I'd say part count and size. My "mobile" device I have SP on is a Chromebook, which prefers less than 450 part builds. A small plane can be ran fine, but load in a boat of the same part count and the heavy lag starts. Anyways PC is the best platform.
@CRJ900Pilot Smoothing does not apply to 3D prints. The printer I have is finishing up Bogdan's MiG-29 Fulcrum, which I added smoothing to, and it didn't take it into effect.
Catapult. The picture of the aircraft is the largest, and has some color variation in the background.
I wouldn’t do the second one, it’s zoomed out a bit too far, plus the gear is down. The 3rd focuses on the rear, not exactly the highlight of the aircraft. That’s just my opinions.
Yes I enjoy getting some updoots on my stuff but really its more fun to see people using the planes. Take for example my Flycatcher S-1, it's got two variants made and is in several MP videos.
Ok- so I spawned in 10 of my 10 part F-106s with guns added. I killed 7 of them off before the K-7 was knocked from the air. The only reason the bomber lost was because one of them slammed into it at Mach 1.3, otherwise it would have undoubtedly killed every plane.
If the PC version costs about 12 bucks, with 100,000+ downloads, that’d be about 1 million. 100,000+ Android downloads at $5 each, around 500,000 bucks too. Add in the popular iOS platform, that’s quite a bit of cash.
Numbers take into account tax and other money the government takes for fun
ChiChiWerx has some. here
WIDE F-14. Lookin good!
You beat your planes up too much. They look great!
Not enough wing area, too much drag for a plane this small. That should fix it.
@ledownloader123 I don’t know. It’s something similar to Apple’s iOS polity so you can’t modify the app files.
@ledownloader123 New Google policies. Jundroo didn't really choose to.
Only on pc
Sign me up.
Lookin’ good!
I'd say part count and size. My "mobile" device I have SP on is a Chromebook, which prefers less than 450 part builds. A small plane can be ran fine, but load in a boat of the same part count and the heavy lag starts. Anyways PC is the best platform.
Very neat. The funny thing is I was drawing out my PFP too.
That’d be very beneficial.
@Sm10684 Yeah probably not.
@CRJ900Pilot Smoothing does not apply to 3D prints. The printer I have is finishing up Bogdan's MiG-29 Fulcrum, which I added smoothing to, and it didn't take it into effect.
Super-detailed mods, and probably the 8000 part cockpit.
Over speeds and goes boom
Catapult. The picture of the aircraft is the largest, and has some color variation in the background.
I wouldn’t do the second one, it’s zoomed out a bit too far, plus the gear is down. The 3rd focuses on the rear, not exactly the highlight of the aircraft. That’s just my opinions.
Yeah you need 100 points to post images. Probably a safeguard against spam advertising bots.
@ACEPILOT109 Right Here
I’m not sure, but someone made a plane called Timmy that does something like that.
Honda seems to dislike their cars being a part of SP. You’ll have to make a knockoff Honda
Yes I enjoy getting some updoots on my stuff but really its more fun to see people using the planes. Take for example my Flycatcher S-1, it's got two variants made and is in several MP videos.
“Minor details I messed up on”, may I remind you...
Dassault Super-MISTAKE
Did you put up a new bio or sorts?
The first time I ever discovered Snowstone was in a really slow biplane. It got shot down.
Ok- so I spawned in 10 of my 10 part F-106s with guns added. I killed 7 of them off before the K-7 was knocked from the air. The only reason the bomber lost was because one of them slammed into it at Mach 1.3, otherwise it would have undoubtedly killed every plane.
Big fan of the Voodoos
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook I just reread my comment- I meant to say I’m now waiting to re-upvote. Autocorrect gets me a lot on mobile.
Shoot. I upvoted, then accidentally removed it cause I thought I hadn’t upvoted, and am not waiting for the cool down to re-upvote.
If the PC version costs about 12 bucks, with 100,000+ downloads, that’d be about 1 million. 100,000+ Android downloads at $5 each, around 500,000 bucks too. Add in the popular iOS platform, that’s quite a bit of cash.
Numbers take into account tax and other money the government takes for fun
@winterro It is glorious
Let’s see the Mustang
Challenge accepted
Wait where’s the cockpit widows?
Just a 3500 part 1:1 replica of the X-32.
Cause it’s weird.
Nah, just use big nuke.
I always hit the AA tanks first, and then pick off the convoy trucks with machine guns/ 30mm cannons.
Or you will be overrun by the Chinese... isn’t that what’s already happening?
YouTube takes a while to process the HD version.
But then again look at the highest-rated and every month there are at least a few 120-150 or even 200 upvotes on some crafts.
I think so. A lotta people are in school, as well as progressing dramas chase people off, resulting in less upvotes.
Ha ha, pretty cool. Put some magnets on and stick stuff to it next time.