@Telescopeplayer1 For that video, I launched the missiles without a lock, essentially using them as dumb-fire rockets. If you want them to lock, the cockpit has to have direct line-of-sight with the target. In this case, just raise the cockpit up higher
@IndesterSion I'm actually just using the (relatively) new variable-setters feature. It's the (x) icon in the bottom right, near the overload button. You can create a custom input (ie. "stage1"), and set it to: "currentAngle>10?1:Activate2". Then, you can paste "stage1" into the inputs of rotators, piston, etc. and they will act as if you had pasted "currentAngle>10?1:Activate2" into their inputs. This is useful if you have many objects that use the same input, as instead of manually editing the inputs of 8 pistons, you can edit the input in the variable setter and it will automatically apply to all 8.
For only $999 @StavinairCaeruleum
+1Thanks, I’m aware of the mod but I wanted to go full vanilla :D @Falkenwut
Yeah my friend tried it on his phone and it got fried
+1@edensk Thank you :)
+1@Mustang51 Good luck!
+1@Strucker A mod-free version's up if you want to download it now.
+1I built this vehicle around the turret, I needed a quick tank base to mount it on. I’m trying to do vanilla tank tracks now @Strucker
+1@Quec Why thank you, kind sir!
+1@Quec Thx! :D
+1@Stormfur Yes, I would not recommend it on mobile lol
+1@Boeing727200F Enjoy your dopamine!
@Graingy In the wing
lol I almost said “wings” and had to make it singular
@NTH it’s only available on PC, as it’s part of Mayer Island. If you’re on mobile, the Gold Prix race is available
Start winning today!
@crazyplaness what kind of witchcraft is this??
Don't worry, it's mobile friendly!
...How is this curated? LMAO
@keiyronelleavgeek566 24 VTOL nozzles, 8 PID controllers, one free weekend, and the biggest pile of Funky Tree work I’ve done so far!
Blow your enemies into 17,670,002 micro-cells today!
@CrestelAeronautics a loyal follower!
@griges I just turned the UI off lol
Indulge your inner child today!
@pilotaussie It’s my reddit post, with the demonstration video in it.
@crazyplaness I don’t have a headset so no
@crazyplaness I’m on holiday right now and I got some time. Probably, yeah
@CrestelAeronautics WOOOOOO
Receive one of our fine products using the links below!
@bramos0422 It’s one of my oldest creations, but still fun!
@Bird6369 Link in my first comment
@Legomaster0418 Ah, good to know. I'll update my instructions
Get it here today for free!
@SLAY3R1801 I made this before glass was introduced
@Arandomdownloader High, but with my pc, all physics settings work
@Arandomdownloader Try using high physics settings
@Telescopeplayer1 Just hold down the countermeasures button
@Telescopeplayer1 For that video, I launched the missiles without a lock, essentially using them as dumb-fire rockets. If you want them to lock, the cockpit has to have direct line-of-sight with the target. In this case, just raise the cockpit up higher
@IndesterSion I'm actually just using the (relatively) new variable-setters feature. It's the (x) icon in the bottom right, near the overload button. You can create a custom input (ie. "stage1"), and set it to: "currentAngle>10?1:Activate2". Then, you can paste "stage1" into the inputs of rotators, piston, etc. and they will act as if you had pasted "currentAngle>10?1:Activate2" into their inputs. This is useful if you have many objects that use the same input, as instead of manually editing the inputs of 8 pistons, you can edit the input in the variable setter and it will automatically apply to all 8.
Giphy and ImgBB @Lake
I use high, but it appears to work for me on the other modes too @offiry
Can you record a video and upload it somewhere? Reddit, imgur, etc. @rizkiwidiyantoro30
@rizkiwidiyantoro30 It's working fine for me on both PC and Mobile. Are you sure you're launching it correctly?
@Skidkid08 Try adding more weight to your aircraft
link @Coolman1011
link @VINENOLER2222
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1XGmKx/CT-28M-Gypsy @S1lly
@Echostar It's a mod, so I don't think it's available for mobile users unfortunately
Well as I said, I’m quite busy at the moment, so you may have to wait a while… @Brayden1981
Just an occasional vid. I don’t have time right now to build anything new, but maybe in the future @Brayden1981