When you do the exact same thing way earlier and someone does it better, seriously though this was like what i did but on a better scale! Love how it looks too
Edit:woah interesting, it uses a gyro, my version of this uses actual rotators hooked to the car wheels that are on activate 8, alot less stable than i like to admit though.
@SCPCalebkid thank you! I stalled on uploading it cause i thought i could do better and add the fancy tracks most people add to their non modded tanks, but turns out im not that good yet, so yeah thanks!
@EthanGoBrr1312 ah thank you so much! And about that, im also a mobile player so i can understand at a base level why you would like it,atleast on a base level
Hey cool plane! Can i use the map from this on my aircraft? The navigator seat was basically just a seat in empty space to i thought i might use this to add some use to it.
Danke for flying my plane! Answering a few things,landing gear is ridiculously huge for landing on grass and other types of unpaved runways, the canopy opens like that cause i felt a normal canopy that would push up and go back was too boring, there's a switch to the left of the cockpit which says door instead of canopy, my fault there, but mostly yeah thanks for reviewing!
Sam I know this isn't the post to say this but I now have a new phone,along with that my phone is broken and won't turn on so I cant get into my account due to 2FA code that i forgot,so you may need to friend me on a different account if we can't get to that account again
For a remake of an old plane id sy you did well! Its not that detailed making it more optimised for mobile users so id say thats pretty well you deserve an upvote
Me stuck as a mobile user because im broke and cant buy a pc:
+8s a d d e n.
Mmmmmmm blocki boi me like, me updoot
+6I stan the hellkeska ngl
+4When you do the exact same thing way earlier and someone does it better, seriously though this was like what i did but on a better scale! Love how it looks too
+3Edit:woah interesting, it uses a gyro, my version of this uses actual rotators hooked to the car wheels that are on activate 8, alot less stable than i like to admit though.
@ThomasRoderick you didn't have to call me out like that
+2@pancelvonat oh i see, i did not think of that but i will put it there,thank you for being so polite about the issue
+2Hey you gotta admit that was faster than last time aye?
+2Edit:do not take this out of context i beg
@F14Tomcat1974 lmao
+2@SCPCalebkid thank you! I stalled on uploading it cause i thought i could do better and add the fancy tracks most people add to their non modded tanks, but turns out im not that good yet, so yeah thanks!
+2Dearest chap could you very politely pass the T?
+2Finally! A ship i can play sea shanties to while i sail!
+2@Mickmicornal i can vouch,ive seen him irl and its just a highly advanced ai inside of an f-14 inside of an abandoned hanger
+2I dont know who you are,ive never met you before,BUT BY GOD WILL I WISH YOU THE GREATEST BRITHDAY!!!
+2Side note, this build is only here because of my smooth talking skills B) i smooth talked sam into making a tank and it worked :D
+2@ACEPILOT109 its explained in the description
+2Low part count he says AND HIS LAST BUILD WAS 300 PARTS srsly tho impressive yet still pretty high part count amyways good luck in school fam
+2Yo pog its a b-17
+210000000000% awsome ngl so awsome holy spuds jesus christ god all mighty wwoooooooooo.
+2Skidaadle skidoodle this is a danger spoodle.
+2I watched him build this and he added all the small details first before adding the landing gear XD
+2Aviation films approves of this action lmao
+2@OrangeConnor2 that's valid tbh, I'll think about it 'v'
+1@Majakalona duly noted, danke!
+1yo! can i use the commander optics on my own build? i'll credit you and link this tank, please and thank you!
+1@BeastHunter i see,i'll take this into account
+1@Yourlocalhuman fair point, i'll see if i can try that
+1with this being called "pawn" i can't help but imagine a line of walkers being named after chess pieces, would be neat
+1@EthanGoBrr1312 ah thank you so much! And about that, im also a mobile player so i can understand at a base level why you would like it,atleast on a base level
+1@ColonelCanada maybe,maybe not, you'll only see when it's uploaded,but for now.. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
+1Hey cool plane! Can i use the map from this on my aircraft? The navigator seat was basically just a seat in empty space to i thought i might use this to add some use to it.
+1@20190244 i see, thanks for clearing that up then
+1Id take my upvote back but that would just be rude so yesh hsve my accidental upvote
+1Okay seriously i need to learn how to make tracks like these, just so cool
+1Danke for flying my plane! Answering a few things,landing gear is ridiculously huge for landing on grass and other types of unpaved runways, the canopy opens like that cause i felt a normal canopy that would push up and go back was too boring, there's a switch to the left of the cockpit which says door instead of canopy, my fault there, but mostly yeah thanks for reviewing!
+1Love the little detail in the 2nd screenshot of a very small aircraft incoming which took me a while to find
+1@F14Tomcat1974 less brrt more like cannon noises,so basically deafening bang
+1Why not,might make some British medium bomber like the Hampden or smfh not sure I'll make it though
+1Sam I know this isn't the post to say this but I now have a new phone,along with that my phone is broken and won't turn on so I cant get into my account due to 2FA code that i forgot,so you may need to friend me on a different account if we can't get to that account again
+1Already have an aircraft ready to upload who knows i might put it in this challange.
+1@CrimsonOnigiri p a n c a k e
+1@sam1333 all summed up in a simple sentence: im lazy, you're lazy, add this so we can be happy in laziness.
+1@Duckw0rthplanes oh i didnt actually know that thank you!
+1@sam1333 NO
+1For a remake of an old plane id sy you did well! Its not that detailed making it more optimised for mobile users so id say thats pretty well you deserve an upvote
+1happy bday dude!