player crafts uploading during the beta testing phase. Since this is a smaller update, we didn't make an update video for this one.
What version are you using? There were several bugs related to the wheels in the first beta (all my fault), but they should all be fixed now in beta version 1.12.122+
This is a great craft. I did notice the dash is z-fighting a lot. I believe this might be because you have two fuselage parts at the same position/size so when the game is rendering it has trouble deciding which to render and the result is that it flickers a lot.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I was able to repro it by tapping and holding on the flight stick, and then minimizing the game. When I bring the game back, the virtual stick will no longer provide input to the airplane. I can still control it by grabbing the flight stick in the cockpit, but the virtual stick no longer works.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE @Titaninferna @jinsatgat Do you know what steps I can take to reproduce the issue? We are having trouble reproducing this issue on our devices and any info on exact steps to perform to cause the issue would be really helpful.
@jamesPLANESii We've had one report of lags in the designer but it was on a mobile device and it turned out it was CPU throttling. You could also check the dev console and see if a lot of error messages are being generated.
@V you're right and my previous comment was wrong. It should be inverted. Tap and hold to highlight the connected part and tap quickly to select the connected part (tap and release in < 0.5 seconds).
Very creative idea and beautifully executed. Question: I spilled a little biomatter when plugging the bio pod in. Is it still okay to use or should I switch to the electronic backup?
@V Not supporting multiple colors is a bug. ~~Regarding the tap and hold in the connection editor - that is actually how it should be working. Is that not working for you?~~
Edit: Tapping and holding should highlight the connected part and tap and release in < 0.5 seconds should select it.
This is a great build and I would love to curate this but there is a lot of z-fighting when viewed on the Quest where the dark and red panels are constantly flickering back and forth because they are positioned right on top of each other.
@Nick7777 If you notice it again in the future just ask a moderator to fix the predecessor for you (and provide a link to the predecessor you wish to use instead).
This is an outstanding build! Would you consider adding VTOL and throttle controls in the cockpit for VR players? If you ever do, please tag me and I'd love to check it out in VR.
I would love to curate this for VR, but unfortunately, the steering wheel can't be grabbed in VR. I believe it would if the rotator was swapped out for a joystick base. The joystick base is what tells the game that connected parts can be grabbed. If you ever update the XML for this post, let me know and I'll review it again for curation.
Great chopper! I'd love to curate this, but it really needs a VTOL control in the cockpit to be usable in VR. If you ever add one to the cockpit, please let me know and I'll review it again for curation.
It feels pretty good in VR, so I have gone ahead and curated for VR. The MFD does appear to not work correctly as it doesn't show that the aircraft has any weapons.
Some things that would be nice for future builds: Give your switches tooltips so the player knows what they do. More buttons for combat functions: cycle targeting mode, next weapon, next target.
Thank you for the warm welcome, @Typhoon03. We are excited to get started!
+6@Awsomur Best of luck to you! Will you be training komodo dragons as well?
+19Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
Nice try, but a true Jundrorian would never show their face!
+29View profile > Manage Account > Show Gravatar. Ensure that your email matches the email you used to set up your profile pic at
@MrShenanigansSP If we're doing an update video, we try to release that with the update so we would be using player crafts uploading during the beta testing phase. Since this is a smaller update, we didn't make an update video for this one.
+8Wow! How did you fit so much funk into just 100kb of XML? Amazing!
+19What version are you using? There were several bugs related to the wheels in the first beta (all my fault), but they should all be fixed now in beta version 1.12.122+
+3This is a great craft. I did notice the dash is z-fighting a lot. I believe this might be because you have two fuselage parts at the same position/size so when the game is rendering it has trouble deciding which to render and the result is that it flickers a lot.
+8Thanks for the feedback guys. I was able to repro it by tapping and holding on the flight stick, and then minimizing the game. When I bring the game back, the virtual stick will no longer provide input to the airplane. I can still control it by grabbing the flight stick in the cockpit, but the virtual stick no longer works.
+2What kind of device are you using and what craft are you flying?
+1Did you make this?
Thanks for the bug report. This should be fixed in the next update.
+6@Korzalerke That works! Thank you so much!
