If they were to introduce turret mechanics, they would be bound by the same rules current rotators follow. Meaning that they can rotate 180° one way, then mist turn ALL the way around to continue tracking. Why? Because reasons....
Needs more work. Several parts aren’t connected right, and the turrets shoot the ship! Not just the big one either. Turn vtol all the way and the small guns go blue-on-blue too!
I agree. The main problem i have with the AI is that most of my planes are stable as long as you dont give it hard pitch down. Hard pitch-up turns and the plane is agile and stable. Give it pitch down, and you in an outside corkscrew spin-stall and guess what the ai does in dogfights?@TheChosenZebra
Ive gotten exploded that high before. Pretty sure i accidentally got that high up too with my speedbird plane as well. Also ive been that high before too.
@doge @MTakach
That is an easy fix. Just make it so that the turret cannot rotate where the vertical stabilizer is. Like set it to face forward by default and set rotate range to 175°.
The idea is that nearly everything can pen a hull. No matter the thickness. So why waste money and ship speed for armor when you can have radar that sees beyond gun range, plane that explode other heavily armored ships, missiles that destroy planes and other missiles, and guns that shoot so many bullets that they too destroy missiles. Throw on 5 inch guns and .50 cals and you’re good to go.
Check out my no wings flying thing i did it before. It’s a pain in the butt because while blocks do have lift abilities, it so small that you need a lot of speed fir very little lift, and then theres drag, then theres...yatta yatta yatta. Just fly my..... experiment and you will know what your in for.
Ok, so, you seem to be having balance issues.
1: move the VTOL engine forward on the craft.
2: Remove the VTOL engine
Im not sure what you want the VTOL engine for. The RCN nozzles are weak and shouldnt he relied on for flight controls unless you are hovering. If you want the VTOL engine to contribute to thrust, you must add more intakes and add VTOL nozzles. Plus the nozzles need to have their center of thrust on the center of mass. I’d also recommend use of the gyroscope for controls while hovering.
I love how you did the camera reactions to stick movement. I dont really like how the cockpit view is made useless, but appreciate how you made a gunsight that works on the camera view you provided. 9/10. Great job!
Jets are heavier, but more powerful than props. This comes in 2 problems for building planes.
1: the heavier engine, coupled with more fuel necessary for the engine, means the wings have to be larger to carry the engine and fuel, or the plane will have a higher stall speed (minimum speed nessasary for flight)
2: if the engines are rear mounted (as opposed to wing mounted) then the center of mass (com) will be further back on the aircraft. This can mean that your main wings have to crowd your horizontal stabilizers and lead to a plane that looks like a mishapen paper airplane.
I have found that if you balance your com-col without the horizontal stabilizers on your plane, you tend to get a pretty stable aircraft.
If you are trying to fly a build, but it wobbles, or rolls over, then you need larger wings.
If the craft tends to suddenly pitch up, or does so drastically, the your center of lift is too far forward.
Lastly: try to have your fuel tanks as close to your main wings as possible, or even with the wings. That way, your com wont shift as fuel gets burned.
Just about everything you need to know on how to fix this is covered in the tutorial. Please read the entire tutorial and do the “build your first plane” mission. For the astetics, you just need to do some experimenting. Ill post a “fixed” version of this craft.
Your craft shakes at high speeds. Try adjusting the wings so that the connection points are at the front of each wing-root. This will allow the wings to bend to the airforces.
Apparently, any damage taken by ai vehicles gets blamed on the player. I was kinda hoping to watch the ships shoot the ai plane, but they just killed me.
I dont mean console commands no. I guess i should have said “imput changes”
And yeah, the hinged rotators and pistons i want to respond to landing gear.
What's happening is that your fueltank with negative weight has to be nudged into the exact same spot the positive weight fuel tank. Otherwise game gitches thanks to negative mass breaking physics.
i mainly started this as a matter of "can i do it?" now that i have a successful make, i was hoping the SP community would enjoy it, and maybe improve it.
The AI seems to fly all planes as if it's flying the stock P-51. It you can get your planes to controll as smoothly as the p-51, the AI wont have as mich of a problem flying them. Remember: when giving the AI a plane, its success rests in Stability.
sure. The hull isnt gonna bounce much more than pistol shots, but question: how many bullets do you think the crew is gonna let you shoot at them?
+1If they were to introduce turret mechanics, they would be bound by the same rules current rotators follow. Meaning that they can rotate 180° one way, then mist turn ALL the way around to continue tracking. Why? Because reasons....
Needs more work. Several parts aren’t connected right, and the turrets shoot the ship! Not just the big one either. Turn vtol all the way and the small guns go blue-on-blue too!
+1I agree. The main problem i have with the AI is that most of my planes are stable as long as you dont give it hard pitch down. Hard pitch-up turns and the plane is agile and stable. Give it pitch down, and you in an outside corkscrew spin-stall and guess what the ai does in dogfights?@TheChosenZebra
+1Ive gotten exploded that high before. Pretty sure i accidentally got that high up too with my speedbird plane as well. Also ive been that high before too.
+1Designer: “How many weapons do you want on your plane again?”
You: “yes!”
Designer: “which ones…again?”
You: “YES!”
