69.5k Chancey21 Comments

  • New Stol post coming soon! 5.1 years ago

    Center of mass close to center of lift, wing loading of like 3.0 to 7.0 lbs/sqft

  • To those people who think I’m a drama causing 5 year old: 5.1 years ago

    jOiNd nInE mOnThS aGo @YourWife

  • Short 330/C-23B Sherpa 5.1 years ago

    Your Presentation is absolutely terrible, everything else is completely flawless about the project.

  • The problem with setting your build standards too high. 5.1 years ago

    I only build things that I’m super super inspired to build and I know I’ll have the motivation to finish will all the details. I have a secret alt account for lower effort stuff

  • Lil Cub 2020 Upgrade 5.1 years ago

    Just download it and scale it with fine tuner @BuiltBionixInd10

  • Lil Cub 2020 Upgrade 5.1 years ago

    Cool @BuiltBionixInd10

  • Lil Cub 2020 Upgrade 5.1 years ago

    I have no idea @BuiltBionixInd10

  • 25K!!! 5.1 years ago

    The achievement of the platinum rank is possibly the most important advancement in your career. It represents not only the time and effort you poured into learning to master the program, but also the extreme levels of perseverance indicative of only the highest level of builder.
    Or it’s just fake internet points kthxbye

  • SimpleMemes I Made At School 5.1 years ago

    Ok, those were mostly actually really funny

  • Story mode? 5.1 years ago

    Probably not coming, maybe for SimpleRockets2

  • Laggy gameplay 5.1 years ago

    Anti aliasing lowering can help drastically

  • Funky Trees Magic: Real, Computerized Flak! 5.1 years ago

    Everyone wants a slice of a man who actually understands funkytrees @BogdanX

  • Funky Trees Magic: Real, Computerized Flak! 5.1 years ago

    Would you be interested in helping me with a little input exploration project of mine?

  • 5.1 years ago

    I can see where you are coming from, but there are enough truly disrespectful people making truly offensive and destructive jokes on the internet o crack down on peeps who took time out of their minute to come comment on a memorial post @bjac0
    The saying goes “press F to pay respects”.
    Of paying respects isn’t respectful, I don’t know what is. The thing is, on the internet, F is synonymous with reverence and paying respects.

  • Opinion on Advertising on SP (more like advice) 5.1 years ago

    I think this is going after instagrams style of advertising

  • Why on Earth would people use ortho-view for thumbnails? 5.1 years ago

    Look at the third screenshot of the Delorian Time Machine, it looks good

  • 5.1 years ago


    Please explain to me why I am being disrespectful...

  • Why are you saying f 5.1 years ago

    Why do people care about saying F for famous people instead of focusing on real problems?

  • It's Been A Rough Year Already 5.1 years ago

    You are more likely to die of the flu than corona, and you are more likely to die in a car crash than the flu. And people text and drive, drink and drive, and speed all the tine. @YourWife

  • It's Been A Rough Year Already 5.1 years ago

    I can’t believe you actually think that, do you want to know the truth about why climate change is happening? I will discuss it with you in another post if you are interested in learning @Gameboi14

  • It's Been A Rough Year Already 5.1 years ago

    Let’s all take a step back and remember that car crashes kill more people every year than all of these things combined.

  • [Rasputin plays in the distance] 5.1 years ago

    100K my boy!!

  • multiple gears for car engines (hear me out) 5.1 years ago

    It would require an entire control overhaul to have realistic gearbox simulation, have you heard of the game BeamNG.Drive? @jacoboopy

  • multiple gears for car engines (hear me out) 5.1 years ago

    Cause car engines don’t matter, they are there to drive wheels and that is it. The aviation game doesn’t need complicated gear shift options, because right now cars are compatible with the airplane control system of the game and adding gears would mess up that intentional simplicity and fluidity of their implementation into the game @jacoboopy

  • If You Think You Have A Better Sense Of Humor Then Do Memes Yourselves 5.1 years ago

    These aren’t as bad as some others I’ve seen

  • New SP Beta with bug fix for Chromebook players 5.1 years ago

    Will the next update be 2.0 or 1.9.2?

  • What the hell happened here? 5.1 years ago

    Oh no! You’re gone!

  • Hello 5.1 years ago

    No, he’s Elon musk @Noname918181

  • Who knows if this is possible? 5.1 years ago

    First of all, you can’t set guns to different inputs anyways...
    But you can do an excellent exhaust effect with jet engines inside the pipe, look at my Martin Patriot or my Martin Explorer for an example

  • FMA IA-58 Pucará Turbo 5.1 years ago

    You can, you just don’t spend the time... @Alienbeef0421

  • 3D Printing Objects can be Trash. 5.1 years ago

    Are you still active?

  • Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster (FedEx Feeder) 5.1 years ago

    Yes, and that’s a good thing, I was completely sold that this was a perfect Platinum quality build. That is a very good thing @ACEPILOT109

  • Coming soon 5.1 years ago


  • Cessna 208B Super Cargomaster (FedEx Feeder) 5.1 years ago

    Nice presentation, I almost spotlighted it because of how selling it was, but then I downloaded it. All of the airfoil shapes are weird, the front windshield is not curved well and you frankly butchered those “E”s on the logo. All easy fixes that would make this build a high quality masterpiece. But I hoped for decent flight at least... I was disappointed...
    It stalled like a modded carbon Cub on steroids, and broke he world record landing distance. Did you research any about how this plane is supposed to perform?
    I hope you’ll accept the criticism and update the build soon.
    You may want to look at my DHC-6 Twin Otter for inspiration on a similar building method and logo accuracy

  • Corellian Corvette Teaser 5.1 years ago

    Yeah, in the show it has meh maneuverability, which is nice, and it is a decent concept. The only thing keeping ot from working irl is lack of RCS, and sufficient engine power for VTOL given that the VTOL thrust is a bleed off of the main forward engine through the bottom. It reminded me of reverse thrust on a Cessna Citation combined with Bacon’s VTOL airliner @EternalDarkness

  • Corellian Corvette Teaser 5.1 years ago

    The Razor Crest from the Mandalorian is well designed, it has very realistic VTOL ability, unlike the X wing @EternalDarkness

  • Look who's back 5.1 years ago

    Hey, wassup man

  • 1Y F-15D Eagle 5.2 years ago

    If you’re worried about how hard it is to land, the problem is in the flaps, they screw with everything @BogdanX

  • Big ram for your vechicles 5.2 years ago

    I know you’re new here so you might not know, but bad language isn’t allowed here. @GemYTryG

  • Lamest Battle Ever 5.2 years ago

    Lamest video quality ever lol, it's like 2 fps

  • Emotional support 5.2 years ago


  • Shoebill the best bird 5.2 years ago

    No thanks

  • Turmoil 5.2 years ago


  • Turmoil 5.2 years ago

    Because of the funny bone... the fizz feeling @SledDriver

  • Northrop F-212 Thunderclap 5.2 years ago

    Ok, I am a hug supporter of your builds, but I do notice that you upload and delete almost every build. @Hedero

  • 5.2 years ago

    Feel free, just know that building the livery for this plane took a long time and may be difficult to remove @Boeing7472

  • Northrop F-212 Thunderclap 5.2 years ago

    Would you please stop fake uploading?