It looks like the firewall still blocks it even though I set it to not block the file. I'll play around with it a bit more to try and make it work. @IzzyIA
You should come back. The new fuselage cutting makes almost everything possible. It completely changes the game and adds a whole new dimension to building.
Looks impressive. Is it compatible with trains made for the SPR plugin or will they need some adjusting?
+1@oldmate52 It needs the SPR - Map plugin made by Scratchoza
Suddenly my last build doesn’t seem that detailed anymore
+1@CrazyCatZe the blue text above the image leads you to the image pictured
@AircraftExperimental This was uploaded 4 years ago.....
It’s out already?
I like the steering wheel like yoke
+3Doesn't the whole railway construction shake when the wheels collide with it?
This is beautiful
+1Bit of an odd design with the different cabs
@MacgravelLTD no, it should work instantly
@MacgravelLTD Upload it to a site like imgur or discord and copy the image link

@airlinerbuilder Alright
+1Does it really need to have coaches or is a locomotive enough? The coaches will make the part count very high and make the build laggy.
+1What? @PacificWesternAirlines
@Yourfriendihope Do you play mobile? Maywar only exists on PC.
+5Sure @SheriffHackdogMCPE
+1Hello, can I use the funky code for making the wheels spin on one of my builds?
@realSavageMan I know but I was already working on something that happpens to be 'eco friendly' but the part count has gotten a bit out of hand.
Any wiggle room in the maximum part count?
Really nice build, but it could do with a little more detail
Yokes in an A340? 🤔
It looks like the firewall still blocks it even though I set it to not block the file. I'll play around with it a bit more to try and make it work. @IzzyIA
I have full control and allowed to file to go thru the firewall @IzzyIA
I'm using windows 10 and it says 'This app can't run on your PC' when I try to start it. Any idea on why it does this?
Caledonian had one of the best liveries ever
This looks nice!
So this is where it all started....
+1You should come back. The new fuselage cutting makes almost everything possible. It completely changes the game and adds a whole new dimension to building.
Daf 30
What do you mean? @LarryTad
A Kalmar Tjorven
A hyper car designed by the dutch and styled by the Swedish.
A kalmar Tjorven
+1Delete the text between the [] brackets and the image will show in this post
‘Boing’, how unoriginal! I would never rip off Boeing’s name.
+7Truly inspiring words
I personally find them a lot easier and a lot more fun to build than planes. @SheriffHackdogMCPE
+1Nice, It seems that trains are becoming more popular to build.
+1You should cross the connie with a comet, I’m sure it would look awesome
Any news on the new realistic map? @scratch
+1A Kalmar Tjorven
@JuanNotAnAlt I agree, thats what the comment says
Just upload your planes to the site (unlisted) and download them on your pc