@doge @MTakach
That is an easy fix. Just make it so that the turret cannot rotate where the vertical stabilizer is. Like set it to face forward by default and set rotate range to 175°.
Unfortunatly no.
The idea is that nearly everything can pen a hull. No matter the thickness. So why waste money and ship speed for armor when you can have radar that sees beyond gun range, plane that explode other heavily armored ships, missiles that destroy planes and other missiles, and guns that shoot so many bullets that they too destroy missiles. Throw on 5 inch guns and .50 cals and you’re good to go.
Idk how you managed to get it to follow its own “tracks” but if you could replicate that on a train build, you’d hit gold in no time.
Check out my no wings flying thing i did it before. It’s a pain in the butt because while blocks do have lift abilities, it so small that you need a lot of speed fir very little lift, and then theres drag, then theres...yatta yatta yatta. Just fly my..... experiment and you will know what your in for.
Ok, so, you seem to be having balance issues.
1: move the VTOL engine forward on the craft.
2: Remove the VTOL engine
Im not sure what you want the VTOL engine for. The RCN nozzles are weak and shouldnt he relied on for flight controls unless you are hovering. If you want the VTOL engine to contribute to thrust, you must add more intakes and add VTOL nozzles. Plus the nozzles need to have their center of thrust on the center of mass. I’d also recommend use of the gyroscope for controls while hovering.
For some reason after a few shots from the rocket pods the craft self destructs.
I love how you did the camera reactions to stick movement. I dont really like how the cockpit view is made useless, but appreciate how you made a gunsight that works on the camera view you provided. 9/10. Great job!
Jets are heavier, but more powerful than props. This comes in 2 problems for building planes.
1: the heavier engine, coupled with more fuel necessary for the engine, means the wings have to be larger to carry the engine and fuel, or the plane will have a higher stall speed (minimum speed nessasary for flight)
2: if the engines are rear mounted (as opposed to wing mounted) then the center of mass (com) will be further back on the aircraft. This can mean that your main wings have to crowd your horizontal stabilizers and lead to a plane that looks like a mishapen paper airplane.
I have found that if you balance your com-col without the horizontal stabilizers on your plane, you tend to get a pretty stable aircraft.
If you are trying to fly a build, but it wobbles, or rolls over, then you need larger wings.
If the craft tends to suddenly pitch up, or does so drastically, the your center of lift is too far forward.
Lastly: try to have your fuel tanks as close to your main wings as possible, or even with the wings. That way, your com wont shift as fuel gets burned.
Just about everything you need to know on how to fix this is covered in the tutorial. Please read the entire tutorial and do the “build your first plane” mission. For the astetics, you just need to do some experimenting. Ill post a “fixed” version of this craft.
Your craft shakes at high speeds. Try adjusting the wings so that the connection points are at the front of each wing-root. This will allow the wings to bend to the airforces.
Apparently, any damage taken by ai vehicles gets blamed on the player. I was kinda hoping to watch the ships shoot the ai plane, but they just killed me.
Very, very impressive. Fantastic work!
The rotator was easy to find. I cant find anyone that has the pistons though. Top that off with needing a small rotator too =\
I dont mean console commands no. I guess i should have said “imput changes”
And yeah, the hinged rotators and pistons i want to respond to landing gear.
Really? Cuz ive seen a few crafts here and there with rotators tied to landing gear. I just cant find them. (Still trying to)
Excellent work. Needs some control work but great job!
Many thanks =)
Hello. Can you make me a small prop engine with 12 propellor blades? Nothing elsematters. Thanks
The small engine.
Size isnt an issue. Though, 70in on the slider scale, and 3.0x on thickness scale will do. 1000 hp
The landing gear on this is veeerrryyy weak. Like, feather-weight landing or die weak.
Praise: looks awesome and handles quite nicely!
Criticisms: Why are the pitch controls BACKWARDS? Handles poorly on ground.
Excellent work so far! I can't wait to see the finished product.
What's happening is that your fueltank with negative weight has to be nudged into the exact same spot the positive weight fuel tank. Otherwise game gitches thanks to negative mass breaking physics.
Fun build! Great job!
I recommend changing the rotators responsible for steering to respond to the "roll" command instead of Vtol.
i mainly started this as a matter of "can i do it?" now that i have a successful make, i was hoping the SP community would enjoy it, and maybe improve it.
The AI seems to fly all planes as if it's flying the stock P-51. It you can get your planes to controll as smoothly as the p-51, the AI wont have as mich of a problem flying them. Remember: when giving the AI a plane, its success rests in Stability.
Use Q and E to move it in 3rd dimension
Ive got one on my profile, but it's just a simple one. Use it at will if ya want to.
Yeah, that's what i mean. To be able to select.
It is? I didnt see it. Wait one, ill look@Flightsonic
do you dont want trim tabs? I cant be sure.
You cant prove anything ninja sneak
here it's stable, and has a pitch trim. Easy to fly.
@Alltimelow @TehDuck
It was the <3
Cue the hollering seal!
Aww, wont let me fix it. =(
Whoops! I didnt catch that. Fixing
Lets build this city...
Lets build this city on
Rooock and roooollllll OOOHHHHAHHHH
Rules state "No Successors. Must be original." All the default planes were made by players of old. So, no.