26.4k BRuthless Comments

  • Bacon's Airbus E-Fan 4.0 Overhaul 8.6 years ago

    @denialofservice BaconAircrafts made it, I just overhauled it. It needs so many parts, because it is a very smooth and streamlined design. Also the fan ducts need a lot of parts, as we don't have hull parts. Getting this amount of fidelity to run on low performance devices is nearly impossible, with my Pilatus PC-12NG beeing an exception, as I could upscale many parts of the fuselage to make them cover a larger area.

  • Bacon's Airbus E-Fan 4.0 Overhaul 8.6 years ago

    Going to sleep now, if anyone else has issues with the props, please put a comment and tell me about it, then I'll look into it later, though I can't reproduce that glitch myself.

  • Bacon's Airbus E-Fan 4.0 Overhaul 8.6 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS It doesn't have an exhaust, it doesn't need any fuel at all (just one gallon so there is fuel available, but it takes forever to use it). And also it sounds pretty much like an E-Fan. :D

    It's coming to my mind that the T1000 might actually be an E-Fan in SP, as it doesn't have an engine or atleast space for an engine like the T2000 and T3000, also it doesn't have a conventional piston or jet engine sound, rather a buzzing sound like an electric engine.

  • Bacon's Airbus E-Fan 4.0 Overhaul 8.6 years ago

    @Razr You would have to do the balancing with the floats all over again when you add more stuff to it.

  • Bacon's Airbus E-Fan 4.0 Overhaul 8.6 years ago

    @A3 What? Mine doesn't o.O Also just downloaded it to check if the uploaded one is faulty, but nope, not a single issue.

  • E-Fan Electric Aircraft 8.6 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts I made a few modifications, now having cockpit "glass", full exterior lighting and now it has highly modded T1000 props that run with a quiet buzz and almost no fuel consumption (1 gallon probably lasts days or weeks). Also they look pretty much like the real props and speed should be closer to that of the real E-Fan 2. I couldn't find any data on it though. I've fixed some things that weren't mirrored right and some things that weren't fully aligned with the center. Trim can now be controlled seperately, the flaps only come on when AG2 is activated. That's about it. :D

  • E-Fan Electric Aircraft 8.6 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts There is a way to make them stop by the way, just set throttle very low and see where it starts to spin into the other direction, then put it close to that point and wait for the rotators to spin to exactly that amount of degrees of rotation, then they stop. The only way to make them work properly would be a different way of powering them, like VTOL nozzles turning the shaft or maybe even small wheels powered by an engine. Also I noticed the aircraft creates the most thrust with the blades set in the middle position for some reason. :D

  • E-Fan Electric Aircraft 8.6 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts Because you are using rotators. You can make them spin into one direction by a specific amount of degrees and into the other direction by a specific amount of degrees. When you put throttle upwards, it will go above it's center (0) and turn into one direction until it hits the amount of degrees that match your input, when you move the throttle back to 0, the rotators will rotate back into the 0 position in the other direction. Because your rotation limit is set so high to make them spin basically forever, they go a long way into one direction and a long way back into the other direction.

  • New Website Features 8.6 years ago

    @SteadfastContracting Yes, I think it shows notifications you didn't look at in the past, which is a bit creepy. Revenge of the unseen.

  • New Website Features 8.6 years ago

    @joeysellers On my third try they vanished after I viewed them. Took a few minutes to view 415 posts, but now they are gone. I hope they won't come back. Also I received a notification that you mentioned me, so I guess it doesn't block new notifications. Spotlights are unaffected, they work like they should.

  • New Website Features 8.6 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison My notifications are full with creations that users who I follow made 3 months ago (only 3 months ago, not yesterday, not 5 months ago or something else) and also comments that were made 3 months ago. When I click on them to view them, they stay highlighted in blue.

  • Bandit Run 8.7 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts I think ornithopters would also be interesting. :D

  • Bandit Run 8.7 years ago

    @kikasshes I thought the same, it's now put under XML Modding in the Tournament Guide. :D

  • Bandit Run 8.7 years ago

    The requirements don't say anything about the new scaling options anymore, so I'd assume they are allowed.
    Nevermind, it's now put into the Tournament Guide. :D

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @JTM55 Sure I could, but it doesn't make sense to build aircrafts that are basically the same as the one I already built. :D

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @Liquidfox "More detail and features" - You licked blood, eh? :D

  • 1:1 Scale Boeing 737-400 (Mobile Friendly) 8.7 years ago

    190 MPH isn't that far above the normal landing speed of big airliners. :D At maximum landing weight, the 737 comes in at 155 knots, which is around 178 MPH.

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @JTM55 You put the VTOL slider fully upwards then on your first try I suppose. :D And no, I would need transparent blocks to make real windows for it. You can only see through blocks that your cockpit is stuck in, which is not possible across a whole aircraft.

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @JTM55 Did you touch the propeller? It's highly modded and loses all modding as soon as you change something on it in the editor. In that case you have to load a version where nothing was changed or download it again.

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @ForeverPie A used CJ3 costs as much as a new PC-12 NG by the way. :D And it's less reliable and has old avionics, can't land on grass and unimproved runways, has less space and no cargo door...

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @ForeverPie That guy has style and good taste. :D

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 8.7 years ago

    @ForeverPie Can you explain what I am doing to you? :D

  • Let's speak about intakes 8.7 years ago

    @Supercraft888 That is true. It's also useful to know that the front ends of engines also serve as intakes and that engines like the J90 and BFE300 have more drag (airflow) than they need, so they can be used as intakes for other engines aswell.