+3@SheriffHackdogMCPE @Titaninferna @jinsatgat Do you know what steps I can take to reproduce the issue? We are having trouble reproducing this issue on our devices and any info on exact steps to perform to cause the issue would be really helpful.
Has anyone seen this bug on PC? Let me know if anyone knows how to reproduce it.
Yikes! Can you upload this craft so we can investigate?
+3@jamesPLANESii We've had one report of lags in the designer but it was on a mobile device and it turned out it was CPU throttling. You could also check the dev console and see if a lot of error messages are being generated.
+1@PlaneFlightX What version are you using and what device?
Known issues in v1.12.120 that should be fixed in the next beta (v1.12.121):
Weird, the water should be blue, not yellow! Don't you know anything about water?
+11@zAerospace This will be fixed in the next beta update.
@Zaineman looks great! Thanks!
@V you're right and my previous comment was wrong. It should be inverted. Tap and hold to highlight the connected part and tap quickly to select the connected part (tap and release in < 0.5 seconds).
+1Very creative idea and beautifully executed. Question: I spilled a little biomatter when plugging the bio pod in. Is it still okay to use or should I switch to the electronic backup?
+2@V Not supporting multiple colors is a bug. ~~Regarding the tap and hold in the connection editor - that is actually how it should be working. Is that not working for you?~~
Edit: Tapping and holding should highlight the connected part and tap and release in < 0.5 seconds should select it.
+1@jamesPLANESii do you have a link to a post that shows the rims clipping so I can investigate?
Edit: Disregard, I was able to fix it. Please let me know if you are still seeing the issue in the next beta update.
I would suggest waiting until the next beta starts, which should be very soon. We have also switched to Unity 2020.3.26f1.
+1This is a great build and I would love to curate this but there is a lot of z-fighting when viewed on the Quest where the dark and red panels are constantly flickering back and forth because they are positioned right on top of each other.
@LarryTad The Steam version can run mods from the Steam workshop and PC mods here on
The way you used the logo here looks okay to me.
+9When you get it from Humble, you should also get a Steam key so you can unlock the game on Steam. Here are instructions on how to do that.
@Nick7777 If you notice it again in the future just ask a moderator to fix the predecessor for you (and provide a link to the predecessor you wish to use instead).
It looks like it was linked with an unlisted build, but I have fixed and it linked it with the Simple Drone MK1.
That's a good point. I have increased the unlisted upload limit to 20. Hopefully, that will help.
+2Nice suit!
+4Please contact us at and we will do what we can to help.
+6Bravo, it really is spot on!
+51I tweaked the XML on this post to fix the issue with the flight stick and it's working now.
Very nice start with the cockpit. Let me know when you add a throttle and flight stick and I'll check it out again for VR.
Nice build. The gauges are not working properly. Ensure you are selecting Preset instead of just using Gauge Face in part properties.
+3@AviationCat007 sure, just ensure your plane has the VR tag and a curator will review it as soon as we can.
This is an outstanding build! Would you consider adding VTOL and throttle controls in the cockpit for VR players? If you ever do, please tag me and I'd love to check it out in VR.
+5Love the unique design and spacious cabin! For now on, all of Jundroo’s business meetings will take place in this airplane!
+1@TatsuTheOtaku That's great! I'm looking forward to checking that out in VR!
+3I would love to curate this for VR, but unfortunately, the steering wheel can't be grabbed in VR. I believe it would if the rotator was swapped out for a joystick base. The joystick base is what tells the game that connected parts can be grabbed. If you ever update the XML for this post, let me know and I'll review it again for curation.
Great chopper! I'd love to curate this, but it really needs a VTOL control in the cockpit to be usable in VR. If you ever add one to the cockpit, please let me know and I'll review it again for curation.
+2I've curated this because it is such an awesome build, but it is a little on the small side in VR.
+24Thanks for letting us know.
It feels pretty good in VR, so I have gone ahead and curated for VR. The MFD does appear to not work correctly as it doesn't show that the aircraft has any weapons.
Some things that would be nice for future builds: Give your switches tooltips so the player knows what they do. More buttons for combat functions: cycle targeting mode, next weapon, next target.