  • Pilatus PC-12NG (WIP) 8.7 years ago

    @JTM55 I'm trying to keep the part count as low as possible by using upscaled parts instead of many parts, but I don't know if it will run well on iOS devices, as they are showing the lowest perfomance in SP.

  • Advanced Prop Engine 8.7 years ago

    @Hayhayjam664 You might need to zoom out a bit to see it, the halo of beaconlights becomes invisible when you're close. :)

  • S-3 Gannet 8.7 years ago

    @Rohan Most of the features are done by @WeeBabySeamus I think. Yes, this one actually deserves it. :D

  • Advanced Prop Engine 8.7 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 Increase throttle. :)

  • Advanced Prop Engine 8.7 years ago

    @Nimravus @JakeTheDogg

  • Suggestions to the developers 8.7 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen Planes are full with mechanics, electronics/electrics, hydraulics and fuel lines. Shooting any part of it will either reduce it's power and/or maneuverability and cause system failures. Even hitting an empty part of a wing or fuselage would reduce aerodynamics more or less dramatically and thus reduce flight performance. And don't forget that planes are basically flying fuel tanks. Almost the whole wings and a large part of the center fuselage are filled with fuel (though most modern aircrafts have self-sealing fuel tanks). When you hit an aircraft with the standard HE/API mix that has been used ever since aircrafts were equipped with guns, it will be unable to fly sooner or later, no matter where or how many times you hit it. And even if you just make it unmaneuverable, it will become a sitting duck, which is very easy to hit again. Killing the pilot is another thing, that's close to impossible nowadays as long as he sits in his highly armored cockpit, but with an unmaneuverable aircraft that is going down he only has the option to get out of there.

  • Airbus A350 XWB 2.7 8.7 years ago

    Looking forward to see how it will look like when you are finished with it, making good progress. :)

  • Boeing 737-200 8.7 years ago

    One of the best airliners I've seen in SP yet! Going backwards with reverse thrust is called a powerback by the way, pushback is done with pushback trucks/tractors.

  • Torque Test 8.7 years ago

    @1997toyotasupra Not everyone does, especially how it works in SP. I had this theory and thought I'd do a test on it. Well, it works. :D

  • AMRMPM-1 Swatter on Crappy the Testplane 8.7 years ago

    @CL4TRP It's the crappiest plane I have in my list. I put it together in basically no time some months ago to use it for custom weapon testing. Performance isn't that bad indeed and it can carry quite a bit of load, as I modded it's weight down. :D

  • 40% OFF on PC 8.7 years ago

    It's a steal on full price already. :D

  • Shark Tooth 8.7 years ago

    @EliteSteel If you think so then you didn't read the rules correctly. Only engine and fuel-tank modding aren't allowed. :)

  • Modded Piston 2 8.7 years ago


  • Modded Piston 8.7 years ago

    @CyberDyneIndustries I can make it push or pull and set input to FireWeapons aswell. :D

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 8.7 years ago

    @WAD @arcues Besides you don't seem like you have read the rules correctly, this is pretty old. :D But I'll look at your ceations and leave some upvotes on the ones I like.

  • Operation Snowblind - Cessna 172RG Super Cutlass Military Showcase 8.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Real pilots use low level flight to win the fight! :D More stealth than fancy paint can ever offer.

  • Cessna 172RG Super Cutlass Military 8.7 years ago

    @Boudewijn Yep, one of my most favorite planes. :D

  • Cessna 172RG Super Cutlass Military 8.7 years ago

    @DisferGoatz Realism in a 250 MPH 3-blade Cessna 172RG Cutlass with guns? Not so much. :D

    @ccooper Thanks! :)

  • Cessna 172 Floatplane v1.1 8.8 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts I thought about replacing the "navigation" panel with one that indicates your system statuses. So it will show your flap position, trim, landing gear position and engine state. Sadly I can't think of a way to make the artificial horizon align correctly, it just rotates around when flying some minutes. I tried putting weight on the bottom, but that just made it swing. I'll probably use a similar cockpit for a Piper PA-34 replica and include some changes on the instrument panel there.

  • TideRider Mini Torpedo 8.8 years ago

    @esms1999 You can just use this torpedo, it can be launched at sea-level aswell, doesn't have to be dropped from the air. :) I didn't test launching it from a ship, but there shouldn't be any issues.

  • Cessna 172 Floatplane v1.1 8.8 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts I hope you find my successors worthy. :)

  • Cessna 172RG Cutlass (refurbished - base by BaconAircrafts) 8.8 years ago

    @JTM55 I made the same changes to the RG Cutlass as to the Floatplane. :)

  • Cessna 172RG Cutlass (refurbished - base by BaconAircrafts) 8.8 years ago

    @JTM55 Just go to my profile page. :D

    Or here: Floatplane

    RG Cutlass

  • Cessna 172RG Cutlass (refurbished - base by BaconAircrafts) 8.8 years ago

    @JTM55 I find it better to have them fixed on the position where I rotate them to, but you can enable the auto centering in the settings of the cameras. New versions are uploaded now. :)

  • Cessna 172RG Cutlass (refurbished - base by BaconAircrafts) 8.8 years ago

    @JTM55 You mean cameras that go back to center?

  • Cessna 172 Floatplane 8.8 years ago

    @JakeTheDogg First I'll make a Piper PA-34 Seneca II on my own. Probably without a window block and just open windows instead.

  • Cessna 172 Floatplane 8.8 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes Thanks, I forgot to change that bit in the desc. :D Fixed